Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

Setting us up for a North California/South California eventual confrontation?


Do we get to keep the Military?

Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

WE won't need UNIONS. :eusa_shhh:
Do we get to keep the Military?

Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.
Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.
Indeed. be responsible for themselves and thier families.
Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.

Also they will be allowed to enforce the law and won't have one hand tied behind their back. Political Correctness is going to the Left country, remember? And because our side will have the guns and the right to use them to defend their own persons, loved ones, and property, I don't imagine there will be many crooks or criminals hanging around. And with a return to Constitutional roots, taxes will no longer be so big an issue or problem for anybody in the Conservative country.
Indeed. be responsible for themselves and thier families.

How will people support a family on slave wages - as I assume you're doing away with mininum wage and doing all the bidding of your corporate masters?
Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

They will stay, when they realize that they will get to keep a lot more of the money they earn and can pay each week for a pension plan on their own. One that they can manage the way they see fit.

Also they will be allowed to enforce the law and won't have one hand tied behind their back. Political Correctness is going to the Left country, remember? And because our side will have the guns and the right to use them to defend their own persons, loved ones, and property, I don't imagine there will be many crooks or criminals hanging around. And with a return to Constitutional roots, taxes will no longer be so big an issue or problem for anybody in the Conservative country.

In Fact? The left can take thier repressive/Progressive 16th Amendment with them to adopt with whatever Constitution/Manefesto they decide to adopt.

WE will get RID of all progressive elements written into the Constitution.

I live in the Pacific NW! Can we trade out Oregon for Massachusetts?

We can trade Portland, Chicago and Massachusetts for the rest of Oregon and Illinois. Hell, I'd even throw in Seattle.

That would be a fair deal, just as long as we build gigantic walls around the cities IMO :lol:

I'd want to keep the cockroaches out....
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I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

Well again, we have to be careful to apportion equitably and there's a lot more of us than there are of them. The only reason it doesn't look that way is because so many of the Leftist beneficiaries are concentrated in the larger metropolitan areas.

But you're probably right. We may have to allocate some additional states to them because per No. 8 they will be taking all the chronic victim and 'angry mistreated' groups that the Left is so fond of funding with tax dollars: welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless homeboys, hippies, druggies, illegal aliens, unions, peaceniks, war protesters, and the OSW groups. That may require more room than the initially suggested three states.

Also we will need to take the charitable organizations as the Left won't need them once they have free license to allocate as many tax dollars as they want to help the groups they want to fund.

It is of course negotiable, but if we get Alaska and Texas, we can probably give them all of California. We have reassigned Oregon to the right side in return for Massachusetts on the Atlantic Coast and perhaps we could add New York State to the Left side? Somebody earlier also wanted San Diego on the left side, but since they get all the illegal aliens, they may need that port of entry.

We have to be fair about this.

Dude, why are building this ridiculous excuse for a thought experiment on fairness when it is basically kicking liberals out of your country, it's my country too and I am not going anywhere because a bunch of dickless whiners just can't bear having to be socially responsible in some way. What happens if I don't leave my private property which happens to lie in a red state? Does the conservative government deport me and seize my goods? Probably, how else are they going to enforce the ideological purity of the real Americans?
I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

Setting us up for a North California/South California eventual confrontation?


I guess your assuming that Repubs always go to war.

Taft - Repub - WWI

FDR - Dem - WWII

Truman - Dem- Korean War

Johnson - Dem- Viet Nam War

Bush Sr. - Repub -Desert Storm

Bush Jr. - Repub- Afghan and Iraq War

3 Dems and 3 Repubs seems even to me, in who goes to war.
I would love to see how progressives would survive if we actually gave them an entire state with plenty of resources, such as Illinois. If we let them have their own economy (socialism) and make their own laws.

I'd give them 10 years before they run out of resources then go totalitarian and start culling and purging people.

That experiment wouldn't last very long.
Indeed. be responsible for themselves and thier families.

How will people support a family on slave wages - as I assume you're doing away with mininum wage and doing all the bidding of your corporate masters?

But that won't be your concern. Your focus can turn 100% to putting together a country with none of the 'evil' and 'greed' and 'selfishness' that you assign to the conservatives. The divorce agreement will specify that neither country will depend on the other for anything.

Just think of it. You really can elevate all those poor welfare folks to the same level as everybody else. I'm sure they will be most grateful and will really appreciate being out from under the influence of the evil conservatives.

