Dealing With School Bullying Especially at a Career Center

Kids need to toughen up and quit being such limp-wristed pansies
hahaha... Delta knows about strong wrist
Someone bullies you, smash their face in. Bullies don't bully people prone to wailing on them or even just trying to. They go for the ones who take it endlessly.

I was bullied in school right up until I started getting physical with people. Then the bullying stopped.

Exactly... that's the lesson to learn.. if "bullies" see you reacting as they expect you to react, they won't stop... If you learn to to react contrary as they expect it.. they will leave you alone...
Kids need to toughen up and quit being such limp-wristed pansies
hahaha... Delta knows about strong wrist
Someone bullies you, smash their face in. Bullies don't bully people prone to wailing on them or even just trying to. They go for the ones who take it endlessly.

I was bullied in school right up until I started getting physical with people. Then the bullying stopped.

Exactly... that's the lesson to learn.. if "bullies" see you reacting as they expect you to react, they won't stop... If you learn to to react contrary as they expect it.. they will leave you alone...

Bullies and those-bullied function precisely likes wolves and their prey. Wolves will instictively chase something that runs since that's what their prey animals do. Animal that just stands there doesn't trigger the pursuit behaviour though and wolves don't know what to do then.

A bully is expecting the bullied to cower and submit. Do so and you encourage the bullying to escalate. If you don't do what the bully expect as with punching them in the nose, they don't bully you because they realize you're not "prey." Don't have to emerge victorious or not get your butt kicked for your trouble, you're simply sending the subconscious message you're not to be bullied. Fought perhaps, but bullying you is going to incure consequences so find easier prey.
Also there are more parts to the long story.

(Part 3) (WARNING!!: THIS PART IS SAD): So Bella did let Leigh and those 3 evil adults get to her. Bella let them all manipulate her. Bella posted this on facebook "I think Robert did do something to me, I think I am pregnant". So a person that Bella goes to the career center with said "how do you know if he did or not". her name is Cassidy by the way. So Bella said "when I spent a night there, Robert did say he was going to bed but he didn't bc a week later I saw that he posted something on facebook". He deleted his facebook at the end of December. Bella also said "that I woke up in a weird position. It was something like I woke up in a V shape formation. Like my hands were above my head and my legs were spread out. And when I was asleep I was facing upword. And when I woke up I was on my stomach".oh and Bella figured out something. Bella went through her meassages back then. Bella told Ms.Gasca and guidence on Tuesday. Leigh got to Bella on Wednesday.Thats when Bella started to say stuff. Bella knows that Robert didn't do anything. His parents were home. Cassidy said to Bella "You might of had a bad dream thats why u might of been in that position". Then the next day on Thursday, January 16, 2014. During Hospitality lab like the end of it. Cassidy told Bella that she should take a pregnancy test to make sure Bella is not pregnant or something..She was trying to intimidate Bella on taking that test. Also, Bella did say after she did spent a night at Robert's house, Bella was having hungry cravings. Like Bella had one full box of mac & cheese but Bella only did that for maybe three weeks. Bella usually doesn't eat one full box like that. I mean yea Bella will have a full box once in a while but almost every week Bella wanted to eat a full box. Bella did ask her friend Paige if she could take Bella to the hospital to see if she was pregnant and she said no. On Friday January 17,2014. Bella had to goto the principals office. His name is Mr.Sandy the assistant principal. He said he had some complaints that Bella was spreading rumors about Robert. Bella thinks it was all a set-up to begin with. Because even Leigh was in his office to show him the meassages. Even Paige and Cassidy told on Bella. Bella told Mr.Sandy that Leigh was the one who started it. And now that Bella thought about it, Bella doesn't think Leigh showed him all the text meassages and both her facebook accounts. Leigh did act innocent in all of it. That time they had Robert's parents convinced that it was all Bella's fault and that day Bella wanted to kill herself, well more like faking her own death and start a new life. The real reason Bella wanted to run away is because Bella let Leigh, Ms.Gasca and the others manipulate her on thinking the rumors were true when it wasn't. Ms.Gasca should of done her job correctly.
The parents need to make an issue out of it. Newspapers, etc.
This country doesn't tolerate bullying anymore.
If it gets to the press, problem solved.

You are crazy. Bullying is the American way. Look at the people on this forum. Half of them don't even discuss the issues, but resort to bullying. It's the culture. Half the population are bullies.

You can't even discuss the policies of Obama, without someone attacking you for being racists. What is that? That's being a bully.

I think it's more about the DRAMA than the bullying.....
In a sense you are right. But in this society of political correctness, in a school environment, it can be fought (but not solved, I agree).

People like to bully because they want power and control over people.
We are, by nature, selfish and self indulgent.
It's much worse here because people can drop the "façade" of compassion and altruism.

First, kids learn what their parents teach them. Parents act like bullies, and then their kids do. I don't know how you would even fight that.

