Dear Black People: Stop Blaming Whites For Slavery

Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
To be clear - I am against slavery and always have been against slavery. I find the Democrats attempt to rewrite the history of slavery in America and the truth about it's origins to be quite wicked. I also believe their covering up the truth about Margaret Sanger the mother of Planned Parenthood and abortion of black babies - to be an evil that should be dealt with because the Democrats have known all along that the target of abortion is to abort black babies - as many as possible - the entire agenda of Planned Parenthood from the beginning was to target and murder black babies - it is a racist organization at its very core. The Democrat Party has exploited African Americans and the poor to their advantage for far too long.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
Actually abed means black man and it also means slave in Arabic. Do you know that, Asceplias? In the Arab World being a black man is the same as being a slave. They see no difference. In their minds, you were created to be slaves. That should be disturbing to African American people but often I find that isn't the reaction. Again, perhaps it is a determination not to believe it. I'm not sure.
Name the thing white people did to their slaves that black people never did.

Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
Actually abed means black man and it also means slave in Arabic. Do you know that, Asceplias? In the Arab World being a black man is the same as being a slave. They see no difference. In their minds, you were created to be slaves. That should be disturbing to African American people but often I find that isn't the reaction. Again, perhaps it is a determination not to believe it. I'm not sure.

Your understanding of the word and your spelling is clouded by your thought process. Yes abd (not abed) means slave and abeed means slaves. Unfortunately what you think you have found is a religious term meaning that muslims are slaves of Allah. For example Abd ul rahman, Abdullah means slave (or literally servant) to Allah, the slave of the Merciful. This is very common to this date in arabic countries. Since the original muslims/arabs were Black men it was also used to describe the holiness of Black men. Todays white Arabs may use it in a derogatory term but that was not the original meaning. Thanks for playing.
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Place them in slavery for hundreds of years.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
Actually abed means black man and it also means slave in Arabic. Do you know that, Asceplias? In the Arab World being a black man is the same as being a slave. They see no difference. In their minds, you were created to be slaves. That should be disturbing to African American people but often I find that isn't the reaction. Again, perhaps it is a determination not to believe it. I'm not sure.

Your understanding of the word and your spelling is clouded by your thought process. Yes abd means slave or abeed means slaves. Unfortunately what you think you have found is a religious term meaning that muslims are slaves of Allah. Since the original muslims/arabs were Black men it was also used to describe the holiness of Black men. Todays white Arabs may use it in a derogatory term but that was not the original meaning. Thanks for playing.
I'm not playing. It depends on who explained it to you but I am telling that the words are used interchangeable and you should not confuse this with the term - slave of Allah - as it has nothing to do with it, Asceplias. You should also know there is no salvation in Islam, it's a false religion and Mohammad was a false prophet. There is only one way to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is through receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Apart from Him you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The good news is that once you receive Him as your Lord and Savior all this bitterness and concern over racial matters will disappear into thin air because you will see things as the LORD sees them and love people of all races.
Slavery has been in Africa for thousands of years. Got anything else, or can we put an end to this lesson?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
Actually abed means black man and it also means slave in Arabic. Do you know that, Asceplias? In the Arab World being a black man is the same as being a slave. They see no difference. In their minds, you were created to be slaves. That should be disturbing to African American people but often I find that isn't the reaction. Again, perhaps it is a determination not to believe it. I'm not sure.

Your understanding of the word and your spelling is clouded by your thought process. Yes abd means slave or abeed means slaves. Unfortunately what you think you have found is a religious term meaning that muslims are slaves of Allah. Since the original muslims/arabs were Black men it was also used to describe the holiness of Black men. Todays white Arabs may use it in a derogatory term but that was not the original meaning. Thanks for playing.
I'm not playing. It depends on who explained it to you but I am telling that the words are used interchangeable and you should not confuse this with the term - slave of Allah - as it has nothing to do with it, Asceplias. You should also know there is no salvation in Islam, it's a false religion and Mohammad was a false prophet. There is only one way to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is through receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Apart from Him you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The good news is that once you receive Him as your Lord and Savior all this bitterness and concern over racial matters will disappear into thin air because you will see things as the LORD sees them and love people of all races.
Sorry but you lost your credibility on the subject when you posted about Anthony Johnson. At this point you should cease attempting to convince me due to your loss of credibility on the subject.
I posted reliable sources for all that I provided as information concerning the origins of slavery, Asceplias.
You, on the other hand -have provided nothing but your opinion which without anything else to support it is not going to establish what you've said as fact. I understand that what I've posted disagrees with your politics and your agenda but you must understand that the truth is a tough companion sometimes and for many too high a price - some people find themselves unwilling to pay. They prefer to sell out and speak what is convenient although untrue - hoping others will not notice the difference.
Nevertheless, the truth is the truth and will remain so. Irregardless of political correctness and its agenda to the contrary (opposing truth).
So according to the OP blacks should stop blaming whites for engaging in an activity they engaged in because it hurts their sensibilities. Oh. Ok.
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people. Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.
That was what I got from it.
But you are batshit crazy, you contended the first documented evidence you found is actually the first instance of slavery in the US.

Foundations of Slavery in America

Slavery in America - Black History -

In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than indentured servants (who were mostly poorer Europeans). After 1619, when a Dutch ship brought 20 Africans ashore at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, slavery spread throughout the American colonies. Though it is impossible to give accurate figures, some historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century alone, depriving the African continent of some of its healthiest and ablest men and women.
That was what I got from it.
But you are batshit crazy, you contended the first documented evidence you found is actually the first instance of slavery in the US.

