DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Direct democracy would be where the California referendum went against gay marriage w/ proposition 8.

A constitutional republic would be where the courts struck it down.

And you morons called it mob rule and opposed the "will of the people" when it happened. If a court strikes down the will of the people who voted for something, that court isn't upholding the will of the people but the will of their ideology.

Should the Court have the power to rule on constitutionality or not?

So the will of the people doesn't matter? I thought you said it did earlier. I guess that only matters when it's your will the people want.

Are you nuts? We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. In 2000 Bush's brother Jeb and Jeb's concubine Katherine Harris stole the election by cooking the books in Jeb's state(FL). I wouldn't trust a Republican in the shit house with a muzzle on.

You were running? What office?

If you're claiming illegal activity went on, prove it or STFU.

I wouldn't piss on a Democrat if he/she was on fire to put them out unless I could piss gasoline.

Illegal is in the eyes of the beholder. A close friend of mine was assigned to the Boca Raton area working for a third party maintenance group and they were called to fix the machines which were "hanging chad." He said he did not see the first punched card which had been disqualified that a person couldn't positively identify the intentions of the voter and that nearly all of the "disqualified" votes were obviously Democrat. I wouldn't trust a goddam right wing tax cutter in the shithouse with a muzzle on. Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris stole that election for George Bush......PERIOD! Al Gore got over half a million more votes nation wide than George Bush. Damn strange coincidence that Jeb was the governor and without Florida Gore would have won. That whole goddam rat race, both state and supreme court on a vote of 5-4 in favor of Republicans gave it to the tax cutting, war mongering idiot!
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And you morons called it mob rule and opposed the "will of the people" when it happened. If a court strikes down the will of the people who voted for something, that court isn't upholding the will of the people but the will of their ideology.

Should the Court have the power to rule on constitutionality or not?

So the will of the people doesn't matter? I thought you said it did earlier. I guess that only matters when it's your will the people want.

Most of the time when "We the People" is invoked, it's actually referring to the will of the government, the people be damned.
People like NYCarbineer talk about the will of the people until that will is something they oppose. That's when they get some group of judges, based on ideology rather than constitutionality, to overrule. However, when their will is the majority, they call attempt to have it overruled as hateful, bigoted, or any other code word.

To truly respect the will of the all of the people, and not just the majority, we must preserve the freedom of everyone to act on their will.

You can't govern by the will of all the People. That's idiocy.
In the specific case of DC and the WalMarts -- What local businesses?

Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?
Just give me a large order of fries and quit yer whinin', bitch.

Alice needs another yacht. Can she count on you to help her out? So she killed a man and had another fired? No biggy, she's got lots of shitty Chinese slave-made blenders and microwaves for ya. Does she have your support?

Yes, she can count on my help. Back to your fry basket, bitch.

Well then, that's on you. She thanks you for your support.

Well then, that's on you.

Me and the 125 million Americans who shop there every week.

Nothing to boast about tard.

More fries, loser.
Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

A society of free people makes a country great, not government.
To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

A society of free people makes a country great, not government.

Freedom includes the freedom to form a government of their choosing.

Nice dodge of my question. You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.
To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

A society of free people makes a country great, not government.

Societies don't exist without government.
You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.
You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.

And the poor would do without. We in the civilized world don't want that. That's why your kind will never rule.
You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.

And the poor would do without. We in the civilized world don't want that. That's why your kind will never rule.

'My kind' doesn't want to rule. That's an authoritarian aspiration. The idea that the coercive state is the equivalent of civilization will be seen as quaint and barbaric by more liberal societies.
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In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you are unaware no small business filled that gap in D.C. you idiot.

Than tough. I don't need a Walmart in my area teaching people how to suck up more of my tax money.

Well, without the jobs they are sucking up MY tax money to pay the welfare.

A band-aid is NOT the solution to a failing economic strategy.

A band-aid? How about what we might term -- a start?

Inner city DC is a retail desert. Poor DC-- where the WalMarts were to be located -- is a total desert.

You people simply are ignorant about the conditions in DC.
so why aren't there stores there? could it be business see no value there?
You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.

And the poor would do without. We in the civilized world don't want that. That's why your kind will never rule.
that's why your solution will always ensure poor people are suppressed. You love it that they are, you can't keep them there long enough.

BTW, that isn't civilized.
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.

You're only expressing your ignorance here. I'm not an anarchist. But I recognize a different hierarchy of sovereignty, one that I think is closer to the true spirit of American society. The genius of the founders was their affirmation that government exists at the pleasure of society, and not the other way around. Governments come and go; societies live on, and thrive on their virtues - not on the coercive might of their government, which is always fleeting.
You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.

And the poor would do without. We in the civilized world don't want that. That's why your kind will never rule.
that's why your solution will always ensure poor people are suppressed. You love it that they are, you can't keep them there long enough.

BTW, that isn't civilized.

It's oppressive to poor kids to offer them a basic education regardless of their ability to pay?

How does that oppress the poor?
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.

You're only expressing your ignorance here. I'm not an anarchist. But I recognize a different hierarchy of sovereignty, one that I think is closer to the true spirit of American society. The genius of the founders was their affirmation that government exists at the pleasure of society, and not the other way around. Governments come and go; societies live on, and thrive on their virtues - not on the coercive might of their government, which is always fleeting.

There is no 'true spirit of American society'. The genius of the founders, such as it was, was to recognize that the Articles of Confederation,

your kind of government,

didn't work.

And democratic governments that are coercive are so by the will of the People. You sound like the type who would prefer a wise and benevolent dictator,

if you were lucky enough to turn things over to one.
And our country should adopt a fair and reasonable Minumum Wage for its People. Our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment to the rest of the civilized developed world. We are the wealthiest nation on earth, no? We can certainly do better. Time to help our Workers out. We can and should do it.

So, anyone who wants to work for less than your idea of the minimum has to sit on the bench, eh?

You clearly know that ending public education would be idiocy.

I know the opposite. It would remove from government (and from the banksters who pull it's levers) the ability to indoctrinate compliant soldiers and serfs to do its bidding.

And the poor would do without. We in the civilized world don't want that. That's why your kind will never rule.
that's why your solution will always ensure poor people are suppressed. You love it that they are, you can't keep them there long enough.

BTW, that isn't civilized.

It's oppressive to poor kids to offer them a basic education regardless of their ability to pay?

How does that oppress the poor?
it isn't just poor kids fool. It is all of americans the right to an education funded by the people. It is not a right to get welfare. And as I already pointed out, your way ensures they stay there, which is not civilized. next?
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.

You're only expressing your ignorance here. I'm not an anarchist. But I recognize a different hierarchy of sovereignty, one that I think is closer to the true spirit of American society. The genius of the founders was their affirmation that government exists at the pleasure of society, and not the other way around. Governments come and go; societies live on, and thrive on their virtues - not on the coercive might of their government, which is always fleeting.

There is no 'true spirit of American society'. The genius of the founders, such as it was, was to recognize that the Articles of Confederation,

your kind of government,

didn't work.

And democratic governments that are coercive are so by the will of the People. You sound like the type who would prefer a wise and benevolent dictator,

if you were lucky enough to turn things over to one.
hand out societies don't work, look at what was the soviet union. You really should educate yourself.

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