DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart

Walmart is closing dozens of stores in states where the WALMART minimum wage is higher than the state minimum wage.

Have you forgotten this?

Walmart is raising its minimum wage for more than 100,000 U.S. workers

Read the article. Next month, claims Walmart, its own minimum wage will be $10.

And yet, you idiots claim that this big store closing plan is about minimum wage.

You're stupid.

Well... it is.

That makes perfect sense to me.

Think about it.... because of all this "Fight for 15" crap, Walmart instituted a corporate wide minimum wage.

Well in states where the labor cost is significantly lower, they are closing stores.

That is perfectly logical. If other stores are paying their employees lower wages, that places Walmart at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, they are being driven out of those markets.

So all your poor employees that are supposedly soaking up tons of government benefits and welfare while working at Walmart, are now so much better off, earning ZERO, and getting tons MORE welfare and benefits.

I'm not sure why you people on the left can't think that through. Economic education must be terrible.

Slavery was full employment for black people.

Since you are using the race card, you are aware that the Minimum wage was instituted to prevent the minority from working, are you not?

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage

The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”

African-American economist Thomas Sowell with Stanford University’s Hoover Institutiongives an uncomfortable historical primer behind minimum wage laws:

“In 1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”

Nice try.

He is absolutely right. So it's bit more than a 'nice try'. It's the truth.

About what? The labor unions and anti-trust laws made it possible for the formation of our middle class. Please tell me that you don't believe that 1890's America had a bigger middle class with more workers rights then 1950s America. It doesn't make sense and you fucking know it.
Nice try.

At what? Exposing the truth?

No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

Are you so sure about that?

Or is that what your handlers tell you?

Your handlers at goldmens sacks??? lol The main reason for the minimum wage is to make sure our workers don't get paid the pennies on the hour that negroes in africa or south asians currently receive even as the ceo's get tens of millions. Wake the fuck up.

Also we're far better off with higher per capita gdp of our population...Which most of western europe enjoys today!!! Think about it,,,Africa has a small super rich and a massive poor. What do you believe separates europe from Africa? We're heading towards africa and that is bad.
Well... it is.

That makes perfect sense to me.

Think about it.... because of all this "Fight for 15" crap, Walmart instituted a corporate wide minimum wage.

Well in states where the labor cost is significantly lower, they are closing stores.

That is perfectly logical. If other stores are paying their employees lower wages, that places Walmart at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, they are being driven out of those markets.

So all your poor employees that are supposedly soaking up tons of government benefits and welfare while working at Walmart, are now so much better off, earning ZERO, and getting tons MORE welfare and benefits.

I'm not sure why you people on the left can't think that through. Economic education must be terrible.

Slavery was full employment for black people.

Since you are using the race card, you are aware that the Minimum wage was instituted to prevent the minority from working, are you not?

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage

The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”

African-American economist Thomas Sowell with Stanford University’s Hoover Institutiongives an uncomfortable historical primer behind minimum wage laws:

“In 1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”

Nice try.

He is absolutely right. So it's bit more than a 'nice try'. It's the truth.

About what? The labor unions and anti-trust laws made it possible for the formation of our middle class. Please tell me that you don't believe that 1890's America had a bigger middle class with more workers rights then 1950s America. It doesn't make sense and you fucking know it.

Not true. Not even close to true. Correlation does not equal causation. Just because A happened, and B happened, does not mean that A obviously caused B.

Anti-trust laws did nothing but harm the public. If anything they drove up prices, making it more expensive for people to achieve a better quality of life.

Unions did play a specific purpose that I agree with. But there is zero evidence that they created the middle class. What ignorance is that?

And even though Unions served a purpose at some point in history, doesn't mean diddly jack for today. Unions have only served to destroy jobs, and destroy the middle class today. You can't use a good thing in the 1800s, to justify devastation today.
At what? Exposing the truth?

No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

Are you so sure about that?

Or is that what your handlers tell you?

