Dear Black People: Stop Blaming Whites For Slavery

I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?
You are right, of course. It is true that black slavery began with the black man enslaving the black man - on the continent of Africa - and later it was the black man selling black men for slavery - this has been the case from the beginning of their history - very sad and very true - furthermore even here in the United States the first case of documented slavery through a court case was of a black man owning a black slave and intending to keep him. Why this part of history is so unsettling to some people I am not quite sure but as you can see? It is!
You forgot the word "slave" comes white boys enslaving each other. Slave comes from Slavic people.
Actually abed means black man and it also means slave in Arabic. Do you know that, Asceplias? In the Arab World being a black man is the same as being a slave. They see no difference. In their minds, you were created to be slaves. That should be disturbing to African American people but often I find that isn't the reaction. Again, perhaps it is a determination not to believe it. I'm not sure.

Your understanding of the word and your spelling is clouded by your thought process. Yes abd means slave or abeed means slaves. Unfortunately what you think you have found is a religious term meaning that muslims are slaves of Allah. Since the original muslims/arabs were Black men it was also used to describe the holiness of Black men. Todays white Arabs may use it in a derogatory term but that was not the original meaning. Thanks for playing.
I'm not playing. It depends on who explained it to you but I am telling that the words are used interchangeable and you should not confuse this with the term - slave of Allah - as it has nothing to do with it, Asceplias. You should also know there is no salvation in Islam, it's a false religion and Mohammad was a false prophet. There is only one way to enter the kingdom of heaven and that is through receiving Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Apart from Him you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. The good news is that once you receive Him as your Lord and Savior all this bitterness and concern over racial matters will disappear into thin air because you will see things as the LORD sees them and love people of all races.
Sorry but you lost your credibility on the subject when you posted about Anthony Johnson. At this point you should cease attempting to convince me due to your loss of credibility on the subject.
I believe you should watch this documentary video and learn the truth about the origins of slavery.

I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?
I believe you should also watch this documentary. Africans sold other Africans to the Europeans. This is the true history. You need to see this:

I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

The blame should be spread around, as not just white people are guilty of slavery. Correct? Why would you choose to blame ONE group of people when pretty much everyone practiced slavery? Where is the logic in that?
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.
This also contains some excellent information - it lends the question why the great concern for those who are dead and gone and beyond our help while ignoring the pleas of those who are enslaved today? A very good question and one the African American people should ask themselves.

This is from Thomas Sowell's book - on audio -


Was slavery caused by racism? Are fatherless Black families a result of slavery? Dr. Sowell explodes these myths and others. Be sure to listen to chapter 3 of his book in the video above entitled - The Real History of Slavery.
I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get
Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.
Why not watch the videos posted for you, Caption, and free yourself from this victim mentality you are in? I believe the truth will set you free! Try watching the videos and see how you feel after viewing them.
Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Do you think all or even most white people owned slaves? Do you know that rich black people in Africa also owned black slaves? In fact, tribes in Africa would slaughter, imprison and use other tribe members as slaves quite often.
I think the message of the OP was take responsibility for your own life and do not blame other people.

I agree, so I guess the message is dont blame others for your life and dont blame others for engaging in things they dont find palatable because the history looks bad. I mean, they did engage in slavery...they did engage in Jim Crow. But to be nice we shouldnt say it because...?

Aside from the curse words - his message was an attempt to make people think before agreeing to jump on a bus and protest in a city on the other side of the country because someone tells them to. His point being that white people are not to blame for the troubles black people are encountering in their lives. That was what I got from it.

Well that would mean that history doesnt affect the future...everyone knows that doesnt make sense. Ever notice how many Indians there are? According to the OP the lack of Indians in this country is the Indians fault...not the white mans fault because blaming anyone for anything isnt right

Well, you can't really hold the people of today responsible for any of that. Most people are not descended from slave owners. Slave owners were rich people. Not to mention, most of the white people who live in America today immigrated to America during and after the slavery years.

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

Hmm. Maybe you should do some research and educate yourself before you speak on a topic and make yourself look ignorant. :)
But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.
It is the first documented legal case concerning a slave being owned permanently by another person. It happened in 1654 which predates your 17th century story about European settlers and although the first colony to arrive in Jamestown, Virginia was in 1619 as you state it was in 1654 that the first legal case of slavery ..

This gets so fucking old...having to correct the bullshit you spew.

Get this: Slavery was legalized in Massachusetts in 1641.

There were laws regarding fugitive slaves there in the 1630's.

Do the math. 1630's is earlier than 1656.

Johnson's 1656 case "was the first instance of a judicial determination in the Thirteen Colonies holding that a person who had committed no crime could be held in servitude for life."

John Punch is considered by historians to be the very first official slave.

"In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland."

Hugh Gwyn was his master.

John Punch's sentence to slavery preceded the Mass legalization of slavery by a year:

July 9, 1640 - John Punch became the first African to be a slave for life by law in Virginia "Whereas Hugh Gwyn hath by order from this Board Brought back from Maryland three servants formerly run away from the said Gwyn, the court doth therefore order that the said three servants shall receive the punishment of whipping and to have thirty stripes apiece one called Victor, a dutchman, the other a Scotchman called James Gregory..... that the third being a negro named John Punch shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere."

Source: McIlwaine, ed., Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia, p. 466.

Virtual Jamestown Slave Laws

And curiously enough -- Obama descends from this very first slave in America!

But white people did it tho, right? I'm just not supposed to say it, right?

All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Do you think all or even most white people owned slaves? Do you know that rich black people in Africa also owned black slaves? In fact, tribes in Africa would slaughter, imprison and use other tribe members as slaves quite often.

No I dont.

Yes I do.
All kinds of people had slaves back in the old days. It was more rich versus poor than anything else. It was much more about socioeconomic factors than anything else. Rich black people in Africa also had black slaves. People from the Middle East also had slaves, etc.

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

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