De Blasio and ‘co-mayor’ wife have wasted $1.8B of taxpayer money

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The mayor's 100% unqualified wife, a lesbian with a druggie daughter, who is a self-described "poet, author, activist"--one of THOSE. She has NOTHING in her background which would qualify her to hold the pursestrings on nearly a BILLION dollars of our money. She was in no way elected to be "co-mayor"---that's just a way to attempt to pretty up a scam against NYC....and to SECURE HER the office of Mayor once BIG BIRD has to leave!... And what have we gotten for nearly a billion bucks? I don't know. Except for lining her own pocket and funneling a bunch of that money to GAY causes, I don't see evidence of mentally ill people receiving help. There are just as many stinking bums taking over subway cars by stinking out other passengers. Just as many mentally ill people trying to push people onto subway tracks, panhandling on trains, molesting people for money in front of stores and restaurants, etc.

And the idiots who decided that yeah, the mayor should be in charge of the city's schools basically signed their death warrant. Since they did that and took the charge of the city's schools out of the hands of professional experienced educators and put it into the hands of first a micromanaging nanny-state businessman and then a total idiot, the schools have plummeted. Politics over meaningful, useful education--always.


Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Charlene McCrayErik Thomas

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.

That is, nobody appears to have kept receipts; the subways and street corners are still overrun with crazy people, and nobody in charge knows what’s to happen next.

But let’s be clear: If your boondogglery sets the New York City Council back on its heels, you truly are soaring with the eagles.

McCray's 'Thrive' initiative on track to spend $1B in 5 years

Right up there with co-Mayor Bill, who started the week on his own sour note — announcing that his signature Renewal school program was closing up shop after pounding $773 million down a rathole.

Well, he didn’t actually say “rathole,” and the price tag has doubtless been lowballed — but he also had no credible explanation for the debacle, nor did he apologize for it.

“We did not say everything would be perfect,” burbled the co-mayor — as if anybody outside his immediate orbit expected an outcome even close to competent.

That’s because there never was any doubt what the program was about. That is, reversing Bloomberg administration plans to shut down 100 miserably malfunctioning schools, thus saving the jobs of barely competent teachers and administrators and shutting up small bands of noisy parents who loved the schools despite their failings. Think Stockholm syndrome, rolled into a big ball with the United Federation of Teachers.

But the co-mayor made performance promises when he initiated the Renewal program, few of which even remotely were met, and presently gravity prevailed: The program caved in on itself.

How many other big-bucks initiatives are in similar straits is unknowable — mostly because bureaucrats never blow the whistle on themselves and also because Gotham’s formal watchdog, city Comptroller Scott Stringer, is among the most incurious individuals ever to hold the office.

That the co-mayors could fly under the radar to burn through $1.6 billion to no obvious good effect is an embarrassment — but understandable in the abstract. Things happen.

That Stringer could sleep through it all is the real scandal; why does the city even have a comptroller, if that’s the standard of performance?

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The mayor's 100% unqualified wife, a lesbian with a druggie daughter, who is a self-described "poet, author, activist"--one of THOSE. She has NOTHING in her background which would qualify her to hold the pursestrings on nearly a BILLION dollars of our money. She was in no way elected to be "co-mayor"---that's just a way to attempt to pretty up a scam against NYC....and to SECURE HER the office of Mayor once BIG BIRD has to leave!... And what have we gotten for nearly a billion bucks? I don't know. Except for lining her own pocket and funneling a bunch of that money to GAY causes, I don't see evidence of mentally ill people receiving help. There are just as many stinking bums taking over subway cars by stinking out other passengers. Just as many mentally ill people trying to push people onto subway tracks, panhandling on trains, molesting people for money in front of stores and restaurants, etc.

And the idiots who decided that yeah, the mayor should be in charge of the city's schools basically signed their death warrant. Since they did that and took the charge of the city's schools out of the hands of professional experienced educators and put it into the hands of first a micromanaging nanny-state businessman and then a total idiot, the schools have plummeted. Politics over meaningful, useful education--always.


Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Charlene McCrayErik Thomas

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.

That is, nobody appears to have kept receipts; the subways and street corners are still overrun with crazy people, and nobody in charge knows what’s to happen next.

