Dead cops on the streets in Dallas!

I hope the shooters aren't Americans. I know that sounds bad but I really hope this is an operation of a foreign entity. What little consolation that could be found in that is better than nothing. I don't want to believe that Americans have this kind of evil disregard for human life.
Personal responsibility means that only these people shooting cops in Dallas are responsible for their crimes.

Did it ever occur to you that there might be an inkling of a possibility that these shooters may have been acting on that message? Some shootings have no motive, others do, through malice, hatred, self defense, acting on a belief or message for example.
Jesus fucking Christ.

Obama and the left are determined to spark a fucking race war.

Louisiana incident is tragic but lawful.
Minnesota is not and cop must, and will, be charged.

YOU DON'T GO VIGILANTE and start killing random cops! Dallas cops had NOTHING to do with Louisiana or Minnesota.

You don't want to do this folks. Despite media hype....American cops show EXTREME restraint day to day. You're gonna get riot and SWAT teams as the norm like they are in 3rd world shitholes.
The irresponsible sensationalizing of police involved shootings by the media caused this act of domestic terror.

Always blaming the media. I guess we're all robots controlled by our corporate masters behind the camera? Fuck personal responsibility?
I neither stated nor implied anything relating to personal responsibility.
I saw your other thread. You appear to be on a crusade.
Let's not respond to each other, OK?
I'm not on a crusade I'm just tired of all the violence. All of this shit is very bad for all of us.
Obama to speak on the topic Friday?

Doubtful. And if he does he'll mention the recent police shootings.
As he should. Cause and effect.
Like how Democrats talked about "white genocide" after Dylann Roof killed the 9 black church members....

Cause and effect.
And you call me a retard....

I was just demonstrating how stupid your post was.
I hope the shooters aren't Americans. I know that sounds bad but I really hope this is an operation of a foreign entity. What little consolation that could be found in that is better than nothing. I don't want to believe that Americans have this kind of evil disregard for human life.

How would that adress the problem you see with cops you mentioned in your other thread just before you went bonkers over 4 dead cops?
But you're still not getting it. They're still not responsible for the actions of other people.

So, you're telling me people can't commit a heinous act motivated by a message those people send to the rest of America? I see.

No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the senders of your "message" aren't responsible for the psycho who actually goes out and kills cops.

This is an important free speech issue, actually.
I hope the shooters aren't Americans. I know that sounds bad but I really hope this is an operation of a foreign entity. What little consolation that could be found in that is better than nothing. I don't want to believe that Americans have this kind of evil disregard for human life.

Where have you been? We have mass shootings like every other month!
A lot of black nationalists have incorporated Islam into their anti-American ideology. I wouldn't be surprised if this is ISIS related..... simply trying to cause a civil or race war in America.
Personal responsibility means that only these people shooting cops in Dallas are responsible for their crimes.

Did it ever occur to you that there might be an inkling of a possibility that these shooters may have been acting on that message? Some shootings have no motive, others do, through malice, hatred, self defense, acting on a belief or message for example.

It's possible. You seem to be very sure of it, though - without any information.

But it doesn't matter what "motivated" these shooters. They're the only ones responsible for their actions, unless they were paid or directly commanded to kill these cops.
But you're still not getting it. They're still not responsible for the actions of other people.

So, you're telling me people can't commit a heinous act motivated by a message those people send to the rest of America? I see.

No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the senders of your "message" aren't responsible for the psycho who actually goes out and kills cops.

This is an important free speech issue, actually.


I hear a message. I agree with the message. I agree with the message to the point of it becoming a held belief. Then I act on that belief by killing people.

I see cause and effect, whether you do or not.
I hope the shooters aren't Americans. I know that sounds bad but I really hope this is an operation of a foreign entity. What little consolation that could be found in that is better than nothing. I don't want to believe that Americans have this kind of evil disregard for human life.

Where have you been? We have mass shootings like every other month!
This is not some one off nut who belongs in a psyche ward. This is far different.
The reports are referring to the shooters as "snipers"...If so, this was a planned attack. An ambush.
Domestic terrorism.
One of your fellow wingnuts in this thread said it couldn't be a sniper because blah blah wingnuttery blah
Hey moron.....The fucking news reporters are claiming the shots were fired from inside a parking garage by rilfe
Talk to airplanemechanic - and maybe he'll also know what a rilfe is.

Jeez - lay off the booze!
A lot of black nationalists have incorporated Islam into their anti-American ideology. I wouldn't be surprised if this is ISIS related..... simply trying to cause a civil or race war in America.
Of course you wouldn't.
You seem to be very sure of it, though - without any information.

I'm not saying these shooters in particular were. In fact, for the record, this was too well orchestrated to be two kooks motivated by a message. Motivated by something else perhaps. I really hope this isn't an act of terrorism, but it keeps looking that way.

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