DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

This is all a fairytale. Walmart over built. They built their stores too close together. They can do the same sales without these stores and reduce the workforce at the same time. Don't read something into this that isn't there.
unless of course your agenda is to take every opportunity to scream foul somewhere.
Not interested in making scum like Alice Walton richer. I choose to shop elsewhere. And i actually kinda enjoy shoping now. Walmart's a miserable hellhole. I don't miss it at all.

Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.
And you morons called it mob rule and opposed the "will of the people" when it happened. If a court strikes down the will of the people who voted for something, that court isn't upholding the will of the people but the will of their ideology.

Should the Court have the power to rule on constitutionality or not?

So the will of the people doesn't matter? I thought you said it did earlier. I guess that only matters when it's your will the people want.

Are you nuts? We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. In 2000 Bush's brother Jeb and Jeb's concubine Katherine Harris stole the election by cooking the books in Jeb's state(FL). I wouldn't trust a Republican in the shit house with a muzzle on.

You were running? What office?

If you're claiming illegal activity went on, prove it or STFU.

I wouldn't piss on a Democrat if he/she was on fire to put them out unless I could piss gasoline.

Illegal is in the eyes of the beholder. A close friend of mine was assigned to the Boca Raton area working for a third party maintenance group and they were called to fix the machines which were "hanging chad." He said he did not see the first punched card which had been disqualified that a person couldn't positively identify the intentions of the voter and that nearly all of the "disqualified" votes were obviously Democrat. I wouldn't trust a goddam right wing tax cutter in the shithouse with a muzzle on. Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris stole that election for George Bush......PERIOD! Al Gore got over half a million more votes nation wide than George Bush. Damn strange coincidence that Jeb was the governor and without Florida Gore would have won. That whole goddam rat race, both state and supreme court on a vote of 5-4 in favor of Republicans gave it to the tax cutting, war mongering idiot!

Funny because I heard that exact same story... and I mean EXACT same story, and you said it almost verbatim.... except they said 'republican' instead of 'democrat'. In short, I don't believe anything you just said. I've heard that fairy tale from a dozen different sources, and the only thing that changes is that if it's a Republican source, they say republican votes were disqualified, if it's a democrap source, then democrat votes were disqualified.

Here's what I do know.... Bill Clinton was caught a dozen times violating the law, and committing felonies. You people on the left defended a criminal.

You have no credibility judging anyone, you felon supporting trash.

And as for Katherina Harris... why you even mention her is beyond me. She followed the law. Period. Of course given you are felon supporting scum bag, it must tick you off that she followed the law. Evil people always hate the good people.
Fuck I don't know. And I don't care enough to go digging for it. But I've read plenty of reports documenting how large corporations shop municipal and state government for freebies and breaks. And they usually get them. It's not exactly a secret. Are you denying it?

To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

Well given the fact that pay-go schools constantly and consistently out perform gov-schools.... I think more people going to pay-go schools would be a ton better for America.
You guys do know that there are other factors that could go into justifying/keeping a franchise store open.

For instance, some franchise uses a minimum profit scale. If the store can not meet or surpass the minimum profit range, then it is considered a burden despite the fact that it is the only store in a city or that it is still making a profit.

Funny thing, it is not uncommon for HQ to recalculate the minimum profit and justify reopening a store a few years later.

Know this, it is possible that the top 10% percent of profittable stores also are the reason why the minimum profit is at the level it is. A very bad use of financial stats that can be utilized for other reasons.
You need to explain that to all the Walmart haters on this site. Many have posted a link to an article showing where over 150 Walmart stores are closing soon. What they fail to mention, making what they say disingenuous, is that Walmart has plans to open very near that many in 2017.

How many are they opening in states with a minimum wage above the federal minimum?


I've already proven you wrong on your claim of almost all closings were in southern states. Haven't you been embarrassed enough. Guess not.