But let’s be clear: If your boondogglery sets the New York City Council back on its heels, you truly are soaring with the eagles.

View attachment 248284
McCray's 'Thrive' initiative on track to spend $1B in 5 years

Right up there with co-Mayor Bill, who started the week on his own sour note — announcing that his signature Renewal school program was closing up shop after pounding $773 million down a rathole.

Well, he didn’t actually say “rathole,” and the price tag has doubtless been lowballed — but he also had no credible explanation for the debacle, nor did he apologize for it.

“We did not say everything would be perfect,” burbled the co-mayor — as if anybody outside his immediate orbit expected an outcome even close to competent.

That’s because there never was any doubt what the program was about. That is, reversing Bloomberg administration plans to shut down 100 miserably malfunctioning schools, thus saving the jobs of barely competent teachers and administrators and shutting up small bands of noisy parents who loved the schools despite their failings. Think Stockholm syndrome, rolled into a big ball with the United Federation of Teachers.

But the co-mayor made performance promises when he initiated the Renewal program, few of which even remotely were met, and presently gravity prevailed: The program caved in on itself.

How many other big-bucks initiatives are in similar straits is unknowable — mostly because bureaucrats never blow the whistle on themselves and also because Gotham’s formal watchdog, city Comptroller Scott Stringer, is among the most incurious individuals ever to hold the office.

That the co-mayors could fly under the radar to burn through $1.6 billion to no obvious good effect is an embarrassment — but understandable in the abstract. Things happen.

That Stringer could sleep through it all is the real scandal; why does the city even have a comptroller, if that’s the standard of performance?

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Imagine if he became President and gave her security clearance and put her in charge of foreign policy
Imagine if he became President and gave her security clearance and put her in charge of foreign policy
USMB Republicans, and Republicans in general, indict themselves w/their every word it seems.

So much cognitive dissonance.

The mayor's 100% unqualified wife, a lesbian with a druggie daughter, who is a self-described "poet, author, activist"--one of THOSE. She has NOTHING in her background which would qualify her to hold the pursestrings on nearly a BILLION dollars of our money. She was in no way elected to be "co-mayor"---that's just a way to attempt to pretty up a scam against NYC....and to SECURE HER the office of Mayor once BIG BIRD has to leave!... And what have we gotten for nearly a billion bucks? I don't know. Except for lining her own pocket and funneling a bunch of that money to GAY causes, I don't see evidence of mentally ill people receiving help. There are just as many stinking bums taking over subway cars by stinking out other passengers. Just as many mentally ill people trying to push people onto subway tracks, panhandling on trains, molesting people for money in front of stores and restaurants, etc.

And the idiots who decided that yeah, the mayor should be in charge of the city's schools basically signed their death warrant. Since they did that and took the charge of the city's schools out of the hands of professional experienced educators and put it into the hands of first a micromanaging nanny-state businessman and then a total idiot, the schools have plummeted. Politics over meaningful, useful education--always.


Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Charlene McCrayErik Thomas

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.

That is, nobody appears to have kept receipts; the subways and street corners are still overrun with crazy people, and nobody in charge knows what’s to happen next.

But let’s be clear: If your boondogglery sets the New York City Council back on its heels, you truly are soaring with the eagles.

View attachment 248284
McCray's 'Thrive' initiative on track to spend $1B in 5 years

Right up there with co-Mayor Bill, who started the week on his own sour note — announcing that his signature Renewal school program was closing up shop after pounding $773 million down a rathole.

Well, he didn’t actually say “rathole,” and the price tag has doubtless been lowballed — but he also had no credible explanation for the debacle, nor did he apologize for it.

“We did not say everything would be perfect,” burbled the co-mayor — as if anybody outside his immediate orbit expected an outcome even close to competent.

That’s because there never was any doubt what the program was about. That is, reversing Bloomberg administration plans to shut down 100 miserably malfunctioning schools, thus saving the jobs of barely competent teachers and administrators and shutting up small bands of noisy parents who loved the schools despite their failings. Think Stockholm syndrome, rolled into a big ball with the United Federation of Teachers.

