Dead child found on border

Aw, Ravtard. Are you trying to share personal info about me, again? Or are you data mining?

No I just think you're an asshole

Yes, that's your justification for threatening and sharing personal info, I know. I'm not sure how it fits into the data mining, but meh.

Then it wasn't you who posted this?

Post #30

Quick, report it to the mods that someone is posting under your name and avatar.
Here's a lesson for you...

"If I had wings, I would fly."

Question: Does the person making this statement have wings?
I note that you didn't actually quote me.

I'll take that as your acknowledgement that I never said I was a teacher.
"...if you were in my fourth grade class, I'd send you back to your desk with comprehension exercises until I felt you truly understood the assignment." this a statement that I am a teacher?
There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..

There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

You got that part right. This is basis of my outrage about the inaction of Prez who can change law at his will and not MONITOR the DEATH TRAINS carrying 100,000 children Nort to our border.. HOW MANY Death Trains was he willing to overlook before MODERATING his message to Central America and standing up to STOP the coyotes from misrepresenting his policy changes? It IS the children who are the victims. And he is not the Prez that I EXPECT will give a big enough shit to do anything until a full-blown CRISIS develops and the corpses pile up...

I disagree with him on this as well but -

Do you think it will get the do nothing Rs to get off their butts and finally allow an immigration bill? I don't.

Obama has been deporting illegals since he took office and the right has been lying about it just as long.

RWs here wanted the kids sent back until they found out that's what Obama was going to do. Now, suddenly, they're against it.

How SICK is that?

Hell, RWs didn't even know about the law requiring we place them in foster homes. Doesn't matter though because, to the right, they're just a political football.

I wouldn't trust even one word from the right because, since Obama took office, all they've done is lie.
Luds proves that the left is willing to kill children in order to force a political point.
One thing for sure - kg lies. It would be very foolish to believe anything she writes.

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There we go.. Total deflection from the ACTUAL issue and problem. Since I never put myself in the position of Defending the Indefensible, I never have to accuse others of "celebrating the death of a child" -- when they are not. Or not bothering with the facts, when the facts have just been laid on the table. Or invoking victimhood because I've been attacked.. We're not attacking YOU -- we are attacking your Dictator in Chief who's always been a week late and a dime short getting ahead of messes that he has created..

There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

Second, "you" consistently ignore the facts of immigration and the facts of this admin's actions in favor of your agenda against OUR president, Obama. (Yes, that's right - your hero Putin is not the president. Deal with it.)

Third, your use of the word "WE ... " says it all.

To RWs, its all about us vs them. All you really care about is your radical religious right wing agenda. RWs hate women, children, gays, elderly, vets, handicapped - everyone who isn't white "christian" male.

Yup, it is the children who are the victims.

They are the victims of you, and an admin that is shamelessly pawning them off on the sex industry and knowingly opening the doors to human trafficking.

Progressive love.

link? [MENTION=31640]koshergrl[/MENTION]
There we go:

First, its the children who are the victims. Not you and not professional pond scum kg. The children.

You got that part right. This is basis of my outrage about the inaction of Prez who can change law at his will and not MONITOR the DEATH TRAINS carrying 100,000 children Nort to our border.. HOW MANY Death Trains was he willing to overlook before MODERATING his message to Central America and standing up to STOP the coyotes from misrepresenting his policy changes? It IS the children who are the victims. And he is not the Prez that I EXPECT will give a big enough shit to do anything until a full-blown CRISIS develops and the corpses pile up...

I disagree with him on this as well but -

Do you think it will get the do nothing Rs to get off their butts and finally allow an immigration bill? I don't.

Obama has been deporting illegals since he took office and the right has been lying about it just as long.

RWs here wanted the kids sent back until they found out that's what Obama was going to do. Now, suddenly, they're against it.

How SICK is that?

I have no idea what you mean that RW'ers don't want the kids sent back now. EVERYONE wants them sent back NOW... Including Hilliary and the Dick-tater. Obama lied about the border being closed. He toured the country bragging about it. OBVIOUSLY -- it's not closed.
He has also cooked the books on deportations, just like the books are cooked on employment numbers and ObamaCare.

Republicans don't want to discuss amnesty. Not until the border is closed and ALL OF the immigration laws are enforced. How can you trust a guy that just up and decides to mouth off and DECLARE that HE will not attempt to prosecute under 18 kids? You can't trust when he says the border is closed and he's deporting more than ever. And you can't trust him to ENFORCE the laws that Congress passes.

