Dead child found on border

Who said kids who are already here should be denied a chance at citizenship?

Oh, never mind. It's just ravtard being stupid again.
The reason they are refugees is because we have put into effect policies which encourages gangs and other criminals to amp up their efforts in human trafficking. They're getting a free pass. The result is they are going to be doing huge SWEEPS to pick up kids, who are now a commodity.

But that's the way the left views children. A commodity.

Oh please. The only reason they are refugees is because the asinine US government decreed it. If gang warfare created refugees everyone in Chicago, Detroit and south Los Angeles would be refugees too. The exercise in opening the border is to destroy what little remains of the United States. Collapse the economy with numbers of poor that cannot be supported and bring about the cloward piven utopia where no one has to work. Corporations will support us all.
The reason they are refugees is because we have put into effect policies which encourages gangs and other criminals to amp up their efforts in human trafficking. They're getting a free pass. The result is they are going to be doing huge SWEEPS to pick up kids, who are now a commodity.

But that's the way the left views children. A commodity.

Oh please. The only reason they are refugees is because the asinine US government decreed it. If gang warfare created refugees everyone in Chicago, Detroit and south Los Angeles would be refugees too. The exercise in opening the border is to destroy what little remains of the United States. Collapse the economy with numbers of poor that cannot be supported and bring about the cloward piven utopia where no one has to work. Corporations will support us all.

I could have sworn that's what I just said, more or less.
Because some might take advantage of a law, like smugglers of humans have done, doesn't mean that allowing kids that have lived here since they were very young a chance at citizenship is wrong.

The smugglers are the problem. That and the poor economies in the countries that these children live in.

Anyone rational can see that. Anyone that enjoys using children as tools agrees with the OP.

Then why did this Admin wait over a YEAR once it was known that C.Ameri. kids were cramming on death trains -- to publically speak out and CORRECT the false impressions that those C. Amer. families had about his "dreamer" plan? I can accept incompetence and dithering as an explanation. If he's just overwhelmed and over his head and is putting 100,000 or more children at risk for NOTHING --- just tells us..

Who CAUSED THEM to become tools??
Our admin rewards them for exploiting children.

Which is something progressives approve of anyway. you won't ever see them decrying it.
Because some might take advantage of a law, like smugglers of humans have done, doesn't mean that allowing kids that have lived here since they were very young a chance at citizenship is wrong.

The smugglers are the problem. That and the poor economies in the countries that these children live in.

Anyone rational can see that. Anyone that enjoys using children as tools agrees with the OP.

Then why did this Admin wait over a YEAR once it was known that C.Ameri. kids were cramming on death trains -- to publically speak out and CORRECT the false impressions that those C. Amer. families had about his "dreamer" plan? I can accept incompetence and dithering as an explanation. If he's just overwhelmed and over his head and is putting 100,000 or more children at risk for NOTHING --- just tells us..

Who CAUSED THEM to become tools??
Don't know what you are Babbling about.
Because some might take advantage of a law, like smugglers of humans have done, doesn't mean that allowing kids that have lived here since they were very young a chance at citizenship is wrong.

The smugglers are the problem. That and the poor economies in the countries that these children live in.

Anyone rational can see that. Anyone that enjoys using children as tools agrees with the OP.

^ that
Because some might take advantage of a law, like smugglers of humans have done, doesn't mean that allowing kids that have lived here since they were very young a chance at citizenship is wrong.

The smugglers are the problem. That and the poor economies in the countries that these children live in.

Anyone rational can see that. Anyone that enjoys using children as tools agrees with the OP.

Then why did this Admin wait over a YEAR once it was known that C.Ameri. kids were cramming on death trains -- to publically speak out and CORRECT the false impressions that those C. Amer. families had about his "dreamer" plan? I can accept incompetence and dithering as an explanation. If he's just overwhelmed and over his head and is putting 100,000 or more children at risk for NOTHING --- just tells us..

Who CAUSED THEM to become tools??
Don't know what you are Babbling about.

Go back to about page 1 and look at the chart I posted. This influx of C. Amer. kids coincides with your Prez's dictation that immigration laws for illegal children were no longer gonna be enforced.. I'm referring to your lord and king BHObama.. A statement that was misinterpreted and gossiped about in every poor country in our immediate area.

WHO CAUSED THESE KIDS sitting in guarded wearhouses with almost no press access TO BECOME TOOLS?? Can you answer that now Ravi? Or is civil debate to difficult?
Then why did this Admin wait over a YEAR once it was known that C.Ameri. kids were cramming on death trains -- to publically speak out and CORRECT the false impressions that those C. Amer. families had about his "dreamer" plan? I can accept incompetence and dithering as an explanation. If he's just overwhelmed and over his head and is putting 100,000 or more children at risk for NOTHING --- just tells us..

Who CAUSED THEM to become tools??
Don't know what you are Babbling about.

Go back to about page 1 and look at the chart I posted. This influx of C. Amer. kids coincides with your Prez's dictation that immigration laws for illegal children were no longer gonna be enforced.. I'm referring to your lord and king BHObama.. A statement that was misinterpreted and gossiped about in every poor country in our immediate area.

