Dead child found on border

And it's just beginning.

Doubtfull the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left will report on this phenomenon:

The corpse of an 11-year-old--an unaccompanied migrant from Guatemala--was discovered on June 15 in La Joya, Texas.

The body was found in brush, according to Action 4 News.
La Joya is located in Hidalgo County, which borders Mexico. Eddie Guerra, the Hidalgo County Sheriff, said at a press conference on June 30 that the child died from dehydration. Guerra believes the 11-year-old had been abandoned by a smuggler prior to passing away.
Currently, thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--enter the U.S. each day, and the flow of people at the border shows no signs of slowing. The trek north is incredibly dangerous, and can be deadly.
Just last week Breitbart reported on unearthed mass graves containing immigrant bodies in South Texas. Some graves contained bags with only skulls, other bones, or decomposed body parts in them. "

Dead Child Found on Border

isn't that what you sub mutant bible thumpers hoping to happen church and many churches across the nation are lining up to help these children. We are, indeed, the ones who will shoulder the reality of this nightmare..that is the direct result of policies we fought long and hard to prevent being put in place.

Because we do actually object to minority chldren being victimized and killed. Which is why we loathe lefty extremists. And when lefty extremist policies do kill children, we step up and care for the ones we can save. Unlike the leftist drones who think state care is good enough for the poorest, most vulnerable, minority children of the world.

That you think shouldn't be alive in the first place....and that you view as a burden upon the world....without value, and undeserving of basic human rights.
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Ignorance of the news is not an excuse.. The rise in unescorted Central American minors at the borders correlates well with Obama unilaterally changing the "dreamer" part of immigration enforcement..


HOWEVER this was misinterpreted in Honduras, Nicaraugua, Guatemala, -- it became generally believed that if the kids WENT NOW -- they would be given provisos to stay and would not be deported. AT THE LEAST, Obama waited a year too long to DISPEL this "rumor". As in actually making it a public speech priority JUST LAST WEEK. The DHS was putting out bids for facilities and transportation to wearhouse 10s of thousands even a year ago.

WBUR Media Player

Another example of being way behind reacting to crises. Even if those crises were and are self-inflicted. Making UNILATERAL LAW is always bound to misinterpretation. And THIS TIME -- it triggered a humanitarian crisis and made some coyotes very very rich smugglers.

It's great that both he and Clinton are acting tough THIS WEEK about "sending them back". But for the past 18 months -- this problem existed and THEY DID NOTHING to get the miscommunication corrected.

Sure, blame Obama for what the coyotes tell desperate people in order to get their money.

And then celebrate the death of a child.

This is so effing typical of some on the right. They don't bother with facts. They just repeat what limbaugh tells them and then, the exceptionally stupid assholes on the right accuse USMess members of being "anti-child, pro-human trafficking".

In spite of that horrendous and foul accusation, we're supposed to be civil????

There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..

There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

Second, "you" consistently ignore the facts of immigration and the facts of this admin's actions in favor of your agenda against OUR president, Obama. (Yes, that's right - your hero Putin is not the president. Deal with it.)

Third, your use of the word "WE ... " says it all.

To RWs, its all about us vs them. All you really care about is your radical religious right wing agenda. RWs hate women, children, gays, elderly, vets, handicapped - everyone who isn't white "christian" male.
And it's just beginning.

Doubtfull the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left will report on this phenomenon:

The corpse of an 11-year-old--an unaccompanied migrant from Guatemala--was discovered on June 15 in La Joya, Texas.

The body was found in brush, according to Action 4 News.
La Joya is located in Hidalgo County, which borders Mexico. Eddie Guerra, the Hidalgo County Sheriff, said at a press conference on June 30 that the child died from dehydration. Guerra believes the 11-year-old had been abandoned by a smuggler prior to passing away.
Currently, thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--enter the U.S. each day, and the flow of people at the border shows no signs of slowing. The trek north is incredibly dangerous, and can be deadly.
Just last week Breitbart reported on unearthed mass graves containing immigrant bodies in South Texas. Some graves contained bags with only skulls, other bones, or decomposed body parts in them. "

Dead Child Found on Border

isn't that what you sub mutant bible thumpers hoping to happen

Pond slime koshergrl is practically orgasmic over this death.

The only thing that would make her happier is if more kids are found dead or if this one had been aborted.
You're confusing me with your baby killing friends, luds.
Sure, blame Obama for what the coyotes tell desperate people in order to get their money.

And then celebrate the death of a child.