Hell, RWs didn't even know about the law requiring we place them in foster homes. Doesn't matter though because, to the right, they're just a political football.

I wouldn't trust even one word from the right because, since Obama took office, all they've done is lie.

To my knowledge, there is no REQUIREMENT to place ANY of these kids into foster homes. Mexican unescorted minors can be deported. These new C. Amer. Kids are entitled to an immigration hearing to plead asylum or produce their cause. They will be TEMPORARILY released to legal relatives in the States OR i suppose can accept a foster placement, until their court date. But the fact is that over 90% of them NEVER SHOW for their court date.
So -- not only did they break the law by coming here, they break the law by ignoring the terms of their release. And YOUR SIDE DEMANDS amnesty and a path to citizenship to REWARD this behaviour? No wonder there is no immigration bill...
Someone mark this as the one and only time the RW'ers will show concern for the mexican people is when they are already dead. If they arent dead they should be shipped away or arrested.

It's not the RW'ers the ones who have to show concern!!!

It's this hopeless and heartless President and his Gang the ones who have !!!

Who said they have to? Because they dont unless they can stand on a dead mexican...if the mexican was alive you'd be against him just like someone concerned with the well being on mexicans would :lol:
You got that part right. This is basis of my outrage about the inaction of Prez who can change law at his will and not MONITOR the DEATH TRAINS carrying 100,000 children Nort to our border.. HOW MANY Death Trains was he willing to overlook before MODERATING his message to Central America and standing up to STOP the coyotes from misrepresenting his policy changes? It IS the children who are the victims. And he is not the Prez that I EXPECT will give a big enough shit to do anything until a full-blown CRISIS develops and the corpses pile up...

I disagree with him on this as well but -

Do you think it will get the do nothing Rs to get off their butts and finally allow an immigration bill? I don't.

Obama has been deporting illegals since he took office and the right has been lying about it just as long.

RWs here wanted the kids sent back until they found out that's what Obama was going to do. Now, suddenly, they're against it.

How SICK is that?

I have no idea what you mean that RW'ers don't want the kids sent back now. EVERYONE wants them sent back NOW... Including Hilliary and the Dick-tater. Obama lied about the border being closed. He toured the country bragging about it. OBVIOUSLY -- it's not closed.
He has also cooked the books on deportations, just like the books are cooked on employment numbers and ObamaCare.

Republicans don't want to discuss amnesty. Not until the border is closed and ALL OF the immigration laws are enforced. How can you trust a guy that just up and decides to mouth off and DECLARE that HE will not attempt to prosecute under 18 kids? You can't trust when he says the border is closed and he's deporting more than ever. And you can't trust him to ENFORCE the laws that Congress passes.

Hell, RWs didn't even know about the law requiring we place them in foster homes. Doesn't matter though because, to the right, they're just a political football.

I wouldn't trust even one word from the right because, since Obama took office, all they've done is lie.

To my knowledge, there is no REQUIREMENT to place ANY of these kids into foster homes. Mexican unescorted minors can be deported. These new C. Amer. Kids are entitled to an immigration hearing to plead asylum or produce their cause. They will be TEMPORARILY released to legal relatives in the States OR i suppose can accept a foster placement, until their court date. But the fact is that over 90% of them NEVER SHOW for their court date.
So -- not only did they break the law by coming here, they break the law by ignoring the terms of their release. And YOUR SIDE DEMANDS amnesty and a path to citizenship to REWARD this behaviour? No wonder there is no immigration bill...

This much misinformation just makes me want to give up. No matter how many times the facts are posted, RWs just keep on posting fiction like this ^^.

You are talking about two different groups - illegal aliens and refugees.

When one says "close the border", its obvious they have no clue what they're talking about. There is and has been for some time now, a net zero illegals coming to the states from the south. The law does require political/social refugees be treated differently than illegal aliens. These children are not illegal aliens.

It has been the R that want amnesty. As with everything else, the do nothing republicans refuse to even discuss a bill on immigration while Obama continues to deport illegals. They do nothing but obstruct and filibuster and then bitch when the president acts.

