CDZ Dear Americans.. Here's a plan for the western border of Russia front.


How about we just bring all our troops home from Europe and let Europe worry about it?


I have a better plan; nuke China.

Damn Dude ... I was thinking vacation in Barbados.
Pretty sure I got everything around here I need ... But I'm not sure what to pack for your alternative plans.

Might need to go to the grocery store just one more time before you get started
to kind of get an extra supply of things I don't normally put on the list like pure vanilla extract or something.... :auiqs.jpg:

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Chickenhawk a la King

So with your fantasy warmongering, you must support a draft of 18-year-olds, no college deferments, National Guard and Reserves for veterans only.
You must have missed my post where i floated the idea of the Baltic States and Western Ukraine be put under a yearly, proper referendum structure on which "block" they want to join; Russian Federation, or NATO+EU.
View attachment 589772

How about we just bring all our troops home from Europe and let Europe worry about it?



oh, so you start wars around the world, now even against China and the Russians and the re-grouping Muslims alltogether, and then you propose to leave us Europeans out in the cold? bad move, honey... very, very, bad.
Here's a unique solution... how about we let Europe fight their own wars for a change?
We're gonna need at least half of your human powered drone fleets stationed in Germany, and plenty of your tanks and other armored vehicles and sniper crews and M16 crews to stop the Russians at the Eastern Polish border, as per decree of one of your previous Presidents (Trump, if i'm not mistaken)....
As a Brit on this forum, I often get told, "Who are you to tell Americans what to do".

So by that token, what makes you think Americans can tell other nations like Poland, Ukraine, Germany etc.. on what to do about Russia?

Just interested in hypocrisy. You may have to check with the resident gun nuts on this forum about my first paragraph.
Think of it this way, there's the UK+Ireland+Northern-Ireland+Wales+Scotland+Iceland "N-W European Island group", there's the Commonwealth of the UK which is the UK + Australia, and there's "mainland Europe". I think we should draw the line for "mainland Europe" at just about the Portugal-->Greek line, then up the Kosovo to Poland line, include the entire Scandinavian cold weather nation group, Denmark, and then cozy and comfy tourist-hot-spot aka my Netherlands, Belgium, and France :D
(1) secure Poland with existing bases in Germany.

(2) secure all lands along the western side down to Greece with much renewed promises, including a JCPOA 1.0 *with* Saudi *and* Iranian fair-deal oil sales to those countries and the rest of mid- and western Europe.

(3) secure Western Ukraine and Moldava with cheaply sold state of the art western defensive war tech (but not too much quantitively speaking, capture and reverse engineering danger. Such tech should also have a safe self destruct mechanism.)

(4) apply (3) to the mid- and eastern sections of Poland, Lithuania. Latvia and Estonia should be armed to the teeth (cheaply), because we don't want to be considered a danger to the peaceful people of st Petersburg.

(5) Should worst case scenarios happen irl, drones and AWACS flown from Germany and west Poland should take out only Russian convoys and other gear of theirs that is not hiding among civilians.

This war will not be won by tanks, but by (mini-)drones combined with AWACS and tech like human piloted fighter craft in the rear of the battles.

And what Trump said about Iranian militias, has a point it seems. Saudi recently reported about 80 deaths caused by Iranian militias that now rule Yemen.

Try to convince the Iranians to convince their militias that nation building and good governance of what they conquered is much more beneficial to their goals than making kills among their enemies.
They can find me as user peacegen on forums if they want to know more..

And who wins? The defense manufacturers, again.
Also : i think the EU should force the Alps countries Switzerland and Austria to burn some of that Nazi gold they got stored deep in their mountains into generalized European Gold Bars, and then, FOR PRACTICAL REASONS ONLY, donate that money to the very technically capable german people (led by the very wise misses Merkel, who has plenty of years of life left in her), for the creation of new tank factories and other very-advanced armored vehicles ( could assist with that, as could Boston Dynamics' military branch) *in Germany*, with low output per day capacity, to shore up that Polish eastern front.
The Poles joined NATO and the EU because they did not like Russian rule. So did the West-Ukranians and the Baltic states (Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania).

So, yes, Europe, as announced by European officials, should create a European army with European money (old nazi gold preferably over more taxes!), and Spain, France and Germany and Scandinavian and Greece are the best nations to be producing the hardware to protect European soldiers.
And who wins? The defense manufacturers, again.
i would rather see the peaceful, accurate, paper-printed (one for the government, one for the voter) referendum strategy + ACTUAL good honest diplomacy, PREVENT a cold war 2 and a WW3 without nukes.

but our slightly demented cold war 1 babyboomer grandfathers in the US, China and Russia, along with the evil Muslim extremist imams, have chosen for that round of world war that happens every few decades...



but we ought to plan for the worst, and hope for the best.
i would rather see the peaceful, accurate, paper-printed (one for the government, one for the voter) referendum strategy + ACTUAL good honest diplomacy, PREVENT a cold war 2 and a WW3 without nukes.

but our slightly demented cold war 1 babyboomer grandfathers in the US, China and Russia, along with the evil Muslim extremist imams, have chosen for that round of world war that happens every few decades...



but we ought to plan for the worst, and hope for the best.

Thing is that the US's warmongering in the past leads to future resentment and wars. I don't think the US feels like stopping. Maybe the good thing about Biden is he's so senile that no one bothers to try and manipulate him to get their wars. But who knows? It's only been a year, still time for a good old fight in some third world country.
oh, so you start wars around the world, now even against China and the Russians and the re-grouping Muslims alltogether, and then you propose to leave us Europeans out in the cold? bad move, honey... very, very, bad.

What are you French?


Here's a unique solution... how about we let Europe fight their own wars for a change?
Because, if we had done that during WWII, you wouldn't be on this forum talking about other solutions.
Because, if we had done that during WWII,

I'm fairly certain neither Russia nor the Ukraine have the ability or the ambition to attack the Continental USA.

If they show such tendencies in the future, I suggest we deal with it then.
and then you propose to leave us Europeans out in the cold?

Oh yeah ... without a moments hesitation.

Europeans have been having a collective tantrum for 70-years about "American Hegemony" and American interference in European affairs ... all the while gleefully accepting American military protection.

So, I believe we grant Europe's wish and allow them to stand on their own two (left) feet.
Oh yeah ... without a moments hesitation.

Europeans have been having a collective tantrum for 70-years about "American Hegemony" and American interference in European affairs ... all the while gleefully accepting American military protection.

So, I believe we grant Europe's wish and allow them to stand on their own two (left) feet.
ok, sure, then hand over some of that nazi gold you took from Europe after WW2, and we'll build our own armored vehicles, ok.. troops we got plenty, with all them joggers and weightlifters these days among our young ;)
The Third World War Must Be Fought Against the Third World. Russia Would Be Our Ally Again.

The Fifties called. They want their foreign policy back.
we (NATO + EU) pissed against Russia's western border, severely, for decades, after the fall of the Berlin wall (1980s)..

so i don't think they much wanna be friends with us this time around.

and to make the third world suffer even more, is just cruel and evil, pardon my french...
Dutch.. Hetro male, 44.5 years old, black hair, blue eyes, 5.7", 35 yrs kungfu expertise under the belt, and i have my own internet startup (nicerapp - Overview) Interested? <grin>

The French and the Dutch have a lot in common.

Probably why you want the United States to provide for your defense and then bitch about our presence.


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