This is so effing typical of some on the right. They don't bother with facts. They just repeat what limbaugh tells them and then, the exceptionally stupid assholes on the right accuse USMess members of being "anti-child, pro-human trafficking".

In spite of that horrendous and foul accusation, we're supposed to be civil????

There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..

There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

Second, "you" consistently ignore the facts of immigration and the facts of this admin's actions in favor of your agenda against OUR president, Obama. (Yes, that's right - your hero Putin is not the president. Deal with it.)

Third, your use of the word "WE ... " says it all.

To RWs, its all about us vs them. All you really care about is your radical religious right wing agenda. RWs hate women, children, gays, elderly, vets, handicapped - everyone who isn't white "christian" male.

Yup, it is the children who are the victims.

They are the victims of you, and an admin that is shamelessly pawning them off on the sex industry and knowingly opening the doors to human trafficking.

Progressive love. church and many churches across the nation are lining up to help these children. We are, indeed, the ones who will shoulder the reality of this nightmare..that is the direct result of policies we fought long and hard to prevent being put in place.

Because we do actually object to minority chldren being victimized and killed. Which is why we loathe lefty extremists. And when lefty extremist policies do kill children, we step up and care for the ones we can save. Unlike the leftist drones who think state care is good enough for the poorest, most vulnerable, minority children of the world.

That you think shouldn't be alive in the first place....and that you view as a burden upon the world....without value, and undeserving of basic human rights.

A christian?
I'm still reeling from learning you're a "teacher".

Yeah, right.


Who do you think you're talking to here?

You must think that no one has ever read your posts before.
So between the kids being sold into slavery (and worse) and the starvation that is going to be taking place on a scale like we have never seen before...

You guys are really making a name for yourself in the annals of history. Most children killed, ever!
Poor luds.

Continues to prove that he is incapable of participating in an adult conversation.
If you think this is the beginning you are woefully out of date. The smugglers have mass graves all along the border. It's been going on for years. Google "rape tree". See what that really means. We do these people no favors with our open borders policies. Families send these kids off, not for the mythical better life. The adults think children can find work here and send money home. Children work in their country. Why not here as well.

These people are absolutely disgusting. Worse than animals. We are bringing them here as a form of human pollution. There's one maybe mother and maybe father who will never know what happened to this kid. Nor will they care very much except their investment won't have paid off. They lost the money paid to the smugglers who abandoned him. There's no 11 year old to work and send money home.

Liberals never blame the coyotes who take the money and abandon the children. It's not the fault of those honest businessmen. It's the fault of the right for not making the way easier. Put up a few lemonade stands. The best thing to do with the water stations is to use them for target practice. Fill them full of holes.

Close the border with landmines and gun helicopters. Put up sniper towers. Close the damn border.
Sure, blame Obama for what the coyotes tell desperate people in order to get their money.

And then celebrate the death of a child.

This is so effing typical of some on the right. They don't bother with facts. They just repeat what limbaugh tells them and then, the exceptionally stupid assholes on the right accuse USMess members of being "anti-child, pro-human trafficking".

In spite of that horrendous and foul accusation, we're supposed to be civil????

There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..

There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

You got that part right. This is basis of my outrage about the inaction of Prez who can change law at his will and not MONITOR the DEATH TRAINS carrying 100,000 children Nort to our border.. HOW MANY Death Trains was he willing to overlook before MODERATING his message to Central America and standing up to STOP the coyotes from misrepresenting his policy changes? It IS the children who are the victims. And he is not the Prez that I EXPECT will give a big enough shit to do anything until a full-blown CRISIS develops and the corpses pile up...
If you think this is the beginning you are woefully out of date. The smugglers have mass graves all along the border. It's been going on for years. Google "rape tree". See what that really means. We do these people no favors with our open borders policies. Families send these kids off, not for the mythical better life. The adults think children can find work here and send money home. Children work in their country. Why not here as well.

These people are absolutely disgusting. Worse than animals. We are bringing them here as a form of human pollution. There's one maybe mother and maybe father who will never know what happened to this kid. Nor will they care very much except their investment won't have paid off. They lost the money paid to the smugglers who abandoned him. There's no 11 year old to work and send money home.

Liberals never blame the coyotes who take the money and abandon the children. It's not the fault of those honest businessmen. It's the fault of the right for not making the way easier. Put up a few lemonade stands. The best thing to do with the water stations is to use them for target practice. Fill them full of holes.

Close the border with landmines and gun helicopters. Put up sniper towers. Close the damn border.

Aren't you glad that President Obama has gone against the pubs and that there are now more people going to Mexico from the US that the other way around.

