Dear Black People: Stop Blaming Whites For Slavery

Not like white people did, its pretty well documented and if you had anything you would post statements instead of questions.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years. You might find one person who eats shit but you cant pretend that those people eat as much shit as all the flies in the world. Black slave owners were few. White ones were common. Get it now?
Jeremiah has documented the first civil case in South Carolina of slave owning in 1654. The first documented slaves in the colonies arrived in 1619 in Jamestown, and their owners were white.

This is the final and uncontested word on the matter.
Not like white people did, its pretty well documented and if you had anything you would post statements instead of questions.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
No you cant put an end to anything. Whites were the first to use chattel slavery. The lesson isnt over until you can retain that definition.
Jeremiah has documented the first civil case in South Carolina of slave owning in 1654. The first documented slaves in the colonies arrived in 1619 in Jamestown, and their owners were white.

This is the final and uncontested word on the matter.

He thinks because white people designated a black guy as being the first then fuck history and reality, white man says it so it must be true. THEY LABELED IT!!!
Wrong again. According to history - it is accurate to title Anthony Johnson as the first documented Slave owner which is what I stated originally.
That is my final comment as the evidence I have provided has validated my claim.
There's no validation like self validation.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?

Chattel Slavery hasnt
Why the fuck would anyone care about the type of slavery? A slave is a slave, and your people invented it, and they are the only people still practicing it today. End of story. Now show us the horrible thing that white people did to their slaves that black people never have, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass and avoiding the actual discussion.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?

Chattel Slavery hasnt
Why the fuck would anyone care about the type of slavery? A slave is a slave,

^^This is the definition of Ignorance is bliss. And this is one happy S.O.B.
Why the fuck would anyone care about the type of slavery? A slave is a slave, and your people invented it, [...]
'Your people...' Who says that?

I mean the Godboy's 'people' came out of Africa according to present knowledge.
Not like white people did, its pretty well documented and if you had anything you would post statements instead of questions.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
No you cant put an end to anything. Whites were the first to use chattel slavery. The lesson isnt over until you can retain that definition.
Shut up asslips. Nobody cares about your lies, delfections or your general idiocy.
Dont get mad because I make you look stupid cave monkey. :laugh:
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?

Chattel Slavery hasnt
Why the fuck would anyone care about the type of slavery? A slave is a slave, and your people invented it, and they are the only people still practicing it today. End of story. Now show us the horrible thing that white people did to their slaves that black people never have, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass and avoiding the actual discussion.
That is not for you to question monkey. Just be satisfied with what you are told since this is more complex than your simian brain can handle. .
Wrong again. According to history - it is accurate to title Anthony Johnson as the first documented Slave owner which is what I stated originally.
That is my final comment as the evidence I have provided has validated my claim.
There's no validation like self validation.
Wrong. There's no validation like the "truth" validating you! When God is on your side? You've won. God is always on the side of truth, cnm. Never doubt it.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
That history is not unsettling to knowledgable people who know that the first black slaves that came to North American British colonies were brought and bought by white people in Jamestown 35 years earlier, which Jere failed to mention.

It is not unsettling to know that most of the free black slave owners in SC were buying their relatives, which Jere did not metion.

It is not unsettling to tell the entire narrative, Jere, instead of your sanitized version.
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I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
It was the first civil case on record of a slave. Therein he is noted as having owned the first slave, Caption. See this source - I'm sure you are familiar with wikipedia? They do not have all the facts straight but close enough.....
Anthony Johnson colonist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perfect! First civil case is waaaay different than being the first slave owner. All your explanations dont mean anything and if that guy owned a million slaves it still wouldnt change the fact that white people were fucking horrible people to slaves and did despicable things to them.
Did black people who have owned slaves throughout history also treat their slaves like shit? The only place on earth still practicing slavery is Africa. Do you think they are treated well there?

Theres nothing a white man has ever done to your people that wasnt already done by your own people. Slavery started in Africa and still exists today. That makes black people the worst offenders of slavery in human history.
Well, you've made some excellent points. No one can deny that unless they want to toss out the history of slavery on the continent of Africa and how it began - but I would like to mention to you that the Arab slavers who were not black are still involved in slavery on that continent too (although black Muslims have assisted them too) and in the case of the Arab Muslims who enslaved black men and women for over 600 years in the Sub Saharan region they practiced castration on the black male slaves during that entire period according to tribes from that region who interviewed with National Geographic about it (National Geographic report on why there are an estimated 300 million plus missing black people in the SubSaharan region due to Arab slavers castrating black males can be found in the book - Secrets of the Koran by Don Richardson) know the history of it as they explained this is why the people of that region are so light skinned - it was due to the black Arab slavers fathering all of the children in that region - this was their reason for castrating the black males of SubSaharan region -it led to what they believe is now approximately 300 million missing black people due to this practice of castration. To me this is very horrific and something that should be an outrage to African American people but again by distracting them with false data about the history of American slavery - they are not focused on what is happening - even to this very day.

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