Deadly NYC subway fight

Your posts indicate you are stupid. Self incrimination.

Address my point then. It should be easy. He was choking him out for near 15 minutes. That was not necessary to subdue him. Even after the guy went limp he continued on for nearly another minute.
Address my point then. It should be easy. He was choking him out for near 15 minutes. That was not necessary to subdue him. Even after the guy went limp he continued on for nearly another minute.
Shit happens. Why would this concern you?
Well the military man failed.
My jujitsu instructor cautioned us about using too much pressure while applying a judo choke hold for self defense in real life. He said to apply just enough pressure so that the individual would cause himself to lose consciousness by his own resistance.

A child can use a judo choke hold and cause an adult to lose consciousness. In fact that happened to a student in my jujitsu class. Her son suck up from behind her and applied the choke hold while she was eating breakfast. If I remember correctly he was only about ten years old.

Also we were told to not continue to choke the person after he lost consciousness. There are other techniques that can be used to restrain an individual until the authorities arrive.

For example:


I hear more crying over a man with 42 arrests than that nice woman who was sitting on the bench in the subway when a monster stabbed her. What was your reaction when you read about what happened to HER?
You people are always looking to argue using moral equivalencies. It's really sad.

What's your point? One murder is worse than the other?

It's a NYC story. NY people know about both. The difference is a supposed good samartian ended up involved in a homicide.
He didn’t physically assault anyone because the Marine stopped him. These mentally ill criminals often have long arrest records and are extremely dangerous.

What about that criminal thug who beat a woman senseless on the subway platform - and for no reason at all? Turned out he had killed his own grandmother.
Do not excuse vigilantism

A dangerous person deserves to be murdered? Okay

You people are always looking to argue using moral equivalencies. It's really sad.

What's your point? One murder is worse than the other?

It's a NYC story. NY people know about both. The difference is a supposed good samartian ended up involved in a homicide.
No, the point is that to progressives, one murder IS worse than the other - and that’s when the victim is Black, even a dangerous criminal assaulting passengers, and the person who saved them from him is white, with progressives marching in the street and threatening to “burn it down” if he isn’t charged with murder. When the victim is white, and an innocent one at that minding his own business, then there’s nowhere as much outrage, especially if the killer is Black.

The very fact that black is automatically capitalized and white is lower-cased is an attempt to show that blacks are more important.
No, the point is that to progressives, one murder IS worse than the other - and that’s when the victim is Black, even a dangerous criminal assaulting passengers, and the person who saved them from him is white, with progressives marching in the street and threatening to “burn it down” if he isn’t charged with murder. When the victim is white, and an innocent one at that minding his own business, then there’s nowhere as much outrage, especially if the killer is Black.

The very fact that black is automatically capitalized and white is lower-cased is an attempt to show that blacks are more important.

No, the point is that to progressives, one murder IS worse than the other - and that’s when the victim is Black, even a dangerous criminal assaulting passengers, and the person who saved them from him is white, with progressives marching in the street and threatening to “burn it down” if he isn’t charged with murder. When the victim is white, and an innocent one at that minding his own business, then there’s nowhere as much outrage, especially if the killer is Black.

The very fact that black is automatically capitalized and white is lower-cased is an attempt to show that blacks are more important.

Actually you can choose to either capitalize Black and White or use lowercase. You should ”chose one and be consistent.”

Update: October 26, 2021​

With the 9th edition (2021), MLA has updated its advice to the following: “When the dictionary gives both the capitalized and lowercased form as acceptable options—as many do for black and Black, for example—choose one and be consistent. If you are working directly with an author or discussing a person or community whose preferences are known, however, follow that preference” (p. 91). Updated as well is the current estimated publishing date for the Scientific Style and Format Online. The PDF and table have been updated below.



Did the blond marine use too much force or not
“These choking techniques, if applied properly, are a fast and safe way to knock out the enemy,” a sergeant said in an article on the Marines website.

New Marines are trained to apply a “blood choke,” which, when done properly, cuts off blood and oxygen to the brain in as little as eight seconds. But it is imperative in a blood choke to not squeeze the person’s windpipe, which could lead to injury or worse, according to training documents.


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