Deanna Price wins Gold in Hammer Throw. Gwen Berry finishes last.

No, it's not that at all.

I'm all for protesting, but there's a time and a place for it. When you're representing your country in an international competition is not the time nor the place. Seriously, if you can't stand there and simply represent your country when you win, don't go. Stay the fuck home.

As for people wh've never done anything in their lives, my businesses employ just over 150 people, and many of them are black. I guess, in your estimation, they're living off of my accomplishments, right?

Stupid fuck you are...
As racist as you are, there isn't any black folks working for your racist ass. It's an accomplishment to even make it to the Olympics and then to listen to some arm chair, fake ass clown on the internet attack these folks is a joke.
It's about respect that's it...................RESPECT.............My right not to respect her and wish her the rest of an abysmal career.

That disgusting snarling pos did that for a stunt...............She thinks NIKE and Kapootnik will throw her crumbs

It's much better to squash any individuality isn't it? Those "Red" countries know how to deal with this eh? Something to strive for?
Gwen Berry, representing “the oppressed”, throws three hammers straight into the net. Literally a zero score.

Meanwhile Deanna Price throws epic length on first try, wins Gold.

View attachment 520342

Olympians should know not to speak up and know their place.

Maybe the U.S. could learn a lesson here about how to treat athlete's who decide to exercise their rights.
Who said she cant speak? Why do you have a problem with the US exercising their free speech rights to voice their displeasure of retard douchebags?
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As racist as you are, there isn't any black folks working for your racist ass.

You're just a know-nothing negro who wishes he mattered in this world.

Of course you don't.

You'll find a number of blacks who work for me. What you won't find is negroes and coloreds. They've proven themselves to be absolutely worthless and dishonest.

You need to believe that I hate all people of color because, if you acknowledge that I employ blacks, it ruins your stupid little narrative.

Oh, and to your comment, it's "there aren't any black folks..." you illiterate fuck...

It's an accomplishment to even make it to the Olympics and then to listen to some arm chair, fake ass clown on the internet attack these folks is a joke.

You're right, it's an incredible achievement. And those who work hard enough to get there and win should have the common decency to stand proudly when the flag is raised and the anthem plays. The Olmpics is no place for politics. If you're an athlete going to the Olympics and plan on protesting, you should just stay the fuck home. All you're going to do is embarrass yourself and, well, you shouldn't be doing that on anyone else's dime that yours...
As racist as you are, there isn't any black folks working for your racist ass. It's an accomplishment to even make it to the Olympics and then to listen to some arm chair, fake ass clown on the internet attack these folks is a joke.
This is not 1968.
And I quote from above.......

..That POS should not be there.

That's what the "red" countries decided.
Whats wrong with saying she shouldnt be there? Are you for or against free speech? You keep flip flopping your position.
Whats wrong with saying she shouldnt be there? Are you for or against free speech? You keep flip flopping your position.

Yes I am against believing she should not be there.

You can say you disagree with her but calling for her to not be there is beyond speech.

It's what other countries do.
Have you ever seen folks celebrate an American athlete losing, it just goes to show how these racist want you to keep your mouth shut and just be happy that they allow you to exist in this country. The sad part is the folks who are cheering for these Americans to lose are folks who have probably never done a damn thing in their life, but live off the coat tail of other white folks accomplishments.
The very freedoms that allow athletes to protest are also granted to those who criticize those same athletes. They're free to protest while the rest of America is free to ignore them, their endorsement deals and their return home. What the rest of America has or has not accomplished is entirely irrelevant.

Would Los Angeles continue supporting the Lakers if the entire team protested the city at every opportunity? Unlikely.
Yes I am against believing she should not be there.

You can say you disagree with her but calling for her to not be there is beyond speech.
The fuck it is.

She shouldn't be there. She shouldn't be there. She shouldn't be there.

She's anti-American, and doing it under the guise of being a US Olympic athlete.

She disgusts me as she disgusts every decent person...
The very freedoms that allow athletes to protest are also granted to those who criticize those same athletes. They're free to protest while the rest of America is free to ignore them, their endorsement deals and their return home. What the rest of America has or has not accomplished is entirely irrelevant.

Would Los Angeles continue supporting the Lakers if the entire team protested the city at every opportunity? Unlikely.

Sure they would.

All they would need is for LeBron James to start whining about racism at the city level and Garcetti would be rolling over like a $2 whore...
The fuck it is.

She shouldn't be there. She shouldn't be there. She shouldn't be there.

She's anti-American, and doing it under the guise of being a US Olympic athlete.

She disgusts me as she disgusts every decent person...

Exhibit A. The only difference between you and the "red" countries is your inability to actually enforce your words.
Olympians should know not to speak up and know their place.

Maybe the U.S. could learn a lesson here about how to treat athlete's who decide to exercise their rights.
People aren’t allowed to protest during work hours, why should this be any different? The Olympic rules are broken when they protest.

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