Dead child found on border

And it's just beginning.

Doubtfull the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left will report on this phenomenon:

The corpse of an 11-year-old--an unaccompanied migrant from Guatemala--was discovered on June 15 in La Joya, Texas.

The body was found in brush, according to Action 4 News.
La Joya is located in Hidalgo County, which borders Mexico. Eddie Guerra, the Hidalgo County Sheriff, said at a press conference on June 30 that the child died from dehydration. Guerra believes the 11-year-old had been abandoned by a smuggler prior to passing away.
Currently, thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--enter the U.S. each day, and the flow of people at the border shows no signs of slowing. The trek north is incredibly dangerous, and can be deadly.
Just last week Breitbart reported on unearthed mass graves containing immigrant bodies in South Texas. Some graves contained bags with only skulls, other bones, or decomposed body parts in them. "

Dead Child Found on Border

Isn't it the rabid, clueless, bigoted, hypocritical, extreme right the ones who would prefer we kill all brown people at the border?

Just trying to understand your logic here. Shouldn't you be happy that they found a dead immigrant? I am confused.

How is the left responsible for this? Anti-child? Isn't it the "pro-life" crowd who insists on forcing women to have babies while also pushing to kill safety nets designed to help feed the child after it is born?

LOL. This is funny. Oh and Breitbart has zero credibility int he world of journalism so the whole article is junk.

How much of an ill-informed denier do you have to be -- to not know that your Dictator in Chief unilaterally suspended the immigration laws for under 18s who cross the border?
Thus setting off a humanitarian crisis that started over a year ago and is STILL ESCALATING today???

He is SINGLE-HANDEDLY responsible for this disaster. And the countries that are sending them HAVE NOT been dissuaded by his meek comments that "this is not what I meant when I ordered the dreamers could stay".

There was an intent to stuff the demographics of states like Texas and New Mexico and turn them blue. You obviously have not seen the 1000s of kids being warehoused and diapered at a time when this country can't pay it's own bills..

Take 2 pages of Breitbart and call me in the morning..
And it's just beginning.

Doubtfull the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left will report on this phenomenon:

The corpse of an 11-year-old--an unaccompanied migrant from Guatemala--was discovered on June 15 in La Joya, Texas.

The body was found in brush, according to Action 4 News.
La Joya is located in Hidalgo County, which borders Mexico. Eddie Guerra, the Hidalgo County Sheriff, said at a press conference on June 30 that the child died from dehydration. Guerra believes the 11-year-old had been abandoned by a smuggler prior to passing away.
Currently, thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--enter the U.S. each day, and the flow of people at the border shows no signs of slowing. The trek north is incredibly dangerous, and can be deadly.
Just last week Breitbart reported on unearthed mass graves containing immigrant bodies in South Texas. Some graves contained bags with only skulls, other bones, or decomposed body parts in them. "

Dead Child Found on Border

Isn't it the rabid, clueless, bigoted, hypocritical, extreme right the ones who would prefer we kill all brown people at the border?

Just trying to understand your logic here. Shouldn't you be happy that they found a dead immigrant? I am confused.

How is the left responsible for this? Anti-child? Isn't it the "pro-life" crowd who insists on forcing women to have babies while also pushing to kill safety nets designed to help feed the child after it is born?

LOL. This is funny. Oh and Breitbart has zero credibility int he world of journalism so the whole article is junk.

I would argue that the ones who want the brown people dead are the ones who are facilitating their deaths as we speak.

The pro-death, pro-human trafficking, pro-sex industry left. Who think it's cool to smuggle children across the border and deliver them into the hands of criminals here.

The sad part is you actually believe that and you wonder why the right-wing are labeled as lunatics. LOL.
Look at the extremist left yuck it up when kids die.

The well being of children have always taken a back seat to the policies that advance their death cult.
RW's have an ability to flip flop on issues that's second to none.

Ask Kosher if water stations should be provided to prevent this. You'll find that her answer ensures that the deaths wont stop and more importantly she'll have deaths to complain about too! Double whammy!

Just like the Min Wage debate...Scream to keep wages low AND whine about those same people qualifying for food stamps.

Damn, if this kid would have just been aborted, this would never have happened.
Lefties traditionally don't recognize the value of the children of poor minorities.
And it's just beginning.

