Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
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The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia
Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.

Sure they will.
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

We get all the gays, so there will be beauty in our world. :)
Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

You guys can have the corporate monoculture, which will fail eventually. We have sustainable, non polluting small farms that are actually more productive than monoculture and do not depend on big oil at all. You guys are the ones who won't know what you're doing.

In the cities??? where in the roofs of buildings???


What about animals???

Yeah I'd love to see herds of sheep, chicken, cattle etc running though the streets of the loop in Chicago.

You progressives wouldn't last longer than a few years....
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

I can see thinking outside the box is a chore for many...:lol:
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

I'm not worried about it and you shouldn't either. Once you make your own Liberal Utopia, you will be able to pay those illegal farm workers a handsome living wagej as well as providing them housing, healthcare, and a great education, and you can be oh so proud. And of course since the government will finally be allowed to eliminate all poverty, you'll all be on easy street and enjoying a country of noble equality.

We'll take care of our food needs. Remember we won't be asking each other for anything as per the divorce agreement, so you won't need to concern yourselves with that.
In the cities??? where in the roofs of buildings???

What about animals???

Yeah I'd love to see herds of sheep, chicken, cattle etc running though the streets of the loop in Chicago.

You progressives wouldn't last longer than a few years....

We're not only getting the cities, nimrod - take NY state... do you really think it's all NYC? There is plenty of land we can use, and yes, there would be urban farming. We'll reclaim all the big box stores and resume the small farming that sustained this country for so long. That'll create lots of jobs, too.
Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Quit talking as if you would have a bit of power in a conservative America.

You know what, Occupied, I hold out hope even for you that you will 1) develop a sense of humor and 2) develop some imagination and 3) eventually get some education to understand what modern American conservatism is all about.

You are obsessed with what you see as our country and are unable to see the blessings I'm offering you in having your own country the way you want it. Were you so deprived as a child that you lack even the imagination to consider what your country might be?

The whole purpose of the divorce is so that you won't have to deal with all the sins you see in conservatism. You won't have to see it, hear about it, tolerate it, or fight against it. I am offering you the Utopia you seem to want and all you can do is make snotty remarks about our side.

Or is that what you live for? Is that all you have? Making snotty remarks about our side? Geez. Which country will you choose?

Prosperity comes through hard work of all and being benevolent in charity of one's own accord.

In the 'New world'? Industry and sharing isn't coerced...but natural. ALL benefit to the point to where the New World will have enough to share freely, cheerfully with our counterparts without reservation...but as an example of how a society should conduct itself.

Our Pilgrim Forefathers learned this lesson...and the purpose for the first Thanksgiving sharing with the natives that showed us the way.

Call it Restoring Love...
In the cities??? where in the roofs of buildings???

What about animals???

Yeah I'd love to see herds of sheep, chicken, cattle etc running though the streets of the loop in Chicago.

You progressives wouldn't last longer than a few years....

We're not only getting the cities, nimrod - take NY state... do you really think it's all NYC? There is plenty of land we can use, and yes, there would be urban farming. We'll reclaim all the big box stores and resume the small farming that sustained this country for so long. That'll create lots of jobs, too.

Ah, now you're getting into the spirit of it. I'm afraid you'll have to forego the big box stores, however, as they are all part of those big evil corporation that your side hates and that will be moving to our side. You will have all the illegals to work those farms though so I am sure you guys will have plenty to eat. And I'm sure there's a liberal engineer or two that will go to your side and can build an electric or solar powered tractor and combine. As for stores, if the government is enlarged and empowered to distribute everything everybody needs equitably, you won't need many stores.
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

You're the one who proposed trading all the cities and universities for everything else....

Hell, I'd even give you the entire northeast - it still doesn't change the fact you will fail...

Chicago has been progressive for the last 75 years and Chicago is a shithole, the same with Detroit....