Your handlers at goldmens sacks??? lol The main reason for the minimum wage is to make sure our workers don't get paid the pennies on the hour that negroes in africa or south asians currently receive even as the ceo's get tens of millions. Wake the fuck up.

Also we're far better off with higher per capita gdp of our population...Which most of western europe enjoys today!!! Think about it,,,Africa has a small super rich and a massive poor. What do you believe separates europe from Africa? We're heading towards africa and that is bad.

Lots of hot air, not much fact in your post.

I'll explain it again, so that other more intelligent people will understand. You, I wager, are a hopeless partisan, and will never understand it.

In South Africa, the average black laborer was lower skilled and un-educated.... relative to white laborers.

Employers discovered they could hire these laborers at a lower wage, which allowed them to be competitive in the market.

Even overtly racists employers, had no choice but to hire black African labor, because to refuse to hire cheap labor, would place them at a disadvantage to those who did hire cheap black african labor.

Moreover, the white dominated Unions hated these cheaper black labor, because "the Blacks are stealing our jobs!" (sounds like Mexicans today).

So the racist white employers, and the racists white unions, teamed up to push for a minimum wage law.

What the minimum wage law did, was make it so that no one could hire cheaper black labor. If you have to pay full price for either an educated and skilled employee, or full price for an unskilled uneducated employee... which do you hire?

The Unions kept blacks from taking their expensive White Union jobs.
The racists employers now didn't have to hire a single black employee, because competition couldn't undercut their business.

Even non-racists employers, couldn't afford to pay full price for a marginal employee. So they didn't hire black people either.

And since the primary way an employee gains skills, is by working a job, the minimum wage effectively doomed black employees to poverty for life.

Now again, this is for all the intelligent people on the forum. I'm sure you'll have more mindless excuses to spew everywhere.
Well... it is.

That makes perfect sense to me.

Think about it.... because of all this "Fight for 15" crap, Walmart instituted a corporate wide minimum wage.

Well in states where the labor cost is significantly lower, they are closing stores.

That is perfectly logical. If other stores are paying their employees lower wages, that places Walmart at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, they are being driven out of those markets.

So all your poor employees that are supposedly soaking up tons of government benefits and welfare while working at Walmart, are now so much better off, earning ZERO, and getting tons MORE welfare and benefits.

I'm not sure why you people on the left can't think that through. Economic education must be terrible.

Slavery was full employment for black people.

Since you are using the race card, you are aware that the Minimum wage was instituted to prevent the minority from working, are you not?

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage

The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”

African-American economist Thomas Sowell with Stanford University’s Hoover Institutiongives an uncomfortable historical primer behind minimum wage laws:

“In 1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”

Nice try.

He is absolutely right. So it's bit more than a 'nice try'. It's the truth.

About what? The labor unions and anti-trust laws made it possible for the formation of our middle class. Please tell me that you don't believe that 1890's America had a bigger middle class with more workers rights then 1950s America. It doesn't make sense and you fucking know it.

Exactly....iN THE EARLY '50'S I was a member of local 9-288 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers(OCAW) and we kept the company in line as far as salary scales. A typical company executive made no more than three or four times what a process operator or maintenance worker earned. Benefits were for all and not just a few. Back then a U S corporate executive like a CEO or CFO earned 12-15 times what an average worker made. Laugh if you will but watch the salaries of top sports figures. When pro football and basketball players began to sign multi-million dollar contracts the captains of industry observed and to themselves said, "Those Black Bastards Aren't Going To Make More Than I Do!"
Nice try.

At what? Exposing the truth?

No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

These days, it's mostly used as pablum to inspire the dummies. Sorta like conservatives used to use flag burning laws to get people stirred up.

It is, however, a good opportunity to shine a light on ignorance and maybe, just maybe, wake a few liberals up to the scams they're falling for. Doesn't it ever seem odd that the more you vote for this kind of stuff, the more your leaders sell you out to corporate interests? (eg ACA)

No it's used to set a minimum wage that a business is allowed to pay.
No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

Are you so sure about that?

