Dear Leader: Sub Par


Shoots back
Nov 20, 2013
Wouldn't you like to know
Sucks when the counter-culture becomes the establishment, only to get bit on the butt by the counter-counter-culture, doesn't it? :lol:

Conservatives Seize the Sub Par Counter-Culture
By Oleg Atbashian

According to, dozens of posters of President Obama with a golf club and a caption "Sub Par" have been spotted outside the PGA's golf tournament near the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles, as well as near Pacific Palisades and Santa Monica, California, all of them upscale and liberal enclaves.

A quick web search discovered a number of other locations in LA with "Sub Par" posters pasted over signal boxes, hanging from the wires and lampposts on busy intersections, glued to park benches, and even attached as small stickers to the walls of public bathrooms. This bears all the marks of an anonymous guerilla street art action by local artists.


In the United States, political poster artists such as Shepherd Fairey, Robbie Conal, or Banksy absurdly made careers while promoting the leftist ideology through the arts -- absurdly because their allegedly "counter-culture" and "anti-establishment" message was cheered on and often sponsored by the cultural establishment itself, which today is almost entirely made of formerly rebellious "anti-establishment" leftists.

The palpable irony of today's historical moment is that the formerly cool, underground iconoclasts of the Left are now the oppressive, stodgy establishment. The tables have been turned by the invisible hand of historical necessity, but not in a revolution that Marxists had planned.

Today's truly rebellious, free-thinking, edgy and cool, counter-culture anti-establishment movement is entirely on the right of the political spectrum. The Left may try to obfuscate this reality, attempting to paint the Right as agents of the oppressive state, but in the end the truth always wins. It happened everywhere the Left held the power, and it will happen in America, too.

Read more: Articles: Conservatives Seize the Sub Par Counter-Culture
I want that on a bumper sticker.

You want, "Breitbart? Isn't that somewhere behind the World Globe in accuracy?" on a bumper sticker?
No problem...
Though it's gonna be one big a$$ bumper sticker!

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