Your policies are destructive - and that is because you're all greedy... You want something for nothing and there will always be a power-hungry politician to give it to you in exchange for your vote...... Nothing is free and you progressive just cant comprehend that.... You drain society of resources and energy - not to mention promote immoral and bad behavior.... That's why 25 people were shot and 12 died from their wounds this past weekend here in Chicago. Chicago is more dangerous for US citizens than Iraq... Yet you call this progressive controlled city with their progressive politics a success????
Quit talking as if you would have a bit of power in a conservative America.

You know what, Occupied, I hold out hope even for you that you will 1) develop a sense of humor and 2) develop some imagination and 3) eventually get some education to understand what modern American conservatism is all about.

You are obsessed with what you see as our country and are unable to see the blessings I'm offering you in having your own country the way you want it. Were you so deprived as a child that you lack even the imagination to consider what your country might be?

The whole purpose of the divorce is so that you won't have to deal with all the sins you see in conservatism. You won't have to see it, hear about it, tolerate it, or fight against it. I am offering you the Utopia you seem to want and all you can do is make snotty remarks about our side.

Or is that what you live for? Is that all you have? Making snotty remarks about our side? Geez. Which country will you choose?

Prosperity comes through hard work of all and being benevolent in charity of one's own accord.

In the 'New world'? Industry and sharing isn't coerced...but natural. ALL benefit to the point to where the New World will have enough to share freely, cheerfully with our counterparts without reservation...but as an example of how a society should conduct itself.

Our Pilgrim Forefathers learned this lesson...and the purpose for the first Thanksgiving sharing with the natives that showed us the way.

Call it Restoring Love...

Well that's part of the conservative psyche--the virtue of earning what one has and paying one's own way and that it is humiliating and demeaning and destroys self esteem to be in the position of having to be kept by others. Even the very poor who must have assistance from others deserve the respect and dignity of being allowed to work as they are able for what they receive. That was the chosen way of life for all Americans before government started doling out the freebies--something that won't be happening in the Conservative country. The hobos would not accept a handout without doing some work--chopping wood, pulling weeds, painting a fence, white washing a barn or whatever. And they were fully respected and admired American citizens: "knights of the road". They were allowed their dignity.

So yes, I do think that is true compassion. A form of love.

But hey, the Leftists have their own views of what is compassion and what is the ethical thing to do. So by all means let's give them our full blessings and benefit of the doubt that a government, unfettered by conservatism, can eliminate poverty and provide benevolence to all which is their definition of providing dignity and compassion.

When we all get together to compare notes at that picnic a decade from now, we will know which of our philosophies works best.
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In the cities??? where in the roofs of buildings???

What about animals???

Yeah I'd love to see herds of sheep, chicken, cattle etc running though the streets of the loop in Chicago.

You progressives wouldn't last longer than a few years....

We're not only getting the cities, nimrod - take NY state... do you really think it's all NYC? There is plenty of land we can use, and yes, there would be urban farming. We'll reclaim all the big box stores and resume the small farming that sustained this country for so long. That'll create lots of jobs, too.

I'd give you the entire northeast and you will still fuck it up......

It would be 1984 in 10 years.

Planned economies don't work.... Only X amount of food and X amount of water can sustain X amount of people.

That's why Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot (insert evil dictator here ________) etc has culled and purged.

You know anything about Mao's Five Year Plan????? :lol:

Your little utopia has been tried and it has failed every time.... Hell, it only took 10 years for the Euro to fail...... So much for socialism......
You know what, Occupied, I hold out hope even for you that you will 1) develop a sense of humor and 2) develop some imagination and 3) eventually get some education to understand what modern American conservatism is all about.

You are obsessed with what you see as our country and are unable to see the blessings I'm offering you in having your own country the way you want it. Were you so deprived as a child that you lack even the imagination to consider what your country might be?

The whole purpose of the divorce is so that you won't have to deal with all the sins you see in conservatism. You won't have to see it, hear about it, tolerate it, or fight against it. I am offering you the Utopia you seem to want and all you can do is make snotty remarks about our side.