Or is that what your handlers tell you?

Your handlers at goldmens sacks??? lol The main reason for the minimum wage is to make sure our workers don't get paid the pennies on the hour that negroes in africa or south asians currently receive even as the ceo's get tens of millions. Wake the fuck up.

Also we're far better off with higher per capita gdp of our population...Which most of western europe enjoys today!!! Think about it,,,Africa has a small super rich and a massive poor. What do you believe separates europe from Africa? We're heading towards africa and that is bad.

Lots of hot air, not much fact in your post.

I'll explain it again, so that other more intelligent people will understand. You, I wager, are a hopeless partisan, and will never understand it.

In South Africa, the average black laborer was lower skilled and un-educated.... relative to white laborers.

Employers discovered they could hire these laborers at a lower wage, which allowed them to be competitive in the market.

Even overtly racists employers, had no choice but to hire black African labor, because to refuse to hire cheap labor, would place them at a disadvantage to those who did hire cheap black african labor.

Moreover, the white dominated Unions hated these cheaper black labor, because "the Blacks are stealing our jobs!" (sounds like Mexicans today).

So the racist white employers, and the racists white unions, teamed up to push for a minimum wage law.

What the minimum wage law did, was make it so that no one could hire cheaper black labor. If you have to pay full price for either an educated and skilled employee, or full price for an unskilled uneducated employee... which do you hire?

The Unions kept blacks from taking their expensive White Union jobs.
The racists employers now didn't have to hire a single black employee, because competition couldn't undercut their business.

Even non-racists employers, couldn't afford to pay full price for a marginal employee. So they didn't hire black people either.

And since the primary way an employee gains skills, is by working a job, the minimum wage effectively doomed black employees to poverty for life.

Now again, this is for all the intelligent people on the forum. I'm sure you'll have more mindless excuses to spew everywhere.

That doesn't make any sense in today's world. You can't discriminate based on race, remember?
You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

Are you so sure about that?

Or is that what your handlers tell you?

Your handlers at goldmens sacks??? lol The main reason for the minimum wage is to make sure our workers don't get paid the pennies on the hour that negroes in africa or south asians currently receive even as the ceo's get tens of millions. Wake the fuck up.

Also we're far better off with higher per capita gdp of our population...Which most of western europe enjoys today!!! Think about it,,,Africa has a small super rich and a massive poor. What do you believe separates europe from Africa? We're heading towards africa and that is bad.

Lots of hot air, not much fact in your post.

I'll explain it again, so that other more intelligent people will understand. You, I wager, are a hopeless partisan, and will never understand it.

In South Africa, the average black laborer was lower skilled and un-educated.... relative to white laborers.

Employers discovered they could hire these laborers at a lower wage, which allowed them to be competitive in the market.

Even overtly racists employers, had no choice but to hire black African labor, because to refuse to hire cheap labor, would place them at a disadvantage to those who did hire cheap black african labor.

Moreover, the white dominated Unions hated these cheaper black labor, because "the Blacks are stealing our jobs!" (sounds like Mexicans today).

So the racist white employers, and the racists white unions, teamed up to push for a minimum wage law.

What the minimum wage law did, was make it so that no one could hire cheaper black labor. If you have to pay full price for either an educated and skilled employee, or full price for an unskilled uneducated employee... which do you hire?

The Unions kept blacks from taking their expensive White Union jobs.
The racists employers now didn't have to hire a single black employee, because competition couldn't undercut their business.

Even non-racists employers, couldn't afford to pay full price for a marginal employee. So they didn't hire black people either.

And since the primary way an employee gains skills, is by working a job, the minimum wage effectively doomed black employees to poverty for life.

Now again, this is for all the intelligent people on the forum. I'm sure you'll have more mindless excuses to spew everywhere.

