Dead illegal aliens...

There are plenty of people that also thought the "folks" down south incapable of our level of governance, or welcomed to our Government. People join this Napoleonic Minimal Liberties Cardholder Club, because they have no other repute of any other respect internationally.
You may not believe this, but there are laws far above what we put on paper and then misinterpret (mistakenly thinking that will somehow make us right or save us.)

Actions do have consequences. One can choose to believe in a Heaven or Hell OR they may choose to deny that belief. Will there be consequences for those who refuse to believe? Are you willing to bet your life and eternity on it?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.
The Bible is useless if you have to cherry Pick it. You obviously have not read Romans... lol

Have you actually read the Bible?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.
The Bible is useless if you have to cherry Pick it. You obviously have not read Romans... lol

Have you actually read the Bible?
Have you?
10 as it is written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”

A little excerpt from Romans about there is no such thing as spiritual free will....
Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.
The Bible is useless if you have to cherry Pick it. You obviously have not read Romans... lol

Have you actually read the Bible?
Have you?
10 as it is written:

“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”

A little excerpt from Romans about there is no such thing as spiritual free will....

Have I read the Bible? The answer would be no and I have a degree in theology. How could I not read the Bible? I am only fluent in English and all I've read are English translations. I use a lot of concordances, dictionaries, commentaries, etc. but not the Bible in its original languages. I struggle with Hebrew and Latin.

I'm not understanding your point. In what context are you arguing? Do you have a point that you are really trying to make?
While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogueAD)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27541AD"> with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. 18 A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate with him. Some of them asked, “What is this babbler trying to say?” Others remarked, “He seems to be advocating foreign gods.” They said this because Paul was preaching the good newsAE)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27542AE"> about Jesus and the resurrection.AF)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27542AF"> 19 Then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus,AG)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27543AG"> where they said to him, “May we know what this new teachingAH)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27543AH"> is that you are presenting? 20 You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean.” 21 (All the AtheniansAI)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27545AI"> and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.)

22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the AreopagusAJ)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27546AJ"> and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious.AK)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27546AK"> 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worshipAL)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27547AL">—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.
How are they a responsibility of US citizens? They are fucking criminals fleeing from fucked up situations most likely of their own doing.
Let the fuckers rot in Mexico...

many of these people come from a lawless place or where laws are bent and broken by authorities and that is a way of life there. I wouldn't expect them to understand our laws and that does not make them criminals. On the other hand, our immigration law needs to be enforced and taken seriously by our own leaders, but that does not mean there is any reason to purposely treat people inhumanely. What we have now is a problem with the sheer number of migrants and the slow response from congress.

Have you ever actually READ the laws you want enforced? Do you know what the intent of those laws are? Do you know who proposed, lobbied for, and are responsible for their passage?

Have you ever studied what the Constitution says regarding immigration and, under the Constitution, who has the power to do what? I worked in the legal field for a few decades and switched back to working in a ministry a couple of years ago. I'm trying to find out how everyone is reaching their conclusions.
While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. 17 So he reasoned in the synagogueAD)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27541AD"> with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. 18 A group of Epicurean and Stoic philosophers began to debate with him. Some of them asked, “What is this babbler trying to say?” Others remarked, “He seems to be advocating foreign gods.” They said this because Paul was preaching the good newsAE)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27542AE"> about Jesus and the resurrection.AF)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27542AF"> 19 Then they took him and brought him to a meeting of the Areopagus,AG)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27543AG"> where they said to him, “May we know what this new teachingAH)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27543AH"> is that you are presenting? 20 You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, and we would like to know what they mean.” 21 (All the AtheniansAI)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27545AI"> and the foreigners who lived there spent their time doing nothing but talking about and listening to the latest ideas.)

22 Paul then stood up in the meeting of the AreopagusAJ)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27546AJ"> and said: “People of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious.AK)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27546AK"> 23 For as I walked around and looked carefully at your objects of worship, I even found an altar with this inscription: to an unknown god. So you are ignorant of the very thing you worshipAL)' data-cr="#cen-NIV-27547AL">—and this is what I am going to proclaim to you.

How much authority should we ascribe to a recent version of the Bible that relies heavily on paraphrasing?
Oh I hate the NIV. Literal Mistranslations? You literally cannot insert gender neutral "persons" into places where they didn't mean it to. I forget which one it was.
I was asserting the claims that most True Protestants should recognize of our Greek Christian heritage. There's a meeting of the Orthodox Churches before the Bible has even ended.
Or do people simply owe nothing today? Did the Bible just appear to your tribe? Did people work for it to arrive there?
The how do 70% worship under a Roman Pope who has persecuted the Church since 400 AD say officially John Calvin. Others I'd bet. The Roman Pope is not any valid diocese of the Church.
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It's amazing how many people believe that saul/paul was the Supreme Being and/or had some special open line to the Creator. He never even knew the person known as Jesus.