But the co-mayor made performance promises when he initiated the Renewal program, few of which even remotely were met, and presently gravity prevailed: The program caved in on itself.

How many other big-bucks initiatives are in similar straits is unknowable — mostly because bureaucrats never blow the whistle on themselves and also because Gotham’s formal watchdog, city Comptroller Scott Stringer, is among the most incurious individuals ever to hold the office.

That the co-mayors could fly under the radar to burn through $1.6 billion to no obvious good effect is an embarrassment — but understandable in the abstract. Things happen.

That Stringer could sleep through it all is the real scandal; why does the city even have a comptroller, if that’s the standard of performance?

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Imagine if he became President and gave her security clearance and put her in charge of foreign policy
That would be even worse. Are you trying to justify graft? That makes you corrupt and/or a hypocrite.
The mayor's 100% unqualified wife, a lesbian with a druggie daughter, who is a self-described "poet, author, activist"--one of THOSE. She has NOTHING in her background which would qualify her to hold the pursestrings on nearly a BILLION dollars of our money. She was in no way elected to be "co-mayor"---that's just a way to attempt to pretty up a scam against NYC....and to SECURE HER the office of Mayor once BIG BIRD has to leave!... And what have we gotten for nearly a billion bucks? I don't know. Except for lining her own pocket and funneling a bunch of that money to GAY causes, I don't see evidence of mentally ill people receiving help. There are just as many stinking bums taking over subway cars by stinking out other passengers. Just as many mentally ill people trying to push people onto subway tracks, panhandling on trains, molesting people for money in front of stores and restaurants, etc.

And the idiots who decided that yeah, the mayor should be in charge of the city's schools basically signed their death warrant. Since they did that and took the charge of the city's schools out of the hands of professional experienced educators and put it into the hands of first a micromanaging nanny-state businessman and then a total idiot, the schools have plummeted. Politics over meaningful, useful education--always.


Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Charlene McCrayErik Thomas

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.

That is, nobody appears to have kept receipts; the subways and street corners are still overrun with crazy people, and nobody in charge knows what’s to happen next.

But let’s be clear: If your boondogglery sets the New York City Council back on its heels, you truly are soaring with the eagles.

View attachment 248284
McCray's 'Thrive' initiative on track to spend $1B in 5 years

Right up there with co-Mayor Bill, who started the week on his own sour note — announcing that his signature Renewal school program was closing up shop after pounding $773 million down a rathole.

Well, he didn’t actually say “rathole,” and the price tag has doubtless been lowballed — but he also had no credible explanation for the debacle, nor did he apologize for it.

“We did not say everything would be perfect,” burbled the co-mayor — as if anybody outside his immediate orbit expected an outcome even close to competent.

That’s because there never was any doubt what the program was about. That is, reversing Bloomberg administration plans to shut down 100 miserably malfunctioning schools, thus saving the jobs of barely competent teachers and administrators and shutting up small bands of noisy parents who loved the schools despite their failings. Think Stockholm syndrome, rolled into a big ball with the United Federation of Teachers.

But the co-mayor made performance promises when he initiated the Renewal program, few of which even remotely were met, and presently gravity prevailed: The program caved in on itself.

How many other big-bucks initiatives are in similar straits is unknowable — mostly because bureaucrats never blow the whistle on themselves and also because Gotham’s formal watchdog, city Comptroller Scott Stringer, is among the most incurious individuals ever to hold the office.

That the co-mayors could fly under the radar to burn through $1.6 billion to no obvious good effect is an embarrassment — but understandable in the abstract. Things happen.

That Stringer could sleep through it all is the real scandal; why does the city even have a comptroller, if that’s the standard of performance?

Read more
Imagine if he became President and gave her security clearance and put her in charge of foreign policy
That would be even worse. Are you trying to justify graft? That makes you corrupt and/or a hypocrite.
I am describing what Trump has done
The mayor's 100% unqualified wife, a lesbian with a druggie daughter, who is a self-described "poet, author, activist"--one of THOSE. She has NOTHING in her background which would qualify her to hold the pursestrings on nearly a BILLION dollars of our money. She was in no way elected to be "co-mayor"---that's just a way to attempt to pretty up a scam against NYC....and to SECURE HER the office of Mayor once BIG BIRD has to leave!... And what have we gotten for nearly a billion bucks? I don't know. Except for lining her own pocket and funneling a bunch of that money to GAY causes, I don't see evidence of mentally ill people receiving help. There are just as many stinking bums taking over subway cars by stinking out other passengers. Just as many mentally ill people trying to push people onto subway tracks, panhandling on trains, molesting people for money in front of stores and restaurants, etc.