Obama deports.
Republicans lie.
They aren't refugees. They are illegal aliens. They use the excuse of being refugees because that will get them in. Pack them up and send them back. All of them. If there are children too young to find out who the families are, send them to the Church. It's their job to take care of the poor in these countries, not ours.

People die coming across that border every day. It's silly to get all worked up over one kid when so many are dying anyway.
They aren't refugees. They are illegal aliens. They use the excuse of being refugees because that will get them in. Pack them up and send them back. All of them. If there are children too young to find out who the families are, send them to the Church. It's their job to take care of the poor in these countries, not ours.

People die coming across that border every day. It's silly to get all worked up over one kid when so many are dying anyway.

This is really quite typical of RWs stupidity, ignorance and complete lack of feeling.

RWs are not even human. They don't care about children. A dead child means nothing to them. There is only one reason any RW is against abortion - to control women and children.
The reason they are refugees is because we have put into effect policies which encourages gangs and other criminals to amp up their efforts in human trafficking. They're getting a free pass. The result is they are going to be doing huge SWEEPS to pick up kids, who are now a commodity.

But that's the way the left views children. A commodity.

I disagree with him on this as well but -

Do you think it will get the do nothing Rs to get off their butts and finally allow an immigration bill? I don't.

Obama has been deporting illegals since he took office and the right has been lying about it just as long.

RWs here wanted the kids sent back until they found out that's what Obama was going to do. Now, suddenly, they're against it.

How SICK is that?

I have no idea what you mean that RW'ers don't want the kids sent back now. EVERYONE wants them sent back NOW... Including Hilliary and the Dick-tater. Obama lied about the border being closed. He toured the country bragging about it. OBVIOUSLY -- it's not closed.
He has also cooked the books on deportations, just like the books are cooked on employment numbers and ObamaCare.

Republicans don't want to discuss amnesty. Not until the border is closed and ALL OF the immigration laws are enforced. How can you trust a guy that just up and decides to mouth off and DECLARE that HE will not attempt to prosecute under 18 kids? You can't trust when he says the border is closed and he's deporting more than ever. And you can't trust him to ENFORCE the laws that Congress passes.

Hell, RWs didn't even know about the law requiring we place them in foster homes. Doesn't matter though because, to the right, they're just a political football.

I wouldn't trust even one word from the right because, since Obama took office, all they've done is lie.

To my knowledge, there is no REQUIREMENT to place ANY of these kids into foster homes. Mexican unescorted minors can be deported. These new C. Amer. Kids are entitled to an immigration hearing to plead asylum or produce their cause. They will be TEMPORARILY released to legal relatives in the States OR i suppose can accept a foster placement, until their court date. But the fact is that over 90% of them NEVER SHOW for their court date.
So -- not only did they break the law by coming here, they break the law by ignoring the terms of their release. And YOUR SIDE DEMANDS amnesty and a path to citizenship to REWARD this behaviour? No wonder there is no immigration bill...

This much misinformation just makes me want to give up. No matter how many times the facts are posted, RWs just keep on posting fiction like this ^^.

You are talking about two different groups - illegal aliens and refugees.

When one says "close the border", its obvious they have no clue what they're talking about. There is and has been for some time now, a net zero illegals coming to the states from the south. The law does require political/social refugees be treated differently than illegal aliens. These children are not illegal aliens.

It has been the R that want amnesty. As with everything else, the do nothing republicans refuse to even discuss a bill on immigration while Obama continues to deport illegals. They do nothing but obstruct and filibuster and then bitch when the president acts.

Obama deports.
Republicans lie.

Are you claiming that those 100,000 kids are all political refugees? That's for a court to decide -- not you. They are ILLEGAL until granted status. ALL of them. And 90% will NEVER SHOW up for their hearing.. That's one of those pesky facts that you will not allow in your leftist thickened skull... So they don't want to have to PROVE their case.

The Democrats don't call their plan amnesty because they have waiting periods and fines attached. But it does amount to naturalizing virtual the whole boatload at some point.. Rather than choose to triage them back to their home countries and Liberalizing the LEGAL immigration process..
Because some might take advantage of a law, like smugglers of humans have done, doesn't mean that allowing kids that have lived here since they were very young a chance at citizenship is wrong.

The smugglers are the problem. That and the poor economies in the countries that these children live in.

Anyone rational can see that. Anyone that enjoys using children as tools agrees with the OP.

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