You can raise the minimum wage to anything you want. Finally everybody can have a living wage without us selfish conservatives throwing a monkey wrench into that.

You can institute all union shops to ensure that nobody running a business will be able to make anybody do anything they don't want to do. Your side never wanted any 'right to work' laws anyway.

But actually you won't need any businesses, certainly no evil corporations, because the government will be free to provide everything everybody needs. Maybe it can finally be all government jobs to ensure that there is 100% equality across the board for everybody.

Oh my, it sounds glorious doesn't it? I don't understand why you guys aren't jumping at the chance to do it instead of writing snotty remarks about the conservatives.
I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

Setting us up for a North California/South California eventual confrontation?


I guess your assuming that Repubs always go to war.

Taft - Repub - WWI

FDR - Dem - WWII

Truman - Dem- Korean War

Johnson - Dem- Viet Nam War

Bush Sr. - Repub -Desert Storm

Bush Jr. - Repub- Afghan and Iraq War

3 Dems and 3 Repubs seems even to me, in who goes to war. my friend...The satellite image between Capitalism/Statism is what we would expect with the lights from space ;)

Oh? And WE would KEEP the Space program too!

I think Libs should keep N.Y. State.
I think Calif. should be split, the North to Cons and the South to libs. That way they can still take care of the illegals. :)

Setting us up for a North California/South California eventual confrontation?


I guess your assuming that Repubs always go to war.

Taft - Repub - WWI

FDR - Dem - WWII

Truman - Dem- Korean War

Johnson - Dem- Viet Nam War

Bush Sr. - Repub -Desert Storm

Bush Jr. - Repub- Afghan and Iraq War

3 Dems and 3 Repubs seems even to me, in who goes to war.

Vietnam was actually Kennedy.... Lets not forget other hostile actions such as the Bay of Pigs.....

I suppose the old school dems are nothing like modern dems. The modern dems/progressives are nothing more than progressive fascists. They're pretty close to National Socialists or aka Nazi's...
But that won't be your concern. Your focus can turn 100% to putting together a country with none of the 'evil' and 'greed' and 'selfishness' that you assign to the conservatives. The divorce agreement will specify that neither country will depend on the other for anything.

Actually, if your starving poor start sneaking over to our country so that they can eat and work, it very well would be our concern. Capitalism (especially corporatism) is devastating to the populace if left unchecked. Why can't you guys SEE that?
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I would love to see how progressives would survive if we actually gave them an entire state with plenty of resources, such as Illinois. If we let them have their own economy (socialism) and make their own laws.

I'd give them 10 years before they run out of resources then go totalitarian and start culling and purging people.

That experiment wouldn't last very long.

Maybe but we'll never know unless we try. I am proposing that we divide up our respective ideological camps so they can finally have the country they say they have always wanted. I say power to them. If they can make it work, they will be vindicated in their ideological perspective and we will have to eat crow for all our dire predictions.

Their success or failure will no longer be of any concern to us and we can kiss them fondly and send them on their way with our blessings.

No need for mud slinging or dire predictions or hateful comments. Let's do this as friends and part ways with each giving the other their blessings.
But that won't be your concern. Your focus can turn 100% to putting together a country with none of the 'evil' and 'greed' and 'selfishness' that you assign to the conservatives. The divorce agreement will specify that neither country will depend on the other for anything.

Actually, if your starving poor start sneaking over to our country so that they can eat and work, it very well would be our concern. Capitalism (especially corporatism) is devastating to the populace if unchecked. Why can't you guys SEE that?

It wouldn't exist in a true Conservative America. Do you have a hard time thinking outside the box?
But that won't be your concern. Your focus can turn 100% to putting together a country with none of the 'evil' and 'greed' and 'selfishness' that you assign to the conservatives. The divorce agreement will specify that neither country will depend on the other for anything.

Actually, if your starving poor start sneaking over to our country so that they can eat and work, it very well would be our concern. Capitalism (especially corporatism) is devastating to the populace if unchecked. Why can't you guys SEE that?

You don't need to worry your pretty little head. And you can make whatever rules and laws you wish about admitting somebody to your country. I honestly don't think our side will have many poor--certainly no more than our charitable organizations can handle--but if we do, you can feel extra righteous and sanctimonious because of course running things the way the Leftists want to run them, there won't be any poor on your side. Right?

Come on. Let's do it. You get everything you want. We can reorganize our country as we see fit. It's a win win for everybody.

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