Dear Liberals: I Want a Divorce!

I have read the Divorce Agreement and. . .

  • I mostly agree

    Votes: 43 74.1%
  • I don't want a divorce

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I have suggested some practical amendments

    Votes: 3 5.2%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post

    Votes: 5 8.6%

  • Total voters
I would love to see how progressives would survive if we actually gave them an entire state with plenty of resources, such as Illinois. If we let them have their own economy (socialism) and make their own laws.

I'd give them 10 years before they run out of resources then go totalitarian and start culling and purging people.

That experiment wouldn't last very long.

Maybe but we'll never know unless we try. I am proposing that we divide up our respective ideological camps so they can finally have the country they say they have always wanted. I say power to them. If they can make it work, they will be vindicated in their ideological perspective and we will have to eat crow for all our dire predictions.

Their success or failure will no longer be of any concern to us and we can kiss them fondly and send them on their way with our blessings.

No need for mud slinging or dire predictions or hateful comments. Let's do this as friends and part ways with each giving the other their blessings.

I totally agree, and I have been saying this for years... In theory that is the purpose of our Tenth Amendment.

The only problem I see is that progressives will destroy everything they were given in a matter of years and then come pounding on our doors with the "no fair" bullshit all over again.

Then we will just have to destroy them.....
Setting us up for a North California/South California eventual confrontation?


I guess your assuming that Repubs always go to war.

Taft - Repub - WWI

FDR - Dem - WWII

Truman - Dem- Korean War

Johnson - Dem- Viet Nam War

Bush Sr. - Repub -Desert Storm

Bush Jr. - Repub- Afghan and Iraq War

3 Dems and 3 Repubs seems even to me, in who goes to war. my friend...The satellite image between Capitalism/Statism is what we would expect with the lights from space ;)

Oh? And WE would KEEP the Space program too!


It's only the very far left who want Communism.
Most libs want to be like Europe or Canada. So they would still have electricity.
They need it for Movies, after all they would still have Hollywood if they get the south of Calif. :)
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can
It wouldn't exist in a true Conservative America.

Riiiigt... :lol:

Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Simple? no?

Apparently not.

Carry on.

OK genius. You guys have your country. You are owned by 3 or 4 mega corporations just like you wanted, all of which pay $2 a day wages so they can keep paying their CEO 100 million a year. Say the standard of living is higher than now, as you have no government control of your corporations and they decide to collude to gouge your citizens for necessities. What "out of the box" idea are you referring to? I'm interested to hear your ideas.
It wouldn't exist in a true Conservative America.

Riiiigt... :lol:

Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Indeed. And if there are those among us that are falling behind?

We will definitely have private charities that will help them back to thier feet and responsibilities without costing the taxpayers a thing. :eusa_shhh:
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...
It wouldn't exist in a true Conservative America.

Riiiigt... :lol:

Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Quit talking as if you would have a bit of power in a conservative America.

Simple? no?

Apparently not.

Carry on.

OK genius. You guys have your country. You are owned by 3 or 4 mega corporations just like you wanted, all of which pay $2 a day wages so they can keep paying their CEO 100 million a year. Say the standard of living is higher than now, as you have no government control of your corporations and they decide to collude to gouge your citizens for necessities. What "out of the box" idea are you referring to? I'm interested to hear your ideas.

Your fallicy is highlighted.:eusa_whistle:
The Divorce will be tough, but I guess we can live with it

Liberals get all the major cities plus all major sports teams in LA, NY, Boston, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Fransisco and Seattle
Liberals get Hawaii, Conservatives have Alaska
Liberals get all major TV networks, Conservatives get Fox News and AM Radio
Liberals get Harvard, Yale, Stanford....Conservatives get Alabama and Texas A&M
Liberals get clean air, water ....Conservatives can have their toxic waste
Liberals get a living wage....Conservatives get their one percent and the rest can scrounge what they can


What are you apes going to do for food???

Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

We can build our own cities while you destroy yours.....

We can build our own education institutions....

Hell, you didn't even think about natural resources - you want cities and colleges.. :lol: and you think progressives could run anything?????

You remind me of the idiots from Katrina who were looting stores for plasma TV's and forgetting the water and food...

They get ALL undocumented workers with the deal to handle thier farming chores...:eusa_shhh:
Oh yeah that's right - you would have to make money and buy the food from us "redneck evil conservative rural farmer types.".... You'll be like North Korea in a matter of years begging for food aid - all the while claiming your system and economy works.

You guys can have the corporate monoculture, which will fail eventually. We have sustainable, non polluting small farms that are actually more productive than monoculture and do not depend on big oil at all. You guys are the ones who won't know what you're doing.
Your fallicy is highlighted.

How is that a fallacy? You're going to let corporations to do whatever they want, yes? What do you think they want? They want to make you pay for everything you do and eat so that they can profit.
It wouldn't exist in a true Conservative America.

Riiiigt... :lol:

Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Obviously you couldn't eliminate poverty - every society will have some poverty, but less government and low taxes will ensure there are plenty jobs.

I think class comes down to free will and determination to succeed. So it's up to the individual what they want to do and how determined they are to do it....
Riiiigt... :lol:

Mr. T and I don't disagree on a lot of things but in this case, I think even in a perfectly constructed conservative environment we will have some poor. But I think those holding conservative views are far more likely to prepare themselves for success and see that as within their own choices to accomplish which will keep the poor to a manageable level. As there will be little or no federal government assistance, there will be far more disposable income to fund the charities who will take care of any poor that families cannot. And Conservatives being the more generous of people will fund their charities.

So again don't worry. You will have free rein to enlarge government and eliminate all the poor in Liberal Land, and I will give you my word that we will take care of any who need help on our side so it will be no concern of yours.

Quit talking as if you would have a bit of power in a conservative America.

You know what, Occupied, I hold out hope even for you that you will 1) develop a sense of humor and 2) develop some imagination and 3) eventually get some education to understand what modern American conservatism is all about.

You are obsessed with what you see as our country and are unable to see the blessings I'm offering you in having your own country the way you want it. Were you so deprived as a child that you lack even the imagination to consider what your country might be?

The whole purpose of the divorce is so that you won't have to deal with all the sins you see in conservatism. You won't have to see it, hear about it, tolerate it, or fight against it. I am offering you the Utopia you seem to want and all you can do is make snotty remarks about our side.

Or is that what you live for? Is that all you have? Making snotty remarks about our side? Geez. Which country will you choose?
Yes, No. 4 on the list allocates the Police, the NRA, and the Military to our side. The Left has been pretty clear that they don't like or appreciate any of them so that is only logical. Since the war protesters will go to their side, it does create a quandary of what they will then protest of course, but I'm sure they can figure out something. Then again, we'll have the problem of finding enough work for the police force once all those protest groups have departed, but that's a happy problem to solve.

Police will come back as soon as you guys cut their pensions and health insurance, and tell them they will no longer have a union to protect them.