The only thing we have got, aside from the thoughts and histories of the millions of other people around the globe who were and are not affiliated with Jewish traditions or other traditions of the Middle East/Roman Empire, is the teachings and actions of a man called Jesus, a Jew living as a Jew in an outpost of the Roman Empire.

I have loads of morality even though the only morality you see is your own.


There is no 'your morality' and 'my morality.' There is just morality. It's not surprising that you don't understand this.
She is a odious human being with an unnecessarily high opinion of herself.

Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.
The more dead illegals the merrier. It's not like there's some shortage of freeloading third-world, low I.Q., illiterate, criminal savage pond-life in this world.

For one thing, it is turning out that dna analysis of these kids is showing that a third of them their dna doesn't even match up with their "parents." Funny how they got all the way here from Guatemala sick, but sought no help nor got any care until getting HERE. And while you can't just ignore a person with a serious condition, after that, WHAT THEN? Now that you made them well, you just going to send therm back where they came from to get sick again?

Fact is no matter how much you'd like otherwise, this country cannot solve the woes of the world. We can't just take everyone in. These people offer nothing but need. If it were a smaller number it might be different, but all we are doing is encouraging more and more to come as other nations take less and less responsibility because they see we are doing it FOR them!

If you walk into an emergency room they will certainly take care of you but they want to know how you will pay for it. If these people come here bringing kids, they are running up a debt that needs paid. The least we can do is ask for them to repay their debt (and other things) through work, labor, etc., before sending them home. If not that then some sort of tariff or something to the nation of origin.

SOMETHING must be done to make this a sane a regulated process rather than simply open-ended with millions upon millions dumping upon our doorstep looking for a handout.

I'll say it again: we have 500,000 people sleeping on the streets. Find me ONE of them that is an undocumented illegal alien.

Something wrong with that picture.

I have loads of morality even though the only morality you see is your own.


There is no 'your morality' and 'my morality.' There is just morality. It's not surprising that you don't understand this.
She is a odious human being with an unnecessarily high opinion of herself.

Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.

I have loads of morality even though the only morality you see is your own.


There is no 'your morality' and 'my morality.' There is just morality. It's not surprising that you don't understand this.
She is a odious human being with an unnecessarily high opinion of herself.

Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.
There is no 'your morality' and 'my morality.' There is just morality. It's not surprising that you don't understand this.
She is a odious human being with an unnecessarily high opinion of herself.

Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
She is a odious human being with an unnecessarily high opinion of herself.

Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.
Not half as odious as you sweet pea.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.

You ascertained quite a bit from a message board. You call me a liar and I call you one right back.

Carry on close minded.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.

You ascertained quite a bit from a message board. You call me a liar and I call you one right back.

Carry on close minded.
My assessment is accurate, however I did fail to leave out arrogant and ugly. Good day, USMB troll.

My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.

You ascertained quite a bit from a message board. You call me a liar and I call you one right back.

Carry on close minded.
Sure. At any rate, you got a glimpse into your unsightly inner self. Pat yourself on the back for being so caitiff. Good riddance.
My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.

You ascertained quite a bit from a message board. You call me a liar and I call you one right back.

Carry on close minded.
My assessment is accurate as well.

Oh and you gotta be the most arrogant and ugly poster on the board. Good day USMB asshole.
Very glad to have never met you in person. You and the rat pack that troll on USMB are predictable and loathsome. What a miserable human you are.

I'm a wonderful person with loads of friends. Next time you are in Florida, look me up. We can have a beer or two and talk.

If your not to loathsome that is. Oh you gotta be the most miserable human being on the board. Ego much??

That's the difference between you and me. Your opinion is your own just as mine is. I have loads of Dem and liberal friends. We get together often and have a rollicking good time around the kitchen table talking politics. I don't give up friendships because people don't agree with my politics. You do.

Carry on close minded.
Ascertained all that from a message board. Impressive. In addition to being a loathsome human being, you lie.

You ascertained quite a bit from a message board. You call me a liar and I call you one right back.

Carry on close minded.
Sure. At any rate, you got a glimpse into your unsightly inner self. Pat yourself on the back for being so caitiff. Good riddance.

LMAO you sure are a whiny little shit.

Adios and good riddance.

So, you do value the lives of these illegal immigrants?

I value all life......

Hmmmm......are you sure about that?


I can't tell you how much of a shit I do not give about them being dead.


For my money they can all drop the fuck dead.

But you "value all human life"? Kinda doesn't look like it.

As I said. Stupid decisions that pay dividends.

Which part is the lie, when you said "I value all human life," or "I can't tell you how much of a shit I do not give about them being dead....For my money they can all drop the fuck dead"?

They can't both be true. When were you lying?

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