Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

The shooter looks like a gun nut.

Liberals like you do more damage with your words than any gunman can with a gun.
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops. Am I saying that's what happened here? No. But such a message can only imply that violence should ensue should someone's twisted sense of justice not be appeased.
Sad's on now!
Whatcha got planned buddy?
What do you think is going to happen?
Since the most vile filth on the planet has decided with extreme cowardice, gun down those charged with the duty of protect and serve?
Is this what you really wanted? Armed insurgence in the streets because your side is "pissed off"?....
Take care in your response, sir.
This is a good time to post the evergreen:

by boedicca on US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

And how many black people were killed or shot in Chicago this past weekend? And why no protests for them?
well, going by your last thread, you likely have just blew a load in your pants. Black lives mater just got revenge for their dead child molester.

Typical white guilt feeling attention whore. Cry about how bad cops are, then jump up and down with glee over the dead ones. You hate them until its not cool to do so. So tell me hater, what exactly was it these four cops were doing that they deserved to be shot for? Oh, and fuck you.
Hey cock sucker. I have NEVER posted ANY type of anti cop thread. NEVER. I am not anti cop nor am I oblivious to the fact that EVERY PROFESSION ON EARTH has bad apples in it.

Now bend over and go fuck yourself

But you did hater. You hated to admit it, but you said there was a problem in this country, and it was cops. you started a thread on the topic. You are obviously anti cop. Now you go fuck your self.
Read the op of that thread again. This time with your head out of your ass.
You're wasting your time on a retard, Gramps.
The shooter looks like a gun nut.

Liberals like you do more damage with your words than any gunman can with a gun.
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.
Do not count out the fact that this could have been staged and planned by our beloved federal "gubermint". Five hours prior Barry is speaking about it cop shootings and then this strategic shooting.....sounds fishy to me. It certainly helps the Barrypuppet...create more racial strife, puts a chip on the shoulders of cops and amps up the gun control debate since the Orlando staged event failed to fool enough people. I am just saying don't rule out the possibility is all.
Liberals like you do more damage with your words than any gunman can with a gun.
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.
This is not political....This is savagery.
Do you still believe in the "hands up don't shoot"? Even though Eric Holder and all the evidence says it never happened?
I believe in the message and the symbolism of "hands up, don't shoot."
It ESCALATED when the Manchurian muslim and THIS RACIST COCK SUCKER came into power.... Thank you liberal scum, and idiot whites who thought they would assuage their WHITE GUILT by voting in a racist Halfrican!


Come on Vigilante, not now.
If NOT NOW when? We have 4 dead police, and a half dozen mortally shot? When they march down YOUR STREET in DEFIANCE of law and order what will YOU do, NOTHING, as usual?


Calm down man! I get it. But there are dead cops whose bodies are barely cold and we're already politicizing it. Have you the least bit of self restraint?

Perhaps the Germans wouldn't have had what they had in the 30's if they showed LESS RESTRAINT and more FORCEFUL PUSHBACK.... It is coming, it is not directed at all blacks, BUT IT IS DIRECTED at the THUGERY!
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.
This is not political....This is savagery.

Those two are not mutually exclusive.
Liberals like you do more damage with your words than any gunman can with a gun.
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.

And you are misinterpreting what I am saying.

Personal responsibility would involve not sending the wrong message Doc. That's what BLM has done. And there may be people now acting on "no justice, no peace" by killing people.
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Liberals like you do more damage with your words than any gunman can with a gun.
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.
You mean like how the Democrats tried to blame Rush and Palin?
If the shooters are just crossed over into being a terrorist org and should be treated as such.
Jesus fucking Christ.

Obama and the left are determined to spark a fucking race war.

Louisiana incident is tragic but lawful.
Minnesota is not and cop must, and will, be charged.

YOU DON'T GO VIGILANTE and start killing random cops! Dallas cops had NOTHING to do with Louisiana or Minnesota.

You don't want to do this folks. Despite media hype....American cops show EXTREME restraint day to day. You're gonna get riot and SWAT teams as the norm like they are in 3rd world shitholes.
The irresponsible sensationalizing of police involved shootings by the media caused this act of domestic terror.

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