I already corrected that to 2 out of 3 which still proves my point.

When you add in the Walmart closings in non-southern states that have minimum wages no higher than the federal minimum wage my point is proven either further.
To be very honest, sometimes those tax breaks and incentives are good things.

It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

Well given the fact that pay-go schools constantly and consistently out perform gov-schools.... I think more people going to pay-go schools would be a ton better for America.

Good! Let the parents pay for it!
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.

I'm not opposed to having government. I'm not supporting anarchy.

I'm also not opposed to local government having local laws.

What I'm opposed to, is a dictatorship of the majority at the Federal level.

Government should be limited to it's roll of protecting the people's rights. Not dictating their lives.

Life.... Liberty... and Property, or the pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit. Pursuit doesn't equal confiscation of others property for your benefit.

In other words, our government should follow the constitution, and limited to the specific enumerated powers contained therein, and with all other rights reserved to the state.

The Federal government should have nothing to do with education, health care, or socialist insecurity.

Now if California wants to ruin their state with bad gov-care, and having rolling power black outs because of bad energy policy.... by all means. Institute a socialist hell. But no other state, nor any Federal government, should be able to tell any other state what policies they must have.
It's unjust government. Whenever one person, or business, or class of people, gets a perk, some people are bound to think it's a "good thing". Others, not so much. It's not up to government to score "good things" for us. Government should be the referee, applying the rules equally.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

Well given the fact that pay-go schools constantly and consistently out perform gov-schools.... I think more people going to pay-go schools would be a ton better for America.

Good! Let the parents pay for it!

I had a friend who was home schooled. She was far more educated than I ever was, and I went to one of the best public school systems in central Ohio. Supposedly our school system was one of the top ones in the state.

I cost the city thousands of dollars to education, and ended up dropping out of college.

She on the other hand cost her city zero, and got a full scholarship through college, because she tested so high.

Which one, me or her, cost the most, and is the larger benefit to society?
Walmart is closing dozens of stores in states where the WALMART minimum wage is higher than the state minimum wage.

Have you forgotten this?

Walmart is raising its minimum wage for more than 100,000 U.S. workers

Read the article. Next month, claims Walmart, its own minimum wage will be $10.

And yet, you idiots claim that this big store closing plan is about minimum wage.

You're stupid.

Well... it is.

That makes perfect sense to me.

Think about it.... because of all this "Fight for 15" crap, Walmart instituted a corporate wide minimum wage.

Well in states where the labor cost is significantly lower, they are closing stores.

That is perfectly logical. If other stores are paying their employees lower wages, that places Walmart at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, they are being driven out of those markets.

So all your poor employees that are supposedly soaking up tons of government benefits and welfare while working at Walmart, are now so much better off, earning ZERO, and getting tons MORE welfare and benefits.

I'm not sure why you people on the left can't think that through. Economic education must be terrible.
Societies don't exist without government.

Would you please do me the favor of making this your sig? It's perhaps the most telling fallacy of the modern statist.

Man is a social animal. Government is essential to the social order of man. Even a single family has government.

Anything else is chaos.

And btw, when certain times come, you'll be as quick to call the cops as the next person, despite your habitual outbursts of anti-government nonsense.

I'm not opposed to having government. I'm not supporting anarchy.

I'm also not opposed to local government having local laws.

What I'm opposed to, is a dictatorship of the majority at the Federal level.

Government should be limited to it's roll of protecting the people's rights. Not dictating their lives.

Life.... Liberty... and Property, or the pursuit of Happiness. Pursuit. Pursuit doesn't equal confiscation of others property for your benefit.

In other words, our government should follow the constitution, and limited to the specific enumerated powers contained therein, and with all other rights reserved to the state.

The Federal government should have nothing to do with education, health care, or socialist insecurity.

Now if California wants to ruin their state with bad gov-care, and having rolling power black outs because of bad energy policy.... by all means. Institute a socialist hell. But no other state, nor any Federal government, should be able to tell any other state what policies they must have.