Doubtfull the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left will report on this phenomenon:

The corpse of an 11-year-old--an unaccompanied migrant from Guatemala--was discovered on June 15 in La Joya, Texas.

The body was found in brush, according to Action 4 News.
La Joya is located in Hidalgo County, which borders Mexico. Eddie Guerra, the Hidalgo County Sheriff, said at a press conference on June 30 that the child died from dehydration. Guerra believes the 11-year-old had been abandoned by a smuggler prior to passing away.
Currently, thousands of illegal immigrants--most of whom are from Central America--enter the U.S. each day, and the flow of people at the border shows no signs of slowing. The trek north is incredibly dangerous, and can be deadly.
Just last week Breitbart reported on unearthed mass graves containing immigrant bodies in South Texas. Some graves contained bags with only skulls, other bones, or decomposed body parts in them. "

Dead Child Found on Border

Isn't it the rabid, clueless, bigoted, hypocritical, extreme right the ones who would prefer we kill all brown people at the border?

Just trying to understand your logic here. Shouldn't you be happy that they found a dead immigrant? I am confused.

How is the left responsible for this? Anti-child? Isn't it the "pro-life" crowd who insists on forcing women to have babies while also pushing to kill safety nets designed to help feed the child after it is born?

LOL. This is funny. Oh and Breitbart has zero credibility int he world of journalism so the whole article is junk.

How much of an ill-informed denier do you have to be -- to not know that your Dictator in Chief unilaterally suspended the immigration laws for under 18s who cross the border?
Thus setting off a humanitarian crisis that started over a year ago and is STILL ESCALATING today???

He is SINGLE-HANDEDLY responsible for this disaster. And the countries that are sending them HAVE NOT been dissuaded by his meek comments that "this is not what I meant when I ordered the dreamers could stay".

There was an intent to stuff the demographics of states like Texas and New Mexico and turn them blue. You obviously have not seen the 1000s of kids being warehoused and diapered at a time when this country can't pay it's own bills..

Take 2 pages of Breitbart and call me in the morning..

No he's not.

Actually, just the opposite is true.

But then, "the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" is a lie too.
Isn't it the rabid, clueless, bigoted, hypocritical, extreme right the ones who would prefer we kill all brown people at the border?

Just trying to understand your logic here. Shouldn't you be happy that they found a dead immigrant? I am confused.

How is the left responsible for this? Anti-child? Isn't it the "pro-life" crowd who insists on forcing women to have babies while also pushing to kill safety nets designed to help feed the child after it is born?

LOL. This is funny. Oh and Breitbart has zero credibility int he world of journalism so the whole article is junk.

I would argue that the ones who want the brown people dead are the ones who are facilitating their deaths as we speak.

The pro-death, pro-human trafficking, pro-sex industry left. Who think it's cool to smuggle children across the border and deliver them into the hands of criminals here.

The sad part is you actually believe that and you wonder why the right-wing are labeled as lunatics. LOL.

Because they ARE lunatics.

All day, they pass lies back and forth here - like " the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" and other garbage out of the garbage can herself and then they lie some more.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - RWs - get out of the country you hate and move to Russia. Believe me, Americans won't miss you.
RW's have an ability to flip flop on issues that's second to none.

Ask Kosher if water stations should be provided to prevent this. You'll find that her answer ensures that the deaths wont stop and more importantly she'll have deaths to complain about too! Double whammy!

Just like the Min Wage debate...Scream to keep wages low AND whine about those same people qualifying for food stamps.

Damn, if this kid would have just been aborted, this would never have happened.

Told you! The dodge is a concession that I;m right :lol:
Make me sad and sick to watch certain posters dancing on the dead body of a little 11 year old.

And then to say the poor child should have been aborted.

WTH is wrong with you people?

I would argue that the ones who want the brown people dead are the ones who are facilitating their deaths as we speak.

The pro-death, pro-human trafficking, pro-sex industry left. Who think it's cool to smuggle children across the border and deliver them into the hands of criminals here.

The sad part is you actually believe that and you wonder why the right-wing are labeled as lunatics. LOL.

Because they ARE lunatics.

All day, they pass lies back and forth here - like " the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" and other garbage out of the garbage can herself and then they lie some more.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - RWs - get out of the country you hate and move to Russia. Believe me, Americans won't miss you.

I'm sorry, do you or do you not approve of policies that kill and/or put children at risk of death and the other nightmare of human trafficking?

You do?

