Dear Black People: Stop Blaming Whites For Slavery

Wait, are you only allowed to discuss slavery when you can spread the blame around. Like, sure terrorist took down the towers but other things make buildings fall too

? Like that?

Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

Of course. I never denied that white people owned slaves, but most white Americans in today's America were not descended from slave owners and had nothing to do with "American" form of slavery.

People were generally ignorant back then. Even the well educated and wealthy people were fucking ignorant. With technological advancements, exposure to other people, races, ethnic groups, etc., we have advanced quite rapidly in the last 150 or so years.
Oh I get it. You are a black person who hates white people. Thanks for clearing that up.

All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.
It is the first documented legal case concerning a slave being owned permanently by another person. It happened in 1654 which predates your 17th century story about European settlers and although the first colony to arrive in Jamestown, Virginia was in 1619 as you state it was in 1654 that the first legal case of slavery ..

This gets so fucking old...having to correct the bullshit you spew.

Get this: Slavery was legalized in Massachusetts in 1641.

There were laws regarding fugitive slaves there in the 1630's.

Do the math. 1630's is earlier than 1656.

Johnson's 1656 case "was the first instance of a judicial determination in the Thirteen Colonies holding that a person who had committed no crime could be held in servitude for life."

John Punch is considered by historians to be the very first official slave.

"In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland."

Hugh Gwyn was his master.

John Punch's sentence to slavery preceded the Mass legalization of slavery by a year:

July 9, 1640 - John Punch became the first African to be a slave for life by law in Virginia "Whereas Hugh Gwyn hath by order from this Board Brought back from Maryland three servants formerly run away from the said Gwyn, the court doth therefore order that the said three servants shall receive the punishment of whipping and to have thirty stripes apiece one called Victor, a dutchman, the other a Scotchman called James Gregory..... that the third being a negro named John Punch shall serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural Life here or elsewhere."

Source: McIlwaine, ed., Minutes of the Council and General Court of Colonial Virginia, p. 466.

Virtual Jamestown Slave Laws

And curiously enough -- Obama descends from this very first slave in America!

I disagree with you. Some historians believe Punch was the first. I believe most would disagree with them however. Furthermore, this matter has already been settled and we won't be reopening it for you - you're a day late as the saying goes..... As for the origins of slavery - see the video presentations and don't miss Thomas Sowell's videos as he is qualified to speak on subjects you may not be.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

Look, if you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder and blame modern day people for what people of another time did, then be my guest. Nothing I can do about that. That's your problem and something you need to deal with.
All you had to say was uncle. No need to get

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.

Everyoen who commits terrible acts have excuses. Its just that you dont think the current ones are good ones and the old ones were ok because they didnt know better. But everyone knew that owning another person wasnt good. But they had their excuses that they were actually HELPING the "savages" to "assimilate" to the white mans culture. The white destroyed the indians and they didnt say it was because they were bad. They said they were "Helping"
Why can't the black community ever focus on the positive things from their race rather than just the negative?
I'd like to know why so much of the black community cannot focus on the present rather than the past. Is the idea of moving forward so frightening? For those who do not want to let go of the victim mindset I suppose it is. Still with the right education about the origins of slavery, the myths and why they are continued to be repeated to future generations - there is hope. While there is life there is hope.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

Look, if you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder and blame modern day people for what people of another time did, then be my guest. Nothing I can do about that. That's your problem and something you need to deal with.

If someone has made up their mind to be a victim there isn't much that can be done.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

Look, if you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder and blame modern day people for what people of another time did, then be my guest. Nothing I can do about that. That's your problem and something you need to deal with.

Again, why are you spending so much time trying to ascribe feelings to me and look for me to defend it. If stating history is having a "chip on my shoulder" then history class is full of chip shoulder having fools

Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.

Everyoen who commits terrible acts have excuses. Its just that you dont think the current ones are good ones and the old ones were ok because they didnt know better. But everyone knew that owning another person wasnt good. But they had their excuses that they were actually HELPING the "savages" to "assimilate" to the white mans culture. The white destroyed the indians and they didnt say it was because they were bad. They said they were "Helping"

What was the excuse for Ferguson? Getting on buses and traveling to Ferguson to loot, riot, and burn down businesses owned by people who had nothing to do with a verdict? For what?
I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.

Everyoen who commits terrible acts have excuses. Its just that you dont think the current ones are good ones and the old ones were ok because they didnt know better. But everyone knew that owning another person wasnt good. But they had their excuses that they were actually HELPING the "savages" to "assimilate" to the white mans culture. The white destroyed the indians and they didnt say it was because they were bad. They said they were "Helping"

What was the excuse for Ferguson?