That doesn't make any sense in today's world. You can't discriminate based on race, remember?

But I can based on skill and education.

The only reason to hire a low skilled or educated person, is because I can pay a lower wage.

If I can't pay a lower wage.... then I'll never hire a low skilled or educated person.

And even then.... there are racists people in the world. Law doesn't matter much, since you can't conclusively prove why I choose person X to hire, over person Y. If I hate purple people.... I'll never hire one, unless economically I have to in order to be competitive.

It's not like I'll say openly "I"m not hiring you because you are purple". I'll just say "We found a better candidate." which could be entirely true.
At what? Exposing the truth?

No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

These days, it's mostly used as pablum to inspire the dummies. Sorta like conservatives used to use flag burning laws to get people stirred up.

It is, however, a good opportunity to shine a light on ignorance and maybe, just maybe, wake a few liberals up to the scams they're falling for. Doesn't it ever seem odd that the more you vote for this kind of stuff, the more your leaders sell you out to corporate interests? (eg ACA)

No it's used to set a minimum wage that a business is allowed to pay.

Right... and who does that hurt? Generally minorities.
At what? Exposing the truth?

No. nice try at using irrelevant bullshit to make a fallacious claim.

You really hate the fucking truth don't you?

Today's minimum wage is not being used to give white people an employment advantage. You're fucking retarded.

These days, it's mostly used as pablum to inspire the dummies. Sorta like conservatives used to use flag burning laws to get people stirred up.

It is, however, a good opportunity to shine a light on ignorance and maybe, just maybe, wake a few liberals up to the scams they're falling for. Doesn't it ever seem odd that the more you vote for this kind of stuff, the more your leaders sell you out to corporate interests? (eg ACA)

No it's used to set a minimum wage that a business is allowed to pay.

No, it's not. They can pay zero. And this is where you're deluded. Minimum wage supporters have convinced themselves that minimum wage laws force employers to pay their employees more money. But they don't do that. All they do is ban jobs that are worth less than the minimum. Think about it. Workers whose labor isn't worth the new minimum are screwed. Workers who were only able to get a job by being willing to take less pay are now left without work.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.

Higher minimum wages mean fewer jobs as companies that would have expanded do not. And note again that not only do the workers not gain those higher wages the consumers also lose out on their benefits.

The correct minimum wage is, as it always has been, $0 per hour, as once even the New York Times knew.


The positive effect on consumers is some 50 times the possibly negative effect on the workers’ wages. That’s an effect of such size that no reworking of the numbers is going to reverse the conclusion. Yes, low price goods aid consumers more than low wages hurt workers. This is not a belief, this is a fact.

DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart
Technology is killing Walmart. Specifically in the form of amazon.com. It's going to kill many small businesses too. Just like Walmart does. Funny irony is that Walmart will be a victim of what it's currently doing to others.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Slavery was full employment for black people.

Since you are using the race card, you are aware that the Minimum wage was instituted to prevent the minority from working, are you not?

On The Historically Racist Motivations Behind Minimum Wage

The business-friendly National Center for Policy Analysis points out “the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, requiring ‘prevailing’ wages on federally assisted construction projects, was supported by the idea that it would keep contractors from using ‘cheap colored labor’ to underbid contractors using white labor.”

African-American economist Thomas Sowell with Stanford University’s Hoover Institutiongives an uncomfortable historical primer behind minimum wage laws:

“In 1925, a minimum-wage law was passed in the Canadian province of British Columbia, with the intent and effect of pricing Japanese immigrants out of jobs in the lumbering industry.

A Harvard professor of that era referred approvingly to Australia’s minimum wage law as a means to “protect the white Australian’s standard of living from the invidious competition of the colored races, particularly of the Chinese” who were willing to work for less.

In South Africa during the era of apartheid, white labor unions urged that a minimum-wage law be applied to all races, to keep black workers from taking jobs away from white unionized workers by working for less than the union pay scale.”