Second, kids know when they can get into trouble, and when they can't. Most schools can't do diddly jack to a kid. When I was in school, they paddled you. Today, the worst thing that can happen is you are sent to the principals office, and he can't do diddly jack either. And since half the kids want to get out of the class room anyway, it's more of a reward, than a punishment.

How exactly do you propose we 'fight' bulling?

See, in a private education system, where schools don't have to take any students, and kids can be expelled permanently forever.... ok, yeah, you can fight bulling. Someone starts harassing the other (Customers) of the school... the school has a massive incentive to get rid of the kids who is driving away their (Customers).

In a public school, where kicking a kid out results in protests by the parents who have a "Fundamental right to free education!".... what motivation does anyone have to deal with a bully?

So, I'm all ears. What is your solution?
Mr. Sir, Bella is 22 years old. And she was an option 23 student at the career center as an adult. Bella was there when she was 19 years old to 21 years old. And this is a big deal, especially when you hear the whole story. It just wasn't a small tale rumor, it was a big rumor that could of been easily turned illegal and it did because of that bully. So yes this is a good subject matter because those bullies need to be punished especially the counselors and the principal.
Rumors do not a court case make.
I took care of bullies by beating up their Dad...

Picts or it didn't happen.
There are more parts to the story of what happened:

(Part 4): Lee-Ann wasn't the only one that was trying to manipulate Bella back in January thinking something was true when it wasn't. Robert would never do something like that. The people that Bella knows for a fact that were involved with the plan to bring her down are: Leigh, Paige, Cassidy, Kayla, and Bella also believes that Ms.Gasca was in on it to. Okay, Cassidy, Paige and Kayla all knew about what Leigh was saying before the fact Bella got manipulated. So why didn't they tell on Leigh. Okay so when Bella told on Leigh to Ms.Gasca, she pushed what Leigh was saying out of the way. It was like Ms. Gasa didn't care on what Leigh was saying and that really did hurt Bella. Ms.Gasca ignored that conversation like Bella was trash to her. Now this part seems fishy to Bella and now Bella believes it was all a big set-up. It all happend first period. Paige, Leigh, Cassidy showed Mr.Sandy all the meassages. Now how convenient of Leigh going there in the first place when she dropped out of th career center in November. Now they wouldn't tell on Leigh before Bella got manipulated but after the fact Bella got manipulated they all decided to tell on her. That makes no sense. So Bella did decide that they did set her up. And Paige did admit that she was only Bella's friend because she felt bad for her because nobody wanted to be Bella's friend. Thats a flat out lie because Beth, Michele, Aaron, Dominic, wanted to be Bella's friends. And also Robert wanted to be her friend even though he was annoying when they first met. Bella thinks Victoria played the part of why Roberts and Bella's friendship got worse and worse bc Victoria kept buttoning in our business when it wasn't her business.

(Part 5): Bella is not exactly 100% sure that somebody created her a fake Facebook. Bella is more leading on to 99.9% that somebody made her a fake Facebook. Both Paige, and Kayla said that Bella started the rumor. Bella did tell them both that Leigh started the rumor because of what she said to her at first and was trying to manipulate her on thinking it was true when it wasn't. Kayla said to Bella that there was a fake Facebook named Bella and that they sent her a friend request. Kayla said she knows it was Bella and Bella told her "no it wasn't me". Kayla said that the fake Facebook was created when Robert and Bella got in that big fight at school. Bella and Robert ended there friendship before returning back to school in January 2014 so that really wouldn't count as a fight since there friendship ended before school was back in session. The biggest fight would of been in November 2013-December 2013. But Kayla said that the fake Facebook of Bella has been deleted. Paige and Kayla did call Bella a whore because of the fake Facebook. So the fake Facebook could of been active anywhere between November 2013 to January 2014. It also doesn't make sense that the career center said that Bella started the rumor when they saw the meassages, so maybe somebody did make a fake Facebook of Bella to frame her of starting the rumors. Then they probably deleted it when they said Bella started the rumors when she didn't. Now Robert hates Bella even more because of the fact that he thinks that she started the rumors because of what the school told his parents.
A whore is a bad thing,,right?

Yes a whore is a bad thing. Bella is no whore. She always gave Robert sweets, and chocolate while they were friends.
When was giving sweets considered whoring?

wow you are bad! you need to be spanked!
I let my kids have the same direction when confronted with bullies, simply use logical rhetorical responses...with a fixture upon cross over examples..
A whore is a bad thing,,right?

Yes a whore is a bad thing. Bella is no whore. She always gave Robert sweets, and chocolate while they were friends.
When was giving sweets considered whoring?

wow you are bad! you need to be spanked!
I let my kids have the same direction when confronted with bullies, simply use logical rhetorical responses...with a fixture upon cross over examples..

not going to argue, I got out of a fight asking the girls why they wanted to kick my ass, they had not clue. never bothered me again.
I'll threaten to spank a girl next time... and will let you watch (or, if you are really nice to me, participate!)
Now…I'll take that peace offering… thank you sweetheart...

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