A dictatorship of the majority?

You are an anarchist, because a government by unanimous consent can't function.
Walmart is closing dozens of stores in states where the WALMART minimum wage is higher than the state minimum wage.

Have you forgotten this?

Walmart is raising its minimum wage for more than 100,000 U.S. workers

Read the article. Next month, claims Walmart, its own minimum wage will be $10.

And yet, you idiots claim that this big store closing plan is about minimum wage.

You're stupid.

Well... it is.

That makes perfect sense to me.

Think about it.... because of all this "Fight for 15" crap, Walmart instituted a corporate wide minimum wage.

Well in states where the labor cost is significantly lower, they are closing stores.

That is perfectly logical. If other stores are paying their employees lower wages, that places Walmart at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, they are being driven out of those markets.

So all your poor employees that are supposedly soaking up tons of government benefits and welfare while working at Walmart, are now so much better off, earning ZERO, and getting tons MORE welfare and benefits.

I'm not sure why you people on the left can't think that through. Economic education must be terrible.

Slavery was full employment for black people.
The entire District of Columbia benefitted from the Verizon Center development. There's no question that more and better retail helps the economic life of the city, bringing in more tax revenue and attracting residents.

It's called multiplication.

Again, it's not a question of who benefits. Whenever we give special perks via government, someone else - someone who isn't getting those perks, is getting screwed. Even if the majority clearly benefits, we shouldn't use government in this way. The purpose of government is to protect our freedom, not to benefit the majority at the expense of the minority.

So public education is out as far as you're concerned. Then only those who can pay get to go?

How will that America better?

Well given the fact that pay-go schools constantly and consistently out perform gov-schools.... I think more people going to pay-go schools would be a ton better for America.

Good! Let the parents pay for it!

I had a friend who was home schooled. She was far more educated than I ever was, and I went to one of the best public school systems in central Ohio. Supposedly our school system was one of the top ones in the state.

I cost the city thousands of dollars to education, and ended up dropping out of college.

She on the other hand cost her city zero, and got a full scholarship through college, because she tested so high.

Which one, me or her, cost the most, and is the larger benefit to society?

Did your parents have the ability to home school you? Most people do not.

Did your parents have the finances to send you to a private school? Many people do not.

I went to a public high school, went to college through the Navy and got my teacher certification and Master's degree through the GI Bill.

My daughter went to a public high school and went to college through the Army and will graduate with a degree in biology and be commissioned as an Army officer.

Which one, me or her, you, or your friend, cost the most, and is the larger benefit to society?
What the fuck you talking about? The stores they were going to open up was around 450 jobs. Where their is no FUCKING jobs.

The three stores that opened up in the D.C. area had like 5,000 applicants for only 300 jobs if memory serves me correctly.

In case you were unaware, Walmart instructs their low wage employees how to apply for Medicaid and Food Stamps.
No Walmart jobs = no extra Middle Class Tax Payer money going to support low wage Walmart employees.
Smaller stores with less leeching government power will fill the gap.

In case you were unaware, Indeependent would prefer to have people unemployed than doing jobs or working for companies of which he dispapproves.

Ooh, I see you read all of my posts in this Thread...NOT!!!
Pass Go and collect your "Cecilie1200 is yet another knee-jerk Conservative a$$hole who didn't read all of Independent's postings in this Thread".

Oh, you aren't advocating that it's better for WalMart not to open and employ people if they're not going to pay the wage you want them to? That wouldn't mean those people being unemployed? You haven't posted many times in many threads that it's better for employers who don't pay the wages you approve of to simply not exist, and thereby not employ people?

By all means, prove that you've been misunderstood.

Conservative, pro business bullshit.
You CAN'T STAND poor people getting Welfare EXCEPT when it is alignment with a Corporations Business Model.
You think I don't read it when Conservatives brag on one Thread about how good the poor have it in the US and then bitch about it in another Thread?
Total hypocrisy when it comes to supporting Business.