Then thank you, you are anti-child, pro-human trafficking.
RW's have an ability to flip flop on issues that's second to none.

Ask Kosher if water stations should be provided to prevent this. You'll find that her answer ensures that the deaths wont stop and more importantly she'll have deaths to complain about too! Double whammy!

Just like the Min Wage debate...Scream to keep wages low AND whine about those same people qualifying for food stamps.


Isn't it the rabid, clueless, bigoted, hypocritical, extreme right the ones who would prefer we kill all brown people at the border?

Just trying to understand your logic here. Shouldn't you be happy that they found a dead immigrant? I am confused.

How is the left responsible for this? Anti-child? Isn't it the "pro-life" crowd who insists on forcing women to have babies while also pushing to kill safety nets designed to help feed the child after it is born?

LOL. This is funny. Oh and Breitbart has zero credibility int he world of journalism so the whole article is junk.

How much of an ill-informed denier do you have to be -- to not know that your Dictator in Chief unilaterally suspended the immigration laws for under 18s who cross the border?
Thus setting off a humanitarian crisis that started over a year ago and is STILL ESCALATING today???

He is SINGLE-HANDEDLY responsible for this disaster. And the countries that are sending them HAVE NOT been dissuaded by his meek comments that "this is not what I meant when I ordered the dreamers could stay".

There was an intent to stuff the demographics of states like Texas and New Mexico and turn them blue. You obviously have not seen the 1000s of kids being warehoused and diapered at a time when this country can't pay it's own bills..

Take 2 pages of Breitbart and call me in the morning..

No he's not.

Actually, just the opposite is true.

But then, "the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" is a lie too.

Ignorance of the news is not an excuse.. The rise in unescorted Central American minors at the borders correlates well with Obama unilaterally changing the "dreamer" part of immigration enforcement..


HOWEVER this was misinterpreted in Honduras, Nicaraugua, Guatemala, -- it became generally believed that if the kids WENT NOW -- they would be given provisos to stay and would not be deported. AT THE LEAST, Obama waited a year too long to DISPEL this "rumor". As in actually making it a public speech priority JUST LAST WEEK. The DHS was putting out bids for facilities and transportation to wearhouse 10s of thousands even a year ago.

WBUR Media Player

Another example of being way behind reacting to crises. Even if those crises were and are self-inflicted. Making UNILATERAL LAW is always bound to misinterpretation. And THIS TIME -- it triggered a humanitarian crisis and made some coyotes very very rich smugglers.

It's great that both he and Clinton are acting tough THIS WEEK about "sending them back". But for the past 18 months -- this problem existed and THEY DID NOTHING to get the miscommunication corrected.
Dead child found on border

They have found only one?

Do not be surprised if they start finding all sort of bodies, fetuses, more children and even adults remains's getting messy over there at the border.

This President and his stoodges have a lot to answer for!
How much of an ill-informed denier do you have to be -- to not know that your Dictator in Chief unilaterally suspended the immigration laws for under 18s who cross the border?
Thus setting off a humanitarian crisis that started over a year ago and is STILL ESCALATING today???

He is SINGLE-HANDEDLY responsible for this disaster. And the countries that are sending them HAVE NOT been dissuaded by his meek comments that "this is not what I meant when I ordered the dreamers could stay".

There was an intent to stuff the demographics of states like Texas and New Mexico and turn them blue. You obviously have not seen the 1000s of kids being warehoused and diapered at a time when this country can't pay it's own bills..

Take 2 pages of Breitbart and call me in the morning..

No he's not.

Actually, just the opposite is true.

But then, "the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" is a lie too.

Ignorance of the news is not an excuse.. The rise in unescorted Central American minors at the borders correlates well with Obama unilaterally changing the "dreamer" part of immigration enforcement..


HOWEVER this was misinterpreted in Honduras, Nicaraugua, Guatemala, -- it became generally believed that if the kids WENT NOW -- they would be given provisos to stay and would not be deported. AT THE LEAST, Obama waited a year too long to DISPEL this "rumor". As in actually making it a public speech priority JUST LAST WEEK. The DHS was putting out bids for facilities and transportation to wearhouse 10s of thousands even a year ago.

WBUR Media Player

Another example of being way behind reacting to crises. Even if those crises were and are self-inflicted. Making UNILATERAL LAW is always bound to misinterpretation. And THIS TIME -- it triggered a humanitarian crisis and made some coyotes very very rich smugglers.