Foundations of Slavery in America

Slavery in America - Black History -

In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as a cheaper, more plentiful labor source than indentured servants (who were mostly poorer Europeans). After 1619, when a Dutch ship brought 20 Africans ashore at the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia, slavery spread throughout the American colonies. Though it is impossible to give accurate figures, some historians have estimated that 6 to 7 million slaves were imported to the New World during the 18th century alone, depriving the African continent of some of its healthiest and ablest men and women.
It is the first documented legal case concerning a slave being owned permanently by another person. It happened in 1654 which predates your 17th century story about European settlers and although the first colony to arrive in Jamestown, Virginia was in 1619 as you state it was in 1654 that the first legal case of slavery was brought forth and in 1655 it was established in a court of law and documented - and yes, the slave owner was a black man. Yes again. See the Wikipedia source which validates that claim. Casor became the first permanent slave in history according to that court case and Anthony Johnson became the first slave owner. FIRST as in first. What does that mean? It means that the billboard I posted about Anthony Johnson is accurate and not misleading. As you can see in the billboard it is clear that the matter was about his going to court and demanding it be done in 1654. Please read again and you'll find that you didn't read my original post carefully. I am establishing what the billboard said as truth. Now that - that has been done? Let's move on. Shall we? Have a good morning, cmn.
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Slavery was going on for years and years and years before America even existed as a country. Slavery is not just a "white man's phenomenon," that's for sure. However, our country's history of slavery is fairly recent, relatively speaking. It's still "fresh" in the minds of some apparently, and it STILL happens today just not on such a large scale.

History of slavery
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The history of slavery spans nearly every culture, nationality and religion, and from ancient times to the present day. Slavery was a legally recognized system in which people were legally considered the property or chattel of another.[1] A slave had few rights and could be bought or sold and made to work for the owner without any choice or pay. As Drescher (2009) argues, "The most crucial and frequently utilised aspect of the condition is a communally recognised right by some individuals to possess, buy, sell, discipline, transport, liberate, or otherwise dispose of the bodies and behaviour of other individuals."[2] In the American colonies and other places, an integral element was frequently the assignment of children of a slave mother to the status of slaves born into slavery.[3] Slavery under this definition does not include other forced labour systems, such as historical forced labor by prisoners, labor camps, or other forms of unfree labor, in which labourers are not legally considered property. Slavery typically requires a shortage of labor and a surplus of land to be viable.[1] While slavery has existed for thousands of years, the social, economic, and legal position of slaves was vastly different in different systems of slavery in different times and places.[4]

Slavery can be traced back to the earliest records, such as the Code of Hammurabi (c. 1760 BC), which refers to it as an established institution.[5] Slavery is rare among hunter-gatherer populations, as it is developed as a system of social stratification. Slavery was known in civilizations as old as Sumer, as well as almost every other ancient civilization. The Byzantine-Ottoman wars and the Ottoman wars in Europeresulted in the taking of large numbers of Christian slaves. Similarly, Christians sold Muslim slaves captured in war and also the Islamic World was engaged in slavery. Slavery became common within the British Isles during the Middle Ages. Britain played a prominent role in the Atlantic slave trade, especially after 1600. Slavery was a legal institution in all of the 13 American colonies and Canada (acquired by Britain in 1763). Slavery was endemic in Africa and part of the structure of everyday life. David P. Forsythe wrote: "The fact remained that at the beginning of the nineteenth century an estimated three-quarters of all people alive were trapped in bondage against their will either in some form of slavery or serfdom."[6] Denmark-Norway was the first European country to ban the slave trade.

Although slavery is no longer legal anywhere in the world,[7] human trafficking remains an international problem and an estimated 29.8 million persons are living in illegal slavery today.[8] During the Second Sudanese Civil War people were taken into slavery.[9] In Mauritania it is estimated that up to 600,000 men, women and children, or 20% of the population, are currently enslaved, many of them used as bonded labor.[10] Slavery in Mauritania was criminalized in August 2007.[11] Evidence emerged in the late 1990s of systematic slavery in cacao plantations in West Africa; see the chocolate and slavery article.[12]
Watch Slavery A Global Investigation Online - FreeDocumentaries.Org

This 80-minute documentary, inspired by the book Disposable People, exposes cases of slavery.
True Vision of London produced this 80-minute documentary inspired by the book Disposable People. Filmmakers Brian Edwards and Kate Blewett actually buy slaves in Africa and help free child slaves in India. The film exposes slavery in the rug-making sector of Northwest India, the cocoa plantations in the Ivory Coast, and even the home of a World Bank official in Washington, D.C. Small, personal stories of slavery are woven together to tell the larger story of slavery in the global economy.

Slavery won the Peabody Award in 2001.
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Addressing the OP - the young man is making the point that the people he fears being gunned down by are not white people but black people. The truth is he is stating clearly to his own brothers and sisters that they know that it is not the white people who are targeting them but their own race. In history we see the same - that the black slavers on the continent of Africa sold their own brothers and sisters into slavery. This has still not changed. Today the children who are used for harvesting cocoa beans are still be used as slaves by their own families, the slave owners - many of them - are black also. This is something that must be addressed. As it is still going on today.
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.
Why are you talking about Africa? Is this the "one black person is responsible for all blacks" line of thinking or should I attempt to make you defend the Russian Sex Trafficking also?

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