Honey, my disapproval of social programs in general is a separate issue from my disapproval of preferring that people be totally dependent on them, rather than ALSO having a job that gives them a gateway to someday not needing the social programs.

Translated, I'd rather have them fucking working than not, and I refuse to apologize for it to someone who thinks they're better off unemployed than working for "eeeeevil" WalMart.
A Libertarian advocating an Entity whose Business Model includes Social Welfare programs?

I'm not advocating for an "Entity" (seriously, capitalized?? is it some important Essence or something?). I'm simply pointing out the idiocy of your complaint. If you don't like Wal-Mart, or anyone else who hires poor people, to profit from welfare, make it illegal for people with a job to get welfare.

Yes, an Entity IS important because it often determines the Legislation that removes renumeration from your paycheck.
Yeah, I can talk fancy if you'd prefer.
Now, Liberatrian retard, Walmart's Business Model INCLUDES training employees to go on Tax Payer assistance.
Got it, Libtard?

Good for them!

Listen, I'm not one of these stingy conservatives who whines about leeches on welfare. They didn't create the stupid system. If they can glean some benefit from it, good for them.

I understand that companies like Wal-Mart profiting from welfare (you're kidding yourself if you think they're the only ones) is an unintended consequence of the welfare state. But it's exactly the kind of unintended consequence that libertarians complain about when these laws are proposed. And we're slammed for being heartless.

So, in the end, I just think it's kind of funny.

As I said, if this shit really burns you up, why not just make it illegal for companies to hire anyone on welfare. Wouldn't that pretty directly solve the problem?

How exactly does Walmart.... or ANYONE.... "profit" from the welfare? What's your logic there?

Do you think that if Welfare did not exist, they would pay more? I would argue the exact opposite. Without welfare, more people would get off their butts, and work. This would result in there being a larger supply of zero-skill labor... which would if anything, lower the price of labor.

Welfare if anything, costs Walmart more. Not only in the 30% corporate tax rate that is higher than the rest of the world, that they wouldn't need to pay if the government wasn't funding the welfare state, but also in the fact they have to pay wages high enough to convince people to work, instead of sitting around on welfare.

I support local stores being helped by Federal money for a certain period of time.
Too many local stores that don't have the political clout of the Waltons have closed.
That bothers me.

Why? They clearly weren't providing what the community wanted, or they'd have had customers.

Or are you really trying to tell me that you think the only reason WalMart is in business is because they give jobs to people who are also on welfare?

Small businesses that are providing something essential that cannot be provided more cheaply by a big-box store do not go out of business when the big boxes come to town. Small businesses that don't figure that out have a flawed business model, and go under. Simple as that.
Everybody in freaking Washington D.C. is on the federal teat. They would be unemployable in a simple job like Walmart.

Is ANYONE advocating for the residents?
Is perpetual poverty an answer for an American city?

That's why we wanted WalMart to come in, idiot.
No problem; just ensure no Tax Dollars from Long Island get there until a bunch of locals own their own stores and hire local people.

Well, let's see. That's not a really good retail model in the current environment.

Where do you buy your groceries? I buy mine from a small chain of gourmet stores based in NY but have a few branches in the local area. I buy essentials from Harris Teeter. Oh, wait, owned by Kroger. Of course Whole Foods is a giant in our inner city. In the gentrified areas, of course.

I could buy from the Korean convenience store but their prices are higher than Harris Teeter's for the same merchandise.

Oh, and one more thing --YOUR tax dollars? Since when does someone from LI pay DC taxes?

I buy the majority of my groceries from Fry's, which is a subsidiary of Kroger's. This is because I can buy most of what I want all in one place, with a wide selection and low prices. I buy some of them, though, from the carniceria across the street from my house. I love Mexican food, and they specialize in authentic Mexican brands the big supermarkets don't carry, plus they sell delicious tamales they make on-site, and their butcher section has a marinated chicken breast that's to die for once you grill it.