And the idiots who decided that yeah, the mayor should be in charge of the city's schools basically signed their death warrant. Since they did that and took the charge of the city's schools out of the hands of professional experienced educators and put it into the hands of first a micromanaging nanny-state businessman and then a total idiot, the schools have plummeted. Politics over meaningful, useful education--always.


Mayor Bill de Blasio and first lady Charlene McCrayErik Thomas

Who’s got a billion to burn?

Well, Bill de Blasio for sure.

But also mayoral spouse Chirlane McCray, who has just been revealed as a world-class boondoggler in her own right.

Hey, the family that preys together stays together, right? And it’s only (your) money — even if it is quite a lot of it.

McCray is the proprietress of ThriveNYC, a mental-health-related something-or-other created four-plus years ago to give a little heft to the conceit that Bill and Chirlane were elected as co-mayors — which is nonsense on stilts.

That is, once upon a time, first spouses were content to pretend to be in charge of prettifying highways and things. It was honorable “work,” it didn’t cost very much and it filled up the spouse’s free time.

But this is 2019, and the general feeling — at least in the de Blasio administration — is that if there’s not a lot of dough attached to the spousal sinecure, it doesn’t really matter enough.

So, ipso presto, co-Mayor Bill coughed up enough cash to break a pack mule’s back and sent it off to co-Mayor Chirlane — who then went forth to cure Gotham’s mental-illness problems.

Fast-forward to Wednesday, when the City Council was startled to discover that McCray and Team Thrive are closing in on having spent an eye-popping $900 million since the program’s inception — and nobody seems to have a clue on what.

That is, nobody appears to have kept receipts; the subways and street corners are still overrun with crazy people, and nobody in charge knows what’s to happen next.

But let’s be clear: If your boondogglery sets the New York City Council back on its heels, you truly are soaring with the eagles.

View attachment 248284
McCray's 'Thrive' initiative on track to spend $1B in 5 years

Right up there with co-Mayor Bill, who started the week on his own sour note — announcing that his signature Renewal school program was closing up shop after pounding $773 million down a rathole.

Well, he didn’t actually say “rathole,” and the price tag has doubtless been lowballed — but he also had no credible explanation for the debacle, nor did he apologize for it.

“We did not say everything would be perfect,” burbled the co-mayor — as if anybody outside his immediate orbit expected an outcome even close to competent.

That’s because there never was any doubt what the program was about. That is, reversing Bloomberg administration plans to shut down 100 miserably malfunctioning schools, thus saving the jobs of barely competent teachers and administrators and shutting up small bands of noisy parents who loved the schools despite their failings. Think Stockholm syndrome, rolled into a big ball with the United Federation of Teachers.

But the co-mayor made performance promises when he initiated the Renewal program, few of which even remotely were met, and presently gravity prevailed: The program caved in on itself.

How many other big-bucks initiatives are in similar straits is unknowable — mostly because bureaucrats never blow the whistle on themselves and also because Gotham’s formal watchdog, city Comptroller Scott Stringer, is among the most incurious individuals ever to hold the office.

That the co-mayors could fly under the radar to burn through $1.6 billion to no obvious good effect is an embarrassment — but understandable in the abstract. Things happen.

That Stringer could sleep through it all is the real scandal; why does the city even have a comptroller, if that’s the standard of performance?

Read more
Imagine if he became President and gave her security clearance and put her in charge of foreign policy
That would be even worse. Are you trying to justify graft? That makes you corrupt and/or a hypocrite.
I am describing what Trump has done
And you’re using that allegation to qualify actual graft.
Lots of whataboutisms changing the subject and trying to make this about someone other than Bill de Blasio and his co-mayor and the unaccounted for $900 million dollars!

I can see why leftist apologists would rather not discuss the matter.

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