Dead illegal aliens...

Oh where are the "pro-lifers"? The dead bodies are piling up. Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Get down on your knees and cry to God. I hope that trump and pence are on their knees beside you, crying their eyes out, and pleading with god.

Piling up? Grab a clue, moonbat

About exactly what? You idiots keep sniveling about "life," "God," "Jesus," yet what is happening on the border doesn't bother you assholes at all. Real people, really here, with all of their bodies fully developed. Sentient human beings. Living in squalor. Dying. Drowning. Yet you trash do nothing.

What is YOUR proposal?

For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.
You do realize just existing gives no one any rights whatsoever?

Everyone has the right to protect their space And yes, violently if needed. Someone’s rights end where someone else’s rights begin.

Do you have trouble answering questions?

You are talking about human beings. Do you consider yourself one?
Everyone is a human being, and just “being” gives no one any rights... Actions have consequences… Especially illegal ones

You may not believe this, but there are laws far above what we put on paper and then misinterpret (mistakenly thinking that will somehow make us right or save us.)

Actions do have consequences. One can choose to believe in a Heaven or Hell OR they may choose to deny that belief. Will there be consequences for those who refuse to believe? Are you willing to bet your life and eternity on it?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it
Everyone is a human being, and just “being” gives no one any rights..

Now we know you understand nothing about what this great nation is based on.

Start your education by reading the Declaration of Independence, if you can.
Illegal aliens are just that… Illegal

The second we stop believing that we have no country

You avoid questions you can’t answer and principles you can’t understand.
Natural law is ridiculous, And absolutely invalid

So, you’re not an American. Got it.
A Red skinned American... Through and through
Piling up? Grab a clue, moonbat

About exactly what? You idiots keep sniveling about "life," "God," "Jesus," yet what is happening on the border doesn't bother you assholes at all. Real people, really here, with all of their bodies fully developed. Sentient human beings. Living in squalor. Dying. Drowning. Yet you trash do nothing.

What is YOUR proposal?

For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level
Oh where are the "pro-lifers"? The dead bodies are piling up. Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Oh, Jesus! Get down on your knees and cry to God. I hope that trump and pence are on their knees beside you, crying their eyes out, and pleading with god.

Piling up? Grab a clue, moonbat

About exactly what? You idiots keep sniveling about "life," "God," "Jesus," yet what is happening on the border doesn't bother you assholes at all. Real people, really here, with all of their bodies fully developed. Sentient human beings. Living in squalor. Dying. Drowning. Yet you trash do nothing.

What is YOUR proposal?

For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

There is no ‘overpopulation.’
Now we know you understand nothing about what this great nation is based on.

Start your education by reading the Declaration of Independence, if you can.
Illegal aliens are just that… Illegal

The second we stop believing that we have no country

You avoid questions you can’t answer and principles you can’t understand.
Natural law is ridiculous, And absolutely invalid

So, you’re not an American. Got it.
A Red skinned American... Through and through

Not according to your own words here.
" Problem Roots "

* Politicians Criminals At Large *

How Much Money Does an Immigration Lawyer Make?
Based on salary data from 10 different U.S. cities, the Economic Research Institute placed the average annual salary of an immigration lawyer at about $114,000 in 2013. The mean annual wage for lawyers of all types was around $130,880 in 2012, according to the the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Cities (and State) Sponsoring Legal Services for Undocumented Immigrants
The funding measures in these cities and New York state passed with broad support. But one sticking point for lawmakers of all stripes was how to finance them. It’s not clear that jurisdictions can budget enough money to cover everyone, or for very long: With these initial efforts, spending levels range from $200,000 (San Francisco) to $10 million (Los Angeles and New York state) over the next one to two fiscal years. If the California state bill passes, it would create the largest fund: $12 million.
About exactly what? You idiots keep sniveling about "life," "God," "Jesus," yet what is happening on the border doesn't bother you assholes at all. Real people, really here, with all of their bodies fully developed. Sentient human beings. Living in squalor. Dying. Drowning. Yet you trash do nothing.

What is YOUR proposal?

For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.
What is YOUR proposal?

For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,
Do you have trouble answering questions?

You are talking about human beings. Do you consider yourself one?
Everyone is a human being, and just “being” gives no one any rights... Actions have consequences… Especially illegal ones

You may not believe this, but there are laws far above what we put on paper and then misinterpret (mistakenly thinking that will somehow make us right or save us.)

