Deadly Night of Tornadoes

The year has been very mild as far as tornadoes go but multiple states have now seen serious and deadly outbreaks.

Had one hit less than 5 miles from our house, caused a few deaths.

Last night was the longest tracked single tornado in US history, hit 4 states.
Right up the road from where I live.
everyone in your family OK?

the. closest I got was Paris tx in 1982. it hit just north of where we were but had to drive through the aftermath to get home.

you don't forget those things.

hope everything is OK for you and your family.
The year has been very mild as far as tornadoes go but multiple states have now seen serious and deadly outbreaks.

Nothing mild in western Pa. regarding this year`s tornados. We`re setting new records.
Last major hit here was in 1989 with about 50 homes/businesses flattened. Luckily the tornado just grazed the edge of town. If it would have went through the town itself it would have been 10 times that bad.
Last tornado here was in 2019. A small one that destroyed maybe 15 houses or so. Bonzi and I watched it from our front porch just before it touched down.
I have seen 4 tornadoes in my lifetime. Part of living in the midwest
BTW - it is windy as hell here right now, The temp at 6:30 this morning was 57. Supposed to be around 36 in a couple hours.
I had a tornado hit my neighbors house. It was small, nothing compared to this. I was home at the time and all of a sudden it looked like I was in the thrust of a 747. Everything was flying sideways and the roar was incredible. In 5 seconds it was done. Neighbors lost a storage shed. It was mentioned on the local news too. HIt 200 feet from my property line. I was picking up tree branches for 3 days after.
In 2 and a half years have had 2 damage my roof. One from a regular front and the other during Hurricane IDA. I was lucky as they were basically skipper tornadoes.
Do they live in Mayfield?
No, thankfully. We spent a tense few minutes in their basement across the street from my house.

The tornado tracked several miles south of my home.

tornado track.png

tornado lbl.jpg

Tornado track may have been the longest in history

Multiple impressive hook signatures on radar were foreboding and it came true.
Mother Nature is pissed off. Nothing supernatural about this, it's loons and those who profit from the pollution refuse to recognize this reality.

Sure thing little loon. Who profits from the 76 trillion your hero's want to suck from the middle class of the world to lower the global temperature by one degree in 100 years. Maybe?

Hmm, who profits from that scam, you moronic clod.

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