Or is that what you live for? Is that all you have? Making snotty remarks about our side? Geez. Which country will you choose?

Prosperity comes through hard work of all and being benevolent in charity of one's own accord.

In the 'New world'? Industry and sharing isn't coerced...but natural. ALL benefit to the point to where the New World will have enough to share freely, cheerfully with our counterparts without reservation...but as an example of how a society should conduct itself.

Our Pilgrim Forefathers learned this lesson...and the purpose for the first Thanksgiving sharing with the natives that showed us the way.

Call it Restoring Love...

Well that's part of the conservative psyche--the virtue of earning what one has and paying one's own way and that it is humiliating and demeaning and destroys self esteem to be in the position of having to be kept by others. Even the very poor who must have assistance from others deserve the respect and dignity of being allowed to work as they are able for what they receive. That was the chosen way of life for all Americans before government started doling out the freebies--something that won't be happening in the Conservative country. The hobos would not accept a handout without doing some work--chopping wood, pulling weeds, painting a fence, white washing a barn or whatever. And they were fully respected and admired American citizens: "knights of the road". They were allowed their dignity.

So yes, I do think that is true compassion. A form of love.

But hey, the Leftists have their own views of what is compassion and what is the ethical thing to do. So by all means let's give them our full blessings and benefit of the doubt that a government, unfettered by conservatism, can eliminate poverty and provide benebvolence to all which is their definition of providing dignity and compassion.

When we all get together to compare notes at that picnic a decade from now, we will know which of our philosophies works best.

Indeed. Compassion is never coerced.
Ah, now you're getting into the spirit of it. I'm afraid you'll have to forego the big box stores, however, as they are all part of those big evil corporation that your side hates and that will be moving to our side. You will have all the illegals to work those farms though so I am sure you guys will have plenty to eat. And I'm sure there's a liberal engineer or two that will go to your side and can build an electric or solar powered tractor and combine. As for stores, if the government is enlarged and empowered to distribute everything everybody needs equitably, you won't need many stores.

I said we would "reclaim" the land the big box stores are on for farm land or that's what I meant - we don't need 'em. Mom and pops can supply everything we need just fine. Of course there would be stores. You seem to think we want the government to do everything - I'm not sure where you get this idea from other than talk radio. We do not. We DO want our government (we the peopole ) to have control over corporate exploitation, though. And not the other way around as it is today.
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

Corp. farms? You are really off there.
People would own their farms.
The Cons educational system would actually teach, like U.S.History, the Constitution, math, science. Not social things like 2 mommies and 2 daddies are ok.

What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

The key question is: What are you apes going to do for food?

You will work for low wages on corporate farms and not even be able to afford what you labor for
Forget about educational institutions....they are only for the rich in a conservative utopia

You're the one who proposed trading all the cities and universities for everything else....

Hell, I'd even give you the entire northeast - it still doesn't change the fact you will fail...

Chicago has been progressive for the last 75 years and Chicago is a shithole, the same with Detroit....

Your policies are destructive - and that is because you're all greedy... You want something for nothing and there will always be a power-hungry politician to give it to you in exchange for your vote...... Nothing is free and you progressive just cant comprehend that.... You drain society of resources and energy - not to mention promote immoral and bad behavior.... That's why 25 people were shot and 12 died from their wounds this past weekend here in Chicago. Chicago is more dangerous for US citizens than Iraq... Yet you call this progressive controlled city with their progressive politics a success????

Come on Mr. Nick. Get with the spirit of the concept. We want an amicable divorce and we can't have that if the two sides are just throwing the same old insults, whether or not they contain any truth.

Let's focus on what a conservative country would look like and they can focus on what their liberal country would look like. We each believe we have the right way so let's find out. We'll each go our own way and we'll each do our own thing with each giving their full blessings and best wishes to the other. Ten years down the line we can compare notes at that community picnic and then we'll know. Maybe we're both right. Or one will prosper more than the other.

The only way to find out is to do it.

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