The carnicerias in Tucson do great business, because they provide something you can't get at chain supermarkets and which is in high demand.
No problem; just ensure no Tax Dollars from Long Island get there until a bunch of locals own their own stores and hire local people.

Well, let's see. That's not a really good retail model in the current environment.

Where do you buy your groceries? I buy mine from a small chain of gourmet stores based in NY but have a few branches in the local area. I buy essentials from Harris Teeter. Oh, wait, owned by Kroger. Of course Whole Foods is a giant in our inner city. In the gentrified areas, of course.

I could buy from the Korean convenience store but their prices are higher than Harris Teeter's for the same merchandise.

Oh, and one more thing --YOUR tax dollars? Since when does someone from LI pay DC taxes?

I have addressed these issues already.
And yes, our Federal Tax Dollars go across our great nation and to other nations.

No more than my Federal tax dollars go to support liberal welfare programs on LI.

We're even.

Now explain why you think keeping jobs from DC is a good thing.

Did I not just mention my support for helping locals to own and grow stores?
Did I mess something there?
Do you own Walmart stock?
LI Liberal? Good one!

I don't think anyone here has a problem with you using your money to support locals. That's what I do too. But other people actually like Wal-Mart, and they should be able to support them as they see fit, eh?

I hate local businesses whose main advertising thrust is to tell me how they're "locally owned" and I should support local stores. This is commerce, not charity, and whining at me about how I "owe" you "support" without telling me what I'M getting out of the deal - other than a smug sense of leftist moral superiority - is not telling me anything I need to know. I can't see any way in which I could possibly care less.
Not just in DC. Aren't the policies of the Dem/libs so good for bringing in jobs. If you don't have a job thank your State and city government


Nick Ut / Associated Press
by Chriss W. Street17 Jan 2016Newport Beach, CA7,127

17 Jan, 2016 18 Jan, 2016
Los Angeles residents of impoverished Chinatown were shocked to learn on January 17 that the Walmart they pleaded for years to get would be shut down at 7 p.m. Sunday evening due to the city’s new $15 minimum wage ordinance, and union harassment.

all of it here:
Walmart Closes LA Store Over $15 Minimum Wage - Breitbart
Well, let's see. That's not a really good retail model in the current environment.

Where do you buy your groceries? I buy mine from a small chain of gourmet stores based in NY but have a few branches in the local area. I buy essentials from Harris Teeter. Oh, wait, owned by Kroger. Of course Whole Foods is a giant in our inner city. In the gentrified areas, of course.

I could buy from the Korean convenience store but their prices are higher than Harris Teeter's for the same merchandise.

Oh, and one more thing --YOUR tax dollars? Since when does someone from LI pay DC taxes?

I have addressed these issues already.
And yes, our Federal Tax Dollars go across our great nation and to other nations.

No more than my Federal tax dollars go to support liberal welfare programs on LI.

We're even.

Now explain why you think keeping jobs from DC is a good thing.

Did I not just mention my support for helping locals to own and grow stores?
Did I mess something there?
Do you own Walmart stock?
LI Liberal? Good one!

I don't think anyone here has a problem with you using your money to support locals. That's what I do too. But other people actually like Wal-Mart, and they should be able to support them as they see fit, eh?

I hate local businesses whose main advertising thrust is to tell me how they're "locally owned" and I should support local stores. This is commerce, not charity, and whining at me about how I "owe" you "support" without telling me what I'M getting out of the deal - other than a smug sense of leftist moral superiority - is not telling me anything I need to know. I can't see any way in which I could possibly care less.

I have my opinion whether or not you agree.
And I'm NOT the one who decides whether or not Walmart opens near you.
If Walmart lets you down...blame Walmart.

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