Deadly NYC subway fight

You know the story. I'm not playing.
Not the story you’re telling, I don’t. You said the white man was just let go. I find it hard to believe the cops just let him walk off without getting his name.
I sure hope the progressives in NYC don’t use this hero as an “example” of what happens when you stops a violent black man assaulting others - and televise his trial while blacks stand outside the courtroom threatening to “burn it down” if he isn’t convicted of murder.
Key to this incident will be why Neely was on the train in the first place. Was he going somewhere or was it his 'hunting ground'.
Key to this event will be why Neely was on the train in the first place. Was he going somewhere or was it his 'hunting ground'.

When you have a mental illness many times there are no explainable reasons you do something.
When you have a mental illness many times there are no explainable reasons you do something.
Some videos of him performing his Michael Jackson moves were taken on trains or subways (he was actually quite good). Maybe they were his chosen 'stage'. Also noteworthy is that he would have a 'captive' audience to entertain, threaten, or assault.
New reporting?

That was in the video and first reports. If one chocks somebody and they go into distress, it can be considered a criminal act. An investigation is ongoing. We shall see. None of us reading shit knows the whole story yet
tell that to the commies blocking the subway and threatening to burn it all down in NYC.
The intent of a drunk driver wasn't to kill either.
Sometimes it is. Drunk drivers love to smash into police vehicles. It also must be noted that many if not most such fatalities are committed by repeat drunk drivers that shouldn't have been allowed near a motor vehicle. This is a failure of the State to protect citizens from repeat drunk drivers.
Sometimes it is. Drunk drivers love to smash into police vehicles. It also must be noted that many if not most such fatalities are committed by repeat drunk drivers that shouldn't have been allowed near a motor vehicle. This is a failure of the State to protect citizens from repeat drunk drivers.

Does the "state" deserve some blame? Absolutely.
Who timed it out?

The video, shot by witness and journalist Juan Alberto Vazquez, shows Penny holding Neely for about 3 minutes before releasing his limp body on the floor. However, Vazquez told the New York Post and NBC New York that the chokehold lasted closer to 15 minutes.

A voice off camera can be heard warning Penny to be careful. “You don’t have to catch a murder charge,” the person says.

Man Who Fatally Choked Jordan Neely On NYC Subway Releases Statement

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