Nice try.

He is absolutely right. So it's bit more than a 'nice try'. It's the truth.

About what? The labor unions and anti-trust laws made it possible for the formation of our middle class. Please tell me that you don't believe that 1890's America had a bigger middle class with more workers rights then 1950s America. It doesn't make sense and you fucking know it.

Exactly....iN THE EARLY '50'S I was a member of local 9-288 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers(OCAW) and we kept the company in line as far as salary scales. A typical company executive made no more than three or four times what a process operator or maintenance worker earned. Benefits were for all and not just a few. Back then a U S corporate executive like a CEO or CFO earned 12-15 times what an average worker made. Laugh if you will but watch the salaries of top sports figures. When pro football and basketball players began to sign multi-million dollar contracts the captains of industry observed and to themselves said, "Those Black Bastards Aren't Going To Make More Than I Do!"

Yeah right........

You tell me the name of the exact company. I'll find out how wealthy that executive is, and we'll see if he only made 4 times the average operator.

Back in the 50s, the government didn't keep track of how much the top 1% made. You just didn't know about it.
As of February, Walmart's own minimum wage will be 9 dollars, if you believe Walmart.

There are only 10 states with a minimum wage over 9 dollars. Walmart's nationwide closings are not about minimum wage.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.

Higher minimum wages mean fewer jobs as companies that would have expanded do not. And note again that not only do the workers not gain those higher wages the consumers also lose out on their benefits.

The correct minimum wage is, as it always has been, $0 per hour, as once even the New York Times knew.


The positive effect on consumers is some 50 times the possibly negative effect on the workers’ wages. That’s an effect of such size that no reworking of the numbers is going to reverse the conclusion. Yes, low price goods aid consumers more than low wages hurt workers. This is not a belief, this is a fact.

DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart
Technology is killing Walmart. Specifically in the form of amazon.com. It's going to kill many small businesses too. Just like Walmart does. Funny irony is that Walmart will be a victim of what it's currently doing to others.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That's not funny... or even ironic. That's the natural system. New companies come up, old companies go away.

This has been happening since the beginning of the country. Where is Compaq? PaineWebber, Pan Am Airlines, Tower Records, Blockbuster, Polaroid, Texaco, Zenith, Circuit City and the list goes on and on.

Fortune 500 firms in 1955 vs. 2014; 88% are gone, and we're all better off because of that dynamic 'creative destruction' - AEI

88% of the fortune 500 firms in 1955, today, are all gone.

This leftwing myth, that all the wealthy will own everything, and we'll all be forever impoverished, doesn't stand up to the test of time.
Walmart has decided not to build some of the stores that it had said it would inWashington DC.


The reason Walmart isn’t going to open those new stores:

Evans said that, behind closed doors, Walmart officials were more frank about the reasons the company was downsizing. He said the company cited the District’s rising minimum wage, now at $11.50 an hour and possibly going to $15 an hour if a proposed ballot measure is successful in November. He also said a proposal for legislation requiring D.C. employers to pay into a fund for family and medical leave for employees, and another effort to require a minimum amount of hours for hourly workers were compounding costs and concerns for the retailer.

Higher minimum wages mean fewer jobs as companies that would have expanded do not. And note again that not only do the workers not gain those higher wages the consumers also lose out on their benefits.

The correct minimum wage is, as it always has been, $0 per hour, as once even the New York Times knew.


The positive effect on consumers is some 50 times the possibly negative effect on the workers’ wages. That’s an effect of such size that no reworking of the numbers is going to reverse the conclusion. Yes, low price goods aid consumers more than low wages hurt workers. This is not a belief, this is a fact.

DC's Minimum Wage Really Does Cost Jobs At Walmart
Technology is killing Walmart. Specifically in the form of amazon.com. It's going to kill many small businesses too. Just like Walmart does. Funny irony is that Walmart will be a victim of what it's currently doing to others.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

That's not funny... or even ironic. That's the natural system. New companies come up, old companies go away.

