Texas man lures in pedophile by posing as child, shoots him dead at meet-up

Imbecile, no one here supported any such thing.

Yet more evidence conservatives' brains don't function normally.

Sure he did and you do also. you all do. you want to punish they guy who removed the vermin. You did not even read the texts that entrapped the molestor. yet you post pics of gurneys and what not. you are all just as guilty as the molestor.
Shocking! The pantyliner supports those molesting young Children.
Shocking! Extrajudicial killings are murder. This one has special circumstances which could allow the prosecutor to seek the death penalty. Are you from the Philippines?
Taking the law into your own hands, then setting up and committing a premeditated murder is a capital crime.

Yeah...in this case he did society a favor. With progressive DA's refusing to enforce the laws of this land you are going to see a lot more of this.
Sure he did and you do also. you all do. you want to punish they guy who removed the vermin. You did not even read the texts that entrapped the molestor. yet you post pics of gurneys and what not. you are all just as guilty as the molestor.

Nope. Not a single person here supported him. It's no one else's fault but you're own that you're too brain-dead to comprehend condemning a cold blooded murder is NOT supporting pedophilia.

It's supporting the rule of law. Something Trumptards have completely abandoned.
Showers pleaded guilty to federal child porn possession a decade and a half ago. Which is a horrid crime, but not a capital one. Luring someone, no matter how despicable they may be, into an ambushed to murder them a decade an a half later is. I doubt they will put him to sleep though. He's young and dumb.......

And then he was caught again. Or did you miss that part? And yes, child rape SHOULD be a capital offense.
Needs more in depth reporting. The article is lazy journalism, not much there at all except what they could sit on their ass and see in public record.
Did he know this person other than seeing him on the registry?
The reporter should have talked to those around this man, not just what is written on police reports.
Journalism is dead.

This story deserves a lot more. Why did he choose this man over dozens around him?
Why is he so vehemently into this? To the degree he commits murder.
There is a back story here. A big one.
It would be interesting to know it.

As well as what are the specifics of the pervert's crime, other than the topographical you again only see in a police report. He spent only 2 years in jail for what exactly? Possession of what child porn? Photos of 16 year olds, or 8 year olds?
Nope. Not a single person here supported him. It's no one else's fault but you're own that you're too brain-dead to comprehend condemning a cold blooded murder is NOT supporting pedophilia.

It's supporting the rule of law. Something Trumptards have completely abandoned.

You people wipe your ass with the law when it suits you.

So, guess what, that works both ways.
I agree. That said, if we are going to enhance penalties for "Hate Crimes" can we have less severe penalties for a "He needed killin' " Crime?

If it was this man's kid that was harmed I might have some sympathy for that argument.

Being that wasn't the case, then no.
Shocking! Extrajudicial killings are murder. This one has special circumstances which could allow the prosecutor to seek the death penalty. Are you from the Philippines?

You worried you might be a potential candidate?
Did he know this person other than seeing him on the registry?

don't know don't care. what 24 yr old knows a 34 yr old? Anyways no time to read up on it. Unlike the famous pantyliner(s) above........I am just glad the Child Molesting vermin is off the streets! WINNING!
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The asshole who was killed had a previous paedophilia conviction, he wasn't a babe in the woods.

Should have known better.

If some civilian without a history of fucking children had been lured, I'd have a bit more empathy as he might have thought it was just a game and he was just getting a chance to meet Chris Hanson.
No evidence whatever that the murdered person had “a history of fucking children.” Only evidence is he once — 15 years earlier — when he was 19 years old — was convicted “of possessing child pornography.” We don’t know the details of that either. Maybe a stupid sting operation, maybe not. I do think we can assume, though we don’t know details here either, that his going to a rendezvous with a supposed “child” or youth, for whatever reason, was both very suspicious and highly stupid, even if not in itself necessarily a crime. Apparently the murdered victim did not have a rap sheet of actual abuse of children, so he may just have been a pathetic loser who himself got abused when he was young and had psychological problems.

This was a "sting" operation, hardly vigilantism.

The victim here should have known better considering his record of child molestation convictions.
See above. This was clear vigilantism. The shooter had his own record of drug convictions according to the article (we don’t know details) and the article further says he intended to “rob” his victim as well a “harm” him.

Celebrating this sort of idiotic vigilantism is totally wrong, especially given that the shooter had no personal connection to the victim and was apparently just a young criminally inclined asshole himself.
No evidence whatever that the murdered person had “a history of fucking children.” Only evidence is he once — 15 years ago— when he was 19 years old — was convicted “of possessing child pornography.” We don’t know the details of that either. Maybe a stupid sting operation, maybe not. I do think we can assume, though we don’t know details here either, that his going to a rendezvous with a supposed “child,” for whatever reason, was both suspicious and idiotic.But apparently he had no rap sheet of actual abuse of children, so he may just have been a pathetic loser who himself got abused when he was young.

See above. This was clear vigilantism. The shooter had his own record of drug convictions according to the article (we don’t know details) and the article further says he intended to “rob” his victim as well a “harm” him.

Celebrating this sort of idiotic vigilantism is totally wrong, especially given that the shooter had no personal connection to the victim and was apparently just a young criminally inclined asshole himself.

What we do know is pedophiles ALWAYS offend if they have a chance to. They also have a 100% recidivism rate when they actually are caught.

Possession of child porn means he was a pedophile, and children had to be raped so he could have it.

He made is bed. Now he is laying in it.

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