It's great that both he and Clinton are acting tough THIS WEEK about "sending them back". But for the past 18 months -- this problem existed and THEY DID NOTHING to get the miscommunication corrected.

Sure, blame Obama for what the coyotes tell desperate people in order to get their money.

And then celebrate the death of a child.

This is so effing typical of some on the right. They don't bother with facts. They just repeat what limbaugh tells them and then, the exceptionally stupid assholes on the right accuse USMess members of being "anti-child, pro-human trafficking".

In spite of that horrendous and foul accusation, we're supposed to be civil????
Someone mark this as the one and only time the RW'ers will show concern for the mexican people is when they are already dead. If they arent dead they should be shipped away or arrested.
The sad part is you actually believe that and you wonder why the right-wing are labeled as lunatics. LOL.

Because they ARE lunatics.

All day, they pass lies back and forth here - like " the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" and other garbage out of the garbage can herself and then they lie some more.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - RWs - get out of the country you hate and move to Russia. Believe me, Americans won't miss you.

I'm sorry, do you or do you not approve of policies that kill and/or put children at risk of death and the other nightmare of human trafficking?

You do?

Then thank you, you are anti-child, pro-human trafficking.

You are sick scum to be celebrating this child's death and saying she should have been aborted.

You despise children and lie about being a teacher. Just stfu.
Someone mark this as the one and only time the RW'ers will show concern for the mexican people is when they are already dead. If they arent dead they should be shipped away or arrested.

It's not the RW'ers the ones who have to show concern!!!

It's this hopeless and heartless President and his Gang the ones who have !!!
No he's not.

Actually, just the opposite is true.

But then, "the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" is a lie too.

Ignorance of the news is not an excuse.. The rise in unescorted Central American minors at the borders correlates well with Obama unilaterally changing the "dreamer" part of immigration enforcement..


HOWEVER this was misinterpreted in Honduras, Nicaraugua, Guatemala, -- it became generally believed that if the kids WENT NOW -- they would be given provisos to stay and would not be deported. AT THE LEAST, Obama waited a year too long to DISPEL this "rumor". As in actually making it a public speech priority JUST LAST WEEK. The DHS was putting out bids for facilities and transportation to wearhouse 10s of thousands even a year ago.

WBUR Media Player

Another example of being way behind reacting to crises. Even if those crises were and are self-inflicted. Making UNILATERAL LAW is always bound to misinterpretation. And THIS TIME -- it triggered a humanitarian crisis and made some coyotes very very rich smugglers.

It's great that both he and Clinton are acting tough THIS WEEK about "sending them back". But for the past 18 months -- this problem existed and THEY DID NOTHING to get the miscommunication corrected.

Sure, blame Obama for what the coyotes tell desperate people in order to get their money.

And then celebrate the death of a child.

This is so effing typical of some on the right. They don't bother with facts. They just repeat what limbaugh tells them and then, the exceptionally stupid assholes on the right accuse USMess members of being "anti-child, pro-human trafficking".

In spite of that horrendous and foul accusation, we're supposed to be civil????

There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..
Someone mark this as the one and only time the RW'ers will show concern for the mexican people is when they are already dead. If they arent dead they should be shipped away or arrested.

Its also the only time they've shown any concern for a child.


To the right, children are just tools for them to use in their agenda of hate.
Because they ARE lunatics.

All day, they pass lies back and forth here - like " the anti-child, pro-human trafficking left" and other garbage out of the garbage can herself and then they lie some more.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - RWs - get out of the country you hate and move to Russia. Believe me, Americans won't miss you.

I'm sorry, do you or do you not approve of policies that kill and/or put children at risk of death and the other nightmare of human trafficking?

You do?

Then thank you, you are anti-child, pro-human trafficking.

You are sick scum to be celebrating this child's death and saying she should have been aborted.

You despise children and lie about being a teacher. Just stfu.

^^Proof that luds is detached from reality, and incapable of following a conversation.

#1. I didn't celebrate this child's death, I find it appalling which is why I want the policies that make it likely that many, many more will happen be changed.
#2. I didn't say this child should have been aborted. I am, and have always been, adamantly anti-baby killing.
#3. I didn't say I was a teacher, ever.

I suggest that you are suffering from organic brain damage..XXXXXX and implore you to see a doctor.
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