No, I know you're not. Just as I know you will now lie about that too.

And katzenFooll, there were sniper towers. You're too dumb to know this but the Sonora is a "sub-tropical desert". You could hide a herd of elephants 15' away and not see them.

Americans would be killed by land mines. Besides, only the r is so backward and barbaric to want to blow legs off of people on their way to work. (You're sick.)

BTW, pond slime koshergrl, I do agree with one thing in your posts. This line from your sig. Although, in truth, our world would be much better off if they were just lined up and shot.

"Fundamentalist Christians should be institutionalized and not be allowed to breed . . . hopefully that day is coming."
If you think this is the beginning you are woefully out of date. The smugglers have mass graves all along the border. It's been going on for years. Google "rape tree". See what that really means. We do these people no favors with our open borders policies. Families send these kids off, not for the mythical better life. The adults think children can find work here and send money home. Children work in their country. Why not here as well.

These people are absolutely disgusting. Worse than animals. We are bringing them here as a form of human pollution. There's one maybe mother and maybe father who will never know what happened to this kid. Nor will they care very much except their investment won't have paid off. They lost the money paid to the smugglers who abandoned him. There's no 11 year old to work and send money home.

Liberals never blame the coyotes who take the money and abandon the children. It's not the fault of those honest businessmen. It's the fault of the right for not making the way easier. Put up a few lemonade stands. The best thing to do with the water stations is to use them for target practice. Fill them full of holes.

Close the border with landmines and gun helicopters. Put up sniper towers. Close the damn border.

I don't think it's the beginning of human trafficking and the sex industry...these things have always gone on and are supported by lax border policies.

I think it will get exponentially worse, however.
I've been to the Sonoran desert and there is nothing tropical about it. The tallest vegetation is saguaro cactus and those are far between.

There are washes and rocks to hide in and behind. They gotta come out sometime. Very easy to see with night vision goggles.

Saying the sex industry and human traffickers benefit from the current policies is not the same as saying "this child is a victim of sex trafficking".

Basic English, and if you were in my fourth grade class, I'd send you back to your desk with comprehension exercises until I felt you truly understood the assignment.

You're a teacher? No wonder these kids minds are filled with mush
i wouldn't be surprised if she got fired over her posts.

Saying the sex industry and human traffickers benefit from the current policies is not the same as saying "this child is a victim of sex trafficking".

Basic English, and if you were in my fourth grade class, I'd send you back to your desk with comprehension exercises until I felt you truly understood the assignment.

You're a teacher? No wonder these kids minds are filled with mush
i wouldn't be surprised if she got fired over her posts.

Aw, Ravtard. Are you trying to share personal info about me, again? Or are you data mining?
I've been to the Sonoran desert and there is nothing tropical about it. The tallest vegetation is saguaro cactus and those are far between.

There are washes and rocks to hide in and behind. They gotta come out sometime. Very easy to see with night vision goggles.

So, you're not just stupid.
You're ignorant too.

Who said anything about "tall" vegetation?
Hint: Humans don't hide behind Saguaros.
If you had a frikken clue, you would know that what matters is how thick the vegetation is. But all you know is what you want to be true and, as usual, you ignore the facts.

Seriously, you're an idiot. That's true. But you can be forgiven for not knowing what the Sonora desert is really like. But, you have Google and there's no excuse for not knowing the real history of illegal immigration on the southern border.

Why don't you read up on McCain's towers and find out what a dismal failure they were. They're still laying out there in the desert. Millions of dollars for some cut-down trees.

You might also want to read about McCain's night vision helicopters. Another total failure because it really doesn't matter what you can see. What matters is what you can catch. The videos are available at You Tube. Watch them and you'll see what I mean.

We used to watch them on the evening news and cuss McCain and Kyl for stealing money and doing nothing with it.

You can also drive by the brand new night vision helicopters they spent millions on. They're parked near the Tucson airport and the Pima Air Museum.

Saying the sex industry and human traffickers benefit from the current policies is not the same as saying "this child is a victim of sex trafficking".

Basic English, and if you were in my fourth grade class, I'd send you back to your desk with comprehension exercises until I felt you truly understood the assignment.

You're a teacher? No wonder these kids minds are filled with mush
i wouldn't be surprised if she got fired over her posts.

Maybe pre-K teacher's helper but I doubt it.

How could anyone hide that much slime in order to get hired to teach CHILDREN that they hate?

Maybe I just don't want to believe that someone like her could be alone in a room with little kids. Makes my skin crawl.

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