Deadly NYC subway fight

So a nut case goes off the deep end in close quarters , threatening you and everyone around, what are you going to do crawl in a hole or defend yourself and those around you?

I have been a lot thinking about this incident quite a bit since it happened, and I have three points I want to make.

I have no doubt that the people in that subway car felt uncomfortable. I have been in similar situations where I felt similarly uncomfortable. But discomfort is no excuse for violence. Neely, according to witnesses, was screaming and shouting at passengers. It may have been scary. But fear is not a license to use force.

There is nothing Neely did, as far as we know, that gave anyone in that car the right to restrain him. There is nothing he did, in that moment, to deserve death. Yes, he had a record. But no one on the train knew that. And even if they did, there is no individual right to act as judge, jury and executioner for past offenses.

Actually, it is, if someone is threatening to use violence you absolutely can. If you're not the one throwing the first punch then be prepared to be a victim. No one is obligated to sit back and wait for a perp to make his first move, which could very well involve stabbing you. The police recognized this, which is why they let the good samaritan go.
Actually, it is, if someone is threatening to use violence you absolutely can. If you're not the one throwing the first punch then be prepared to be a victim. No one is obligated to sit back and wait for a perp to make his first move, which could very well involve stabbing you. The police recognized this, which is why they let the good samaritan go.
He is a former marine and put the guy in an RNC. Marines are trained to kill people in hand to hand combat by employing the RNC.

Obviously a stranglehold is meant to strangle someone to death.
Good. That punks life did NOT matter.
If the marine was bent on killing the young man he would not have used a restraining hold. Has the toxicology report been released? What did the coroner’s report disclose.
you need the clues

the guy on the train probably thought like you. Believing somebody who hasn't had a recent physical, allowing them to be choked would be okay being choked into unconsciousness.

You do know many people would not survive being choked into unconsciousness? Medications, illnesses, etc... People die in encounters with LE all the time, from choke outs

Now other Marines are questioning Penny's actions, and one has started a petition calling for his prosecution, arguing Penny did not act in accordance with the training Marines receive.

Gabriel Murphy, a fellow Marine veteran who had a remarkably similar career to Penny, served one tour in the Corps from 2006 to 2010 as an assaultman Marine with 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, where he deployed with the 11th MEU in 2007 and to Afghanistan in 2009. He also ended up leaving the service as a corporal.

Last week, Murphy started an online petition that argued that "the individual who choked Mr. Neely to death should be prosecuted for murder." The petition had been signed by nearly 6,000 people as of Tuesday afternoon.

"I hope that the military community joins me in disavowing the actions of this individual," it added.

In an interview with, Murphy said that training on chokeholds is "not something you touch once in boot camp and then go forget about."


Now other Marines are questioning Penny's actions, and one has started a petition calling for his prosecution, arguing Penny did not act in accordance with the training Marines receive.

Gabriel Murphy, a fellow Marine veteran who had a remarkably similar career to Penny, served one tour in the Corps from 2006 to 2010 as an assaultman Marine with 1st Battalion, 5th Marines, where he deployed with the 11th MEU in 2007 and to Afghanistan in 2009. He also ended up leaving the service as a corporal.

Last week, Murphy started an online petition that argued that "the individual who choked Mr. Neely to death should be prosecuted for murder." The petition had been signed by nearly 6,000 people as of Tuesday afternoon.

"I hope that the military community joins me in disavowing the actions of this individual," it added.

In an interview with, Murphy said that training on chokeholds is "not something you touch once in boot camp and then go forget about."

biden in invalid
This crazy ****** was previously arrested for attacking elderly people
The marine ..His fellow strap hangas thanked him

He probably didn't mean to kill him

These nazi comie rats are gonna throw him in jail

In our former country the only crimes you get into trouble for seem to be peacefully protesting election fraud , self defense, clocking ******* who deserve it ,and desecrating the Nazi FAG flag...

In the good ol days snap someone's arm walk off the train whistlin
This crazy ****** was previously arrested for attacking elderly people
The marine ..His fellow strap hangas thanked him

He probably didn't mean to kill him

These nazi comie rats are gonna throw him in jail

In our former country the only crimes you get into trouble for seem to be peacefully protesting election fraud , self defense, clocking ******* who deserve it ,and desecrating the Nazi FAG flag...

In the good ol days snap someone's arm walk off the train whistlin
yep black guy was career criminal and a thug no one gave shit about till blacks wanted to make race thing.

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