This has been happening since the beginning of the country. Where is Compaq? PaineWebber, Pan Am Airlines, Tower Records, Blockbuster, Polaroid, Texaco, Zenith, Circuit City and the list goes on and on.

Fortune 500 firms in 1955 vs. 2014; 88% are gone, and we're all better off because of that dynamic 'creative destruction' - AEI

88% of the fortune 500 firms in 1955, today, are all gone.

This leftwing myth, that all the wealthy will own everything, and we'll all be forever impoverished, doesn't stand up to the test of time.
That's cool, just don't spew partisan claptrap about taxes killing business.

(Not referring to you specifically)

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Who in their right mind likes shopping? Walmart, Target, Costco, Home Depot all suck. Who can standing going into those places, give me a small mom and pop, you pay more but you support a local people.

Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.
And you morons called it mob rule and opposed the "will of the people" when it happened. If a court strikes down the will of the people who voted for something, that court isn't upholding the will of the people but the will of their ideology.

Should the Court have the power to rule on constitutionality or not?

So the will of the people doesn't matter? I thought you said it did earlier. I guess that only matters when it's your will the people want.

Are you nuts? We've won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. In 2000 Bush's brother Jeb and Jeb's concubine Katherine Harris stole the election by cooking the books in Jeb's state(FL). I wouldn't trust a Republican in the shit house with a muzzle on.

You were running? What office?

If you're claiming illegal activity went on, prove it or STFU.

I wouldn't piss on a Democrat if he/she was on fire to put them out unless I could piss gasoline.

Illegal is in the eyes of the beholder. A close friend of mine was assigned to the Boca Raton area working for a third party maintenance group and they were called to fix the machines which were "hanging chad." He said he did not see the first punched card which had been disqualified that a person couldn't positively identify the intentions of the voter and that nearly all of the "disqualified" votes were obviously Democrat. I wouldn't trust a goddam right wing tax cutter in the shithouse with a muzzle on. Jeb Bush and his concubine Katherine Harris stole that election for George Bush......PERIOD! Al Gore got over half a million more votes nation wide than George Bush. Damn strange coincidence that Jeb was the governor and without Florida Gore would have won. That whole goddam rat race, both state and supreme court on a vote of 5-4 in favor of Republicans gave it to the tax cutting, war mongering idiot!
Wow, you sound like you actually believe that.
Yeah, large chain stores suck so bad that when I needed a shower faucet handle I went to a local store to find a replacement and paid $7.00. Lowe's sells them for less than $4.00. As a highly underpaid public school teacher, I can't afford to pay almost double.

"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?
"a highly underpaid public school teacher"
I suggest you do what MOST suggest Walmart employess do...change jobs.
C'mon, the slum people can do it so certainly you can.
Get the sarcasm?

I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

A lot.
I have tens of thousands of dollars and years of education invested in my profession. People who work at Walmart have no such investment.

Oh, well then it's ok to treat them like worthless slaves. Pretty much sums up the average loyal cheapskate Walmart Shopper mentality. Folks who think that way are usually greedy white Republican douches. Another good reason to avoid Walmart. Too many of its loyal customers are just plain assholes.

My own brother did little or nothing to improve his skill set until he was well into his 30s, working minimum to slightly higher than minimum wage jobs. He learned his lesson and now works in a field where they cannot keep enough workers to meet the demand, so he no longer has to worry about getting or finding work.

Inner city workers without any chance at any type of employment will never get that chance to improve themselves.

Still not a valid justification for treating workers like worthless slaves. We can do better. We can treat our fellow Americans better. And we can start by encouraging other companies to not adopt Walmart's unethical and immoral practices.

What's unethical and immoral about paying someone with $8/hr skills $8/hr?

A lot.

Since you can't say specifically, "a lot" means nothing. The person is getting paid what their skills are worth and you have a problem with equality. Nothing wrong with that.

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