Dear Black People: Stop Blaming Whites For Slavery

Asceplias, I have provided a detailed history with the resources used to give you the truth about the origins of slavery. If you choose to believe Hollywood fiction over serious historical research that is your choice but as for me? I believe these researchers have done a good job and have no reason to question their honesty. The truth is the truth. Even when it is inconvenient.
You're confused. I've just presented you with the facts. You can either examine them or refuse to examine them, Caption. As for black slavers? The blacks had slaves in the 1830's - note this portion of the research on blacks owning slaves -

You (i believe) posted that picture of some guy claiming he owned slaves first. Fact, he couldnt have since slavery was already in America 40 years BEFORE.

Yes blacks had slaves too. Just like you guys make sure to bring out the ONE black guy who likes the confederate flag and parade him around as if he is the norm.

Incidentally, in 1830 about 25% of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves: that is a much higher percentage (ten times more) than the number of white slave owners. Thus slave owners were a tiny minority (1.4%) and it was not only whites: it was just about anybody who could, including blacks themselves.
See post #12 for the more if you are interested in the truth. If not? I cannot help you.

You're the only one saying they were all one else said it, so if you're finished fighting your strawman let me finish. Are you trying to deny that whites were the MAIN beneficiaries of slavery and engaged in it more than anyone else?

I dont think you are.

Are you claiming that blacks owned more slaves? Treated slaves worse?

I dont think you are.

So if your entire point is that blacks owned slaves too. Congrats. You just stated something everyone knows and has dick to do with the topic of slavery at all.
Asceplias, I have provided a detailed history with the resources used to give you the truth about the origins of slavery. If you choose to believe Hollywood fiction over serious historical research that is your choice but as for me? I believe these researchers have done a good job and have no reason to question their honesty. The truth is the truth. Even when it is inconvenient.
I agree you have provided details with resources. The problem is that I dont consider them credible.
You already lost credibility on the issue Jeramiah. No need to plaster the thread with more wild claims that are less valid than your claim regarding Anthony Johnson.

Right, he wont give up the lie. He just found a pic of a old black dude and went with it
You're confused. I've just presented you with the facts. You can either examine them or refuse to examine them, Caption. As for black slavers? The blacks had slaves in the 1830's - note this portion of the research on blacks owning slaves -

You (i believe) posted that picture of some guy claiming he owned slaves first. Fact, he couldnt have since slavery was already in America 40 years BEFORE.

Yes blacks had slaves too. Just like you guys make sure to bring out the ONE black guy who likes the confederate flag and parade him around as if he is the norm.

Incidentally, in 1830 about 25% of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves: that is a much higher percentage (ten times more) than the number of white slave owners. Thus slave owners were a tiny minority (1.4%) and it was not only whites: it was just about anybody who could, including blacks themselves.
See post #12 for the more if you are interested in the truth. If not? I cannot help you.

You're the only one saying they were all one else said it, so if you're finished fighting your strawman let me finish. Are you trying to deny that whites were the MAIN beneficiaries of slavery and engaged in it more than anyone else?

I dont think you are.

Are you claiming that blacks owned more slaves? Treated slaves worse?

I dont think you are.

So if your entire point is that blacks owned slaves too. Congrats. You just stated something everyone knows and has dick to do with the topic of slavery at all.
To top it all off the vast majority of slaves owned by Blacks were family members that had the legal title of "slave".
Asceplias, I have provided a detailed history with the resources used to give you the truth about the origins of slavery. If you choose to believe Hollywood fiction over serious historical research that is your choice but as for me? I believe these researchers have done a good job and have no reason to question their honesty. The truth is the truth. Even when it is inconvenient.
I agree you have provided details with resources. The problem is that I dont consider them credible.

I know you don't. Do you know why you don't consider them credible? I believe it is because you do not want to know truth when it does not support your position, Asceplias, and that is a dangerous road to go down.

The researchers did make a comment about that also -

They write:
Today it is politically correct to blame some European empires and the USA for slavery (forgetting that it was practiced by everybody since prehistoric times).
But I rarely read the other side of the story: that the nations who were the first to develop a repulsion for slavery and eventually abolish slavery were precisely those countries (especially Britain and the USA).
In 1787 the Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade was founded in England: it was the first society anywhere in the world opposed to slavery. In 1792 English prime minister William Pitt called publicly for the end of the slave trade: it was the first time in history (anywhere in the world) that the ruler of a country had called for the abolition of slavery.
No African king and emperor had ever done so. As Dinesh D'Souza wrote, "What is uniquely Western is not slavery but the movement to abolish slavery".
End quote -

You see you are trading truth for political correctness which is morally wrong. You are choosing to believe a lie for the sake of political correctness so that therein the powers that be can perpetuate the myth that America is evil, that America has been the root problem - beginning of black slavery (all untrue) which leaves people blinded to the reality that to this very day Arab Muslim slavers are enslaving African men, women and children throughout the world and are not being challenged over it.

Where is your outrage for your brothers and sisters suffering in the chains of slavery today? Forgotten because those who should be helping them are too busy fixated on rewriting the history of America in order to blame us as the evil empire who created slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth, Asceplias. We are a nation who went to war against itself to stop it, to put an end to it. (truth be known)

Until you are willing to know the truth, you won't know it. When you have set in your heart a determination to know only what agrees with you? You have put iron bars about your mind and locked yourself within them. You'll stay that way for so long as you choose to keep out truth.
Jeremiah as usual is very selective with the bibliography and the narrative.