Actions do have consequences. One can choose to believe in a Heaven or Hell OR they may choose to deny that belief. Will there be consequences for those who refuse to believe? Are you willing to bet your life and eternity on it?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.
How are they a responsibility of US citizens? They are fucking criminals fleeing from fucked up situations most likely of their own doing.
Let the fuckers rot in Mexico...

many of these people come from a lawless place or where laws are bent and broken by authorities and that is a way of life there. I wouldn't expect them to understand our laws and that does not make them criminals. On the other hand, our immigration law needs to be enforced and taken seriously by our own leaders, but that does not mean there is any reason to purposely treat people inhumanely. What we have now is a problem with the sheer number of migrants and the slow response from congress.
The more dead illegals the merrier. It's not like there's some shortage of freeloading third-world, low I.Q., illiterate, criminal savage pond-life in this world.
For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,
For what? Each person being cared for properly? The way the Christian faiths and other faiths call for? Whenever I have asked how the unwanted are to be cared for, mostly on threads dealing with the issue of abortion, none of the "pro-life" types has ever offered any plan.

As early as the 1960s, my father used to shake his head at the "conservatives" who opposed tackling the crisis of over-population that he saw coming. He specifically mentioned central and south America. The "conservative churches" opposed all efforts to curb population growth from the 1950s on, which many international agencies were trying to do.

Now that we are experiencing the fruits of these "conservatives' " policies, go back to your parents and grandparents and ask them what they did. Suck it up. The "conservatives" are now responsible. The poor and fleeing are now here, as they are in Europe. Let's get the Catholics and the Protestants down to the southern border to rescue these people. Their mere existence was part of some plan in Christian groups, so get the hell down to the border and rescue them!

Damn! Big B called it in the 1960's.

I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,

And yet the wallists promised that if we made it illegal, the foreigners would not get welfare. Laws were passed... and you still claim they are getting it

So, at the expense of innumerable infringements on our Liberties, the wallists then demanded the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and you're STILL claiming these people are getting welfare.

The irony is that there is this implication that all the foreigners should become citizens. IF that happens, with their low incomes, they will not only avoid the taxes, but get even MORE in welfare (that they don't get very much of.) Study after study has concluded that the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out. Legalize them and they will take out more than they pay in.

There are a lot of better ways for everyone to get what they want without sacrificing their Liberties and building a POLICE STATE.
The more dead illegals the merrier. It's not like there's some shortage of freeloading third-world, low I.Q., illiterate, criminal savage pond-life in this world.

I'm wondering something here, so humor me. Since the 14th Amendment was never legally ratified, that means blacks can't be citizens. If some conservative scholars and jurists weigh the evidence and nullify the 14th Amendment, would you support shipping blacks to Africa?
Everyone is a human being, and just “being” gives no one any rights... Actions have consequences… Especially illegal ones

You may not believe this, but there are laws far above what we put on paper and then misinterpret (mistakenly thinking that will somehow make us right or save us.)

Actions do have consequences. One can choose to believe in a Heaven or Hell OR they may choose to deny that belief. Will there be consequences for those who refuse to believe? Are you willing to bet your life and eternity on it?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.

America was founded on Christian principles so if we apply some of that Anglo Saxon jurisprudence to the current situation, we come to conclusions that are not in sync with the current de facto - humanist government operating out of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption.
I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,
I think you went on the defensive because I asked you for your proposal. The "conservatives" as best as I can tell have no plan. Few even have an opinion.

The real people who pose a danger to America are what I call wallists. Wallists are people who have made a religion out of wall worship and cannot see the downside to such a path of destruction. They will forfeit every single God given, natural, inherent, unalienable Right they have for the false promise of safety.

Ironically, wallists fail to see their part in the status quo. America has become the drug users capital of the world. Americans consume over 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. Doctors prescribe pills as opposed to finding the cause of problems. As a result America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. For every drug addict in a mental health facility, there are more than 10 drug addicts in prison. We're punishing the addiction out of people, but it don't seem to be working.

So, you ended up with a nation of drug users that cannot function normally and don't qualify for a job. Those drug users created the drug cartels south of the border with their demand for illegal drugs. So we made the countries south of the border a living Hell. Then we could not fill job openings because 2.3 million people are in jail or prison in the U.S. at any given moment. That's not counting those on probation, parole, and the ones with criminal records that are locked out of the job market.

