DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Yes good sheeple, shop more at Walmart and make Alice Walton even richer. She's only a crazy evil bitch who killed a good man and cost another one his job. All Walmart-Worshippers should read up on Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might change their perspective a bit. Walmart was spawned from evil, and is evil. Don't give more of your hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton. Shop elsewhere.

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shopping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.
Yes good sheeple, shop more at Walmart and make Alice Walton even richer. She's only a crazy evil bitch who killed a good man and cost another one his job. All Walmart-Worshippers should read up on Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might change their perspective a bit. Walmart was spawned from evil, and is evil. Don't give more of your hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton. Shop elsewhere.

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shopping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.
Like Walmart's Business Model...put small stores out of business

The only way they can do that is to offer a better selection at a lower price. Awful, I know.

But if they do that by using their clout to get tax breaks and deferments from local governments that give them an advantage over local businesses, the governments are failing to provide equal protection, and need to be held accountable by the feds. This is exactly what the commerce clause was for.

In the specific case of DC and the WalMarts -- What local businesses?

Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.
Yes good sheeple, shop more at Walmart and make Alice Walton even richer. She's only a crazy evil bitch who killed a good man and cost another one his job. All Walmart-Worshippers should read up on Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might change their perspective a bit. Walmart was spawned from evil, and is evil. Don't give more of your hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton. Shop elsewhere.

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Well said. I'll give Costco some props though. I've had pretty good experiences shopping there in the past. But Walmart represents everything wrong in the world. Greedy unethical bastards. Every dollar you drop there, goes to supporting absolute scum like Alice Walton. But besides that, it's a miserable shopping experience as well. The stores are dirty, stinky, and loud. And the service is awful. But i don't blame the workers for that. They're treated like worthless slaves. They're miserable.

I stopped shopping there years ago. I haven't looked back. I can honestly say i enjoy shopping a bit more now. There are stores out there that do provide quality products and good customer service. I don't mind paying a little more for that. I'll never shop at Walmart again. I recommend others stop shopping there too. Don't give your hard-earned money to evil bastards like Alice Walton.
Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.
Yes good sheeple, shop more at Walmart and make Alice Walton even richer. She's only a crazy evil bitch who killed a good man and cost another one his job. All Walmart-Worshippers should read up on Alice Walton's bloody sordid history. It might change their perspective a bit. Walmart was spawned from evil, and is evil. Don't give more of your hard-earned money to scum like Alice Walton. Shop elsewhere.

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shopping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:
But if they do that by using their clout to get tax breaks and deferments from local governments that give them an advantage over local businesses, the governments are failing to provide equal protection, and need to be held accountable by the feds. This is exactly what the commerce clause was for.

In the specific case of DC and the WalMarts -- What local businesses?

Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.
Direct democracy would be where the California referendum went against gay marriage w/ proposition 8.

A constitutional republic would be where the courts struck it down.

And you morons called it mob rule and opposed the "will of the people" when it happened. If a court strikes down the will of the people who voted for something, that court isn't upholding the will of the people but the will of their ideology.

Should the Court have the power to rule on constitutionality or not?

So the will of the people doesn't matter? I thought you said it did earlier. I guess that only matters when it's your will the people want.

Most of the time when "We the People" is invoked, it's actually referring to the will of the government, the people be damned.
People like NYCarbineer talk about the will of the people until that will is something they oppose. That's when they get some group of judges, based on ideology rather than constitutionality, to overrule. However, when their will is the majority, they call attempt to have it overruled as hateful, bigoted, or any other code word.

To truly respect the will of the all of the people, and not just the majority, we must preserve the freedom of everyone to act on their will.
In the specific case of DC and the WalMarts -- What local businesses?

Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

I disagree.
And our country should adopt a fair and reasonable Minimum Wage for its People. Our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment to the rest of the civilized developed world. We are the wealthiest nation on earth, no? We can certainly do better. Time to help our Workers out. We can and should do it.
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Here's a pretty interesting take on the coming dramatic decline of Walmart...

Why The Age Of Walmart Is Over

Like I said before, you know that other people have stock in Walmart other than the Waltons. Right?

Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shopping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.
Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

I disagree.

About what? The purpose of government?
Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shopping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?
And our country should adopt a fair and reasonable Minumum Wage for its People. Our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment to the rest of the civilized developed world. We are the wealthiest nation on earth, no? We can certainly do better. Time to help our Workers out. We can and should do it.

So, anyone who wants to work for less than your idea of the minimum has to sit on the bench, eh?
But if they do that by using their clout to get tax breaks and deferments from local governments that give them an advantage over local businesses, the governments are failing to provide equal protection, and need to be held accountable by the feds. This is exactly what the commerce clause was for.

In the specific case of DC and the WalMarts -- What local businesses?

Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

See, that's what people claim, but it never works out that way.

In the town I grew up, they tried this plan. We'll jack up taxes, and then give tax breaks and subsidies to lure business into the town.

Instead, they jacked up taxes, and business moved out, which lowered the tax base, which required more tax hikes, and more funding for subsidies.... which the higher taxes drove out even more business, which continued the cycle. All during the 1990s, both of the major malls in our suburb, went into a death spiral. By the time I got out of high school, both looked like Detroit today. Kingsdale was flat out spooky. Empty buildings, that you could sort of see through, because they were glass on both sides, but off course dark inside, and everything was left is disarray. It was like a Freddy Kruger boiler room.

But a little over 10 years ago, a brilliant Ph.D Harvard scholar said "dur... why don't we cut all these programs and subsidies and just lower taxes and regulations?"

Now today, after 5 to 10 years, both malls have completely been transformed. They are packed front to back with stores and business, and the parking lot that was formerly always vacant, now you can't hardly find a spot to park.

Was it some brilliant horse trading? Some Federal program? So subsidy where politicians paid back political supporters with special deals?

No.... they cut taxes... cut regulations... and the free-market brought economic growth all by itself.
You really should see a professional about all of this hate you seem to harbor for anyone that is not you.

Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?

Yes, she can count on my help. Back to your fry basket, bitch.
Fuck Alice Walton.

Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?

Yes, she can count on my help. Back to your fry basket, bitch.

Well then, that's on you. She thanks you for your support.
Back to your fry basket, loser.

Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?

Yes, she can count on my help. Back to your fry basket, bitch.

Well then, that's on you. She thanks you for your support.

Well then, that's on you.

Me and the 125 million Americans who shop there every week.
Yes, Alice needs more of your cash. So by all means, keep on giving to her. Ya big ole dummy. :cuckoo:

Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?

Yes, she can count on my help. Back to your fry basket, bitch.

Well then, that's on you. She thanks you for your support.

Well then, that's on you.

Me and the 125 million Americans who shop there every week.

Nothing to boast about tard.

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