One example: 25% of free black slave owners in SC had a higher than average (compared to whites) number of slaves. Jere does not tell you the great majority were buying relatives.
You already lost credibility on the issue Jeramiah. No need to plaster the thread with more wild claims that are less valid than your claim regarding Anthony Johnson.

Right, he wont give up the lie. He just found a pic of a old black dude and went with it

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see, Caption.

I'll ask you again then, how is he the first slave owner when slaves in America existed 40 years before?
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
Next he's going to tell us about Columbus discovering America with an entire civilization already living there
The matter is settled that Jere is presenting an unbalanced narrative of Negro Chattel Slavery in North America.
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
It was the first civil case on record of a slave. Therein he is noted as having owned the first slave, Caption. See this source - I'm sure you are familiar with wikipedia? They do not have all the facts straight but close enough.....

Anthony Johnson colonist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

When Anthony Johnson was released from servitude, he was legally recognized as a "free Negro." He developed a successful farm. In 1651 he owned 250 acres, and the services of four white and one black indentured servants. In 1653,John Casor, a black indentured servant whose contract Johnson appeared to have bought in the early 1640s, approached Captain Goldsmith, claiming his indenture had expired seven years earlier and that he was being held illegally by Johnson. A neighbor, Robert Parker, intervened and persuaded Johnson to free Casor.

Handwritten court ruling.
March 8, 1655
Parker offered Casor work, and he signed a term of indenture to the planter. Johnson sued Parker in the Northampton Court in 1654 for the return of Casor.
The court initially found in favor of Parker, but Johnson appealed. In 1655, the court reversed its ruling.[10] Finding that Anthony Johnson still "owned" John Casor, the court ordered that he be returned with the court dues paid by Robert Parker.[11]
This was the first instance of a judicial determination in the Thirteen Colonies holding that a person who had committed no crime could be held in servitude for life.[12][13][14][15][16]

Though Casor was the first person declared a slave in a civil case, there were both black and white indentured servants sentenced to lifetime servitude before him.
In closing, I believe the majority of historians agree that Casor was the first case of a legally owned slave - through a court of law. Again Casor was the first person in the history of our nation to be declared a "slave" in a civil case therein making Casor the first slave that was owned and the first slave owner Anthony Johnson, I repeat ---------> and Anthony Johnson the first slave owner in the history of our nation.
I rest my case.
Last edited: says it was in 1619, using other records. Jere can argue that the first civil records show slaves in 1654 in SC and that they were owned by a black owner. Jere has failed to point out that most black slave owners were buying their relatives. That neglect is normal in Jere's oveall posting.

Slavery undoubtedly began before 1654, and the slave property were undoubtedly brought by white traders.

Slavery in America - Black History -
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
It was the first civil case on record of a slave. Therein he is noted as having owned the first slave, Caption. See this source - I'm sure you are familiar with wikipedia? They do not have all the facts straight but close enough.....
Anthony Johnson colonist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perfect! First civil case is waaaay different than being the first slave owner. All your explanations dont mean anything and if that guy owned a million slaves it still wouldnt change the fact that white people were fucking horrible people to slaves and did despicable things to them.
Wrong again. According to history - it is accurate to title Anthony Johnson as the first documented Slave owner which is what I stated originally.
That is my final comment as the evidence I have provided has validated my claim.
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
It was the first civil case on record of a slave. Therein he is noted as having owned the first slave, Caption. See this source - I'm sure you are familiar with wikipedia? They do not have all the facts straight but close enough.....
Anthony Johnson colonist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perfect! First civil case is waaaay different than being the first slave owner. All your explanations dont mean anything and if that guy owned a million slaves it still wouldnt change the fact that white people were fucking horrible people to slaves and did despicable things to them.
Did black people who have owned slaves throughout history also treat their slaves like shit? The only place on earth still practicing slavery is Africa. Do you think they are treated well there?

Theres nothing a white man has ever done to your people that wasnt already done by your own people. Slavery started in Africa and still exists today. That makes black people the worst offenders of slavery in human history.
I already answered your question, Caption. Read post #19 and if you have any evidence by way of a validated historical source that refutes evidence provided- post the link and the information and we'll examine it. Otherwise the matter has been settled.

Right so answer it again because your post #19 is the post that I'm questioning. And you're saying "Want the answer? Go back to the bad information you're asking for clarity on!"

No thanks, just answer, If you arent blind as you say, tell me how the first person to own slaves existed 40 years after slavery came to America.

Or dont and everyone will see you're a fraud
It was the first civil case on record of a slave. Therein he is noted as having owned the first slave, Caption. See this source - I'm sure you are familiar with wikipedia? They do not have all the facts straight but close enough.....
Anthony Johnson colonist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Perfect! First civil case is waaaay different than being the first slave owner. All your explanations dont mean anything and if that guy owned a million slaves it still wouldnt change the fact that white people were fucking horrible people to slaves and did despicable things to them.
Did black people who have owned slaves throughout history also treat their slaves like shit?

Not like white people did, its pretty well documented and if you had anything you would post statements instead of questions.

The only place on earth still practicing slavery is Africa. Do you think they are treated well there?

Maybe. Again if you had any point you'd make a statement and not leading questions

Theres nothing a white man has ever done to your people that wasnt already done by your own people. Slavery started in Africa and still exists today. That makes black people the worst offenders of slavery in human history.

You hope so, but hope doesnt change reality. Sorry, they have butthurt cream on sale if that helps.

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