WHO CAUSED THESE KIDS sitting in guarded wearhouses with almost no press access TO BECOME TOOLS?? Can you answer that now Ravi? Or is civil debate to difficult?
Read your post for the answer to your questions. You're misstating a lot of things and being a jerk. Bonus points for coming up with C. Amer. which makes the kids sound like bacteria.
No, he's right. This is a calculated move on the part of the left. Children are seen as offal anyway, particularly poor children from other countries...they see nothing wrong with deliberately enacting policy that puts them at risk. It's acceptable to them, if it furthers the progressive cause in the US. The goal is to flood our country with criminals and illegal aliens until the system breaks down. And they're doing a great job.
Guatemalan boy left for better life, died alone

He was 15. They paid almost $6000 to move him over here. The family lives in a remote village accessible only by foot, the mother is epileptic. The boy's family didn't want him to go, but he insisted.

Our admin facilitates human trafficking.

The family lives in a remote village. The mother is epileptic. They didn't want him to go.

So where did the $6,000 to pay the coyote come from? Human smugglers don't work for free and they don't work on credit. Where did the money come from? Did the boy save up from his paper route?
My guess would be from the drug traffickers and the human traffickers who then press the kids into service.

This kid was collected by a human trafficker, and for whatever reason, he dumped him or the kid ran away. This is how this system works. The kids hide their contact information on the inside of their belts in order to prevent traffickers from finding their families if something happens to them. And that's where they found this kid's info.

These criminals go into the villages, and they *recruit* kids, and they *loan* the fee to the families, then the families belong to them. It's the same way the mob worked, and every crime cartel since the beginning of time.
No, he's right. This is a calculated move on the part of the left. Children are seen as offal anyway, particularly poor children from other countries...they see nothing wrong with deliberately enacting policy that puts them at risk. It's acceptable to them, if it furthers the progressive cause in the US. The goal is to flood our country with criminals and illegal aliens until the system breaks down. And they're doing a great job.

I don't think it's a grander plan to flood the county with orphaned children.. I just think the Admin SAW this was happening and decided to move slowly on fixing it because the Dear Leader recognized it as a good justification for him to take Executive Action on Immigration.

Figured Refugee camps would make the PERFECT summer photo op to justify him putting on the Dick-Tator cape and getting out his mighty pen and his mighty ObamaPhone to --- "do the jobs that Congress just won't do".. "Never let a good crisis go to waste"...

After all -- Nanny Pelosi calls the border crisis and all those children "an opportunity"... Maybe she was gave away too much..

And Ravi -- I abbreviated C.A. but then figured that was BEYOND the capabilities of most leftists in this thread to get that from context. So I decided to help you a bit.. :badgrin:
My guess would be from the drug traffickers and the human traffickers who then press the kids into service.

This kid was collected by a human trafficker, and for whatever reason, he dumped him or the kid ran away. This is how this system works. The kids hide their contact information on the inside of their belts in order to prevent traffickers from finding their families if something happens to them. And that's where they found this kid's info.

These criminals go into the villages, and they *recruit* kids, and they *loan* the fee to the families, then the families belong to them. It's the same way the mob worked, and every crime cartel since the beginning of time.

Not even close. Cartels don't dump drug mules or trained cartel fighters. Even those fighters who are 12 years old. They have an investment. Once they get paid to smuggle someone across, they got the money. They'll dump the migrants and usually do closer to the border. They guide them to a road, point and then leave them. No one loans money to these families. They know they won't get it back, ever.

Sometimes the cartels will transport adults who will work off the fees, usually never working them off. I remember a Guatemalan slip and fall ring. They were kept under lock and key and transported to stores. Usually grocery stores. One would make a spill of something, laundry soap or ketchup. Then another would "slip and fall". Two or three others would be witnesses. The store gets sued, pays off and the cartels take the money. Women and young girls are sometimes taken to brothels. or just sold.

My experience with these cartels tells me, there never was $6,000.00. The mother and father heard that there was work in the US for children. They could send their son to the US. He would get a job and send back money. They don't know we have child labor laws. They think it's just like where they are. They had no money to pay, but they had a daughter. Take the boy, and take the girl in payment for the boy's passage. The smuggler took the girl and dumped the boy. After all, he knows who was with him. If he gets to the US, he'd talk about his sister.

The girl is either in a brothel or sold to one of the cartels that use women for hunts. Hunting women is huge business around Juarez.
What is with you repeating back to me essentially what I have said? I should be more clear, apparently. I don't think there was an actual $6000 either. I think he was recruited and his passage was paid via his body. I think for whatever reason he was separated from whomever was moving him...of course they could have dumped him. If he was sick, if he was a liability, whatever. My point is, it's human trafficking. This is how it works, and our government is facilitating it.
This regime is doing more than facilitating this invasion. They have orchestrated it. Starting with releasing 65,000 smugglers, killers and rapists from prison.

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