They dont have slaves in Fergueson silly goose
Why don't you explain why you would like to lie the blame on white people for slavery.

I'm trying to understand these rules where its not ok to talk about whites involved in slavery but its ok to spread the blame around to everyone.

Its seems like white people dont like their history and its only acceptable if you talk about other slavery around the world throughout history.

Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.

Everyoen who commits terrible acts have excuses. Its just that you dont think the current ones are good ones and the old ones were ok because they didnt know better. But everyone knew that owning another person wasnt good. But they had their excuses that they were actually HELPING the "savages" to "assimilate" to the white mans culture. The white destroyed the indians and they didnt say it was because they were bad. They said they were "Helping"

That is what I mean by "ignorant." These are people who really thought that it was "okay" to own other people. This has always happened in history. In every culture, there were slaves and slavery. Back then, people weren't exposed to "different" people very often and mostly stuck with their own race and ethnic groups. Sometimes they were completely isolated from people of different cultures. When they came across other cultures that were not as advanced as their own, they considered these people as less than human beings. They looked at them as if they were more like other animals than human animals. With technology, the ability to travel and more exposure than ever before to other human beings and understanding how and why other people live differently than we might live, our ignorance in such areas is definitely less. Of course, we still run across many ignorant human beings, regardless of their skin color. :D
Who said that? Certainly not me. The topic is to stop blaming white people for slavery. White people certainly did not invent slavery. It has always existed and still does for some socioeconomically disadvantaged women and children throughout the world.

Why? White people committed terrible acts during slavery. IF they arent to blame then who is? God? Whether they invented it or not has nothing to do with them receiving the blame. Dahmer didnt invent cannibalism but he was still to blame for being a cannibal

So did a lot of other slave owners throughout history. Also, those of today who trade in the exploitation of children for sexual purposes. At least people back then could use the excuse of pure ignorance, unlike those "slave traders" of today.

Everyoen who commits terrible acts have excuses. Its just that you dont think the current ones are good ones and the old ones were ok because they didnt know better. But everyone knew that owning another person wasnt good. But they had their excuses that they were actually HELPING the "savages" to "assimilate" to the white mans culture. The white destroyed the indians and they didnt say it was because they were bad. They said they were "Helping"

What was the excuse for Ferguson?

They dont have slaves in Fergueson silly goose
You said, "Everyone who commits terrible acts have excuses."

I am asking you, what was the excuse for looting, rioting, setting businesses on fire - in Ferguson?

You said Everyone who commits terrible acts have excuses!
Tell me what excuse there is for the terrible acts committed in Ferguson by black rioters? What was the excuse?
Why can't the black community ever focus on the positive things from their race rather than just the negative?
I'd like to know why so much of the black community cannot focus on the present rather than the past. Is the idea of moving forward so frightening? For those who do not want to let go of the victim mindset I suppose it is. Still with the right education about the origins of slavery, the myths and why they are continued to be repeated to future generations - there is hope. While there is life there is hope.

All they hear is negative from everyone all the time from the leaders down to the families themselves, starting at a very young age by the time they are 4 they know it's the White Mans fault , plus many other negative issues.
Why can't the black community ever focus on the positive things from their race rather than just the negative?
I'd like to know why so much of the black community cannot focus on the present rather than the past. Is the idea of moving forward so frightening? For those who do not want to let go of the victim mindset I suppose it is. Still with the right education about the origins of slavery, the myths and why they are continued to be repeated to future generations - there is hope. While there is life there is hope.

All they hear is negative from everyone all the time from the leaders down to the families themselves, starting at a very young age by the time they are 4 they know it's the White Mans fault , plus many other negative issues.
Which is why they should know the truth about the origins of slavery and the origins of what is going on even now - Thomas Sowell is a great source as he is an educated black man that - if listened to - can free them from the brainwashing and wicked indoctrination they have been put under.
It's not our history, Caption. What part of that are you not understanding? Go watch the Thomas Sowell videos. You need to focus on reality and come out of this delusion you are in about white people.

You can stomp your feet and scream "is not" but the history is well documented.

Look, if you want to go around with a chip on your shoulder and blame modern day people for what people of another time did, then be my guest. Nothing I can do about that. That's your problem and something you need to deal with.

Again, why are you spending so much time trying to ascribe feelings to me and look for me to defend it. If stating history is having a "chip on my shoulder" then history class is full of chip shoulder having fools


Well, considering the fact that you seem to be looking for a group of people to blame for slavery, tells me a lot about you. :) Like I told you, every single culture has committed atrocities. Name ONE that has not. This is why I find education to be so important and wish people were more willing to invest in better educating our young people.

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