The foreigners come here to escape the conditions we created south of the border and to fill the job openings that Americans cannot do and / or being prevented from doing because of a criminal record. Foreigners are the scapegoats. So, I get the problem. Feeding the foreigners for a day or playing border games don't get to the root of the problem. The immigration issue is a diversionary tactic being played by power brokers. The wallists will cost us our Liberties, but as Ben Franklin once observed:

"Those who would give up essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserve neither."

That's probably because once you give up Liberty, you lose your Liberty forever.

I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,

And yet the wallists promised that if we made it illegal, the foreigners would not get welfare. Laws were passed... and you still claim they are getting it

So, at the expense of innumerable infringements on our Liberties, the wallists then demanded the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and you're STILL claiming these people are getting welfare.

The irony is that there is this implication that all the foreigners should become citizens. IF that happens, with their low incomes, they will not only avoid the taxes, but get even MORE in welfare (that they don't get very much of.) Study after study has concluded that the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out. Legalize them and they will take out more than they pay in.

There are a lot of better ways for everyone to get what they want without sacrificing their Liberties and building a POLICE STATE.

other than foreigners are not entitled to all our libertys, I can agree with the last sentence
Everyone is a human being, and just “being” gives no one any rights... Actions have consequences… Especially illegal ones

You may not believe this, but there are laws far above what we put on paper and then misinterpret (mistakenly thinking that will somehow make us right or save us.)

Actions do have consequences. One can choose to believe in a Heaven or Hell OR they may choose to deny that belief. Will there be consequences for those who refuse to believe? Are you willing to bet your life and eternity on it?
There is no such thing as spiritual free will…

But there are certainly such a thing as free will

Can you prove what you're saying?
It’s plain as day in the Bible, most of Romans talks about it

What does the bible or paul/saul have anything to do with this mess? Romans was written by a guy named paul. Moreover, not all Americans have anything to do with the bible, OT or NT.
The Bible is useless if you have to cherry Pick it. You obviously have not read Romans... lol
I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,
I do not have a plan for this mess. I seriously don't. All of the people born must have a home, and I feel for all of those humans who have suffered by being caught in the middle. I am expressing anger at those who created this mess, and their failure to answer to it. I want the "conservatives" who create over-population, and want to cause people to be homeless and put more unwanted children on the planet, to come out with THEIR plans as to how to take care.

We are dealing at the southern border with people who are already here and how best to preserve their lives. I have asked this question so many times on USMB of "pro-life" types who want more births, even forced from women, but they don't have any plans for these infants.

Don't ask me for a plan. Come up with one. The onus is on "conservatives." This is what they wanted. Now they have it. Go ask pence. He apparently is brilliant.

the best plan is to apply the law and if they dont meet the criteria for asylum then send them home quickly,,,

and end all welfare to them as well as all americans at the fed level

They don't qualify for welfare.

but they still get it,,,

And yet the wallists promised that if we made it illegal, the foreigners would not get welfare. Laws were passed... and you still claim they are getting it

So, at the expense of innumerable infringements on our Liberties, the wallists then demanded the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify and you're STILL claiming these people are getting welfare.

The irony is that there is this implication that all the foreigners should become citizens. IF that happens, with their low incomes, they will not only avoid the taxes, but get even MORE in welfare (that they don't get very much of.) Study after study has concluded that the undocumented foreigners pay as much into the system as they take out. Legalize them and they will take out more than they pay in.

There are a lot of better ways for everyone to get what they want without sacrificing their Liberties and building a POLICE STATE.

other than foreigners are not entitled to all our libertys, I can agree with the last sentence

I'm not attacking your posts, just trying to understand you. Let me share this with you and give me your take. The Declaration of Independence states:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

It can be argued that since there was no United States of America our Creator (our God, whomever we deem God to be individually) bestowed upon all men Liberty. There were no citizens of the United States. So, how do we justify taking Liberty from all men and demand that they join a little club that some like to call "legal citizenship?" How did we jump from founding a country predicated upon a God bestowing Liberty on all men to those men over-ruling God and claiming we must become citizens in order to be eligible for Liberty?

Thanks in advance for a well thought out response.

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