Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

Jesus fucking Christ.

Obama and the left are determined to spark a fucking race war.

Louisiana incident is tragic but lawful.
Minnesota is not and cop must, and will, be charged.

YOU DON'T GO VIGILANTE and start killing random cops! Dallas cops had NOTHING to do with Louisiana or Minnesota.

You don't want to do this folks. Despite media hype....American cops show EXTREME restraint day to day. You're gonna get riot and SWAT teams as the norm like they are in 3rd world shitholes.
The irresponsible sensationalizing of police involved shootings by the media caused this act of domestic terror.

Always blaming the media. I guess we're all robots controlled by our corporate masters behind the camera? Fuck personal responsibility?
How so? Expound...

No justice, no peace.

Wait, what?

Peaceful protesters chanting "No Justice, No Peace" are worse than gunmen?


"The pen is mightier than the sword" applies here. In this case, the mouth is more dangerous than the gun. The message "No justice, No peace" can compel someone with evil intentions to go kill cops.

No, chanting can't "compel" anyone to do anything. What happened to "personal responsibility"?

You're trying to shift responsibility for these terrible crimes to your political opponents. Think about what you're saying.

And you are misinterpreting what I am saying.

Personal responsibility would involve not sending the wrong message Doc. That's what BLM has done.

No, I don't think I am.

Personal responsibility means that only these people shooting cops in Dallas are responsible for their crimes.

Just like Sarah Palin's "crosshairs" weren't responsible for Gabby Giffords shooting.

Typical white guilt feeling attention whore. Cry about how bad cops are, then jump up and down with glee over the dead ones. You hate them until its not cool to do so. So tell me hater, what exactly was it these four cops were doing that they deserved to be shot for? Oh, and fuck you.
Hey cock sucker. I have NEVER posted ANY type of anti cop thread. NEVER. I am not anti cop nor am I oblivious to the fact that EVERY PROFESSION ON EARTH has bad apples in it.

Now bend over and go fuck yourself

But you did hater. You hated to admit it, but you said there was a problem in this country, and it was cops. you started a thread on the topic. You are obviously anti cop. Now you go fuck your self.
Read the op of that thread again. This time with your head out of your ass.
You're wasting your time on a retard, Gramps.

Yup, that from another white guilt feeling cop hater. You going to cry for the dead child molester in New Orleans to?
Jesus fucking Christ.

Obama and the left are determined to spark a fucking race war.

Louisiana incident is tragic but lawful.
Minnesota is not and cop must, and will, be charged.

YOU DON'T GO VIGILANTE and start killing random cops! Dallas cops had NOTHING to do with Louisiana or Minnesota.

You don't want to do this folks. Despite media hype....American cops show EXTREME restraint day to day. You're gonna get riot and SWAT teams as the norm like they are in 3rd world shitholes.
The irresponsible sensationalizing of police involved shootings by the media caused this act of domestic terror.

Always blaming the media. I guess we're all robots controlled by our corporate masters behind the camera? Fuck personal responsibility?
I neither stated nor implied anything relating to personal responsibility.
I saw your other thread. You appear to be on a crusade.
Let's not respond to each other, OK?
The reports are referring to the shooters as "snipers"...If so, this was a planned attack. An ambush.
Domestic terrorism.
One of your fellow wingnuts in this thread said it couldn't be a sniper because blah blah wingnuttery blah
Hey moron.....The fucking news reporters are claiming the shots were fired from inside a parking garage by rilfe
One of the shooters. Could be Obamas brother.
View attachment 80808
We don't KNOW that for a fact.

The media is saying he's currently a person of interest.

I don't think he's involved in the shooting at all.

In fact, as I type this I just heard on the news that his brother called the media and reported that he turned the gun in to the police before all this happened. The cops are checking out that story.

Let's make a bet. I say the black guy in the pic is not involved at all, you say he is. Whoever's wrong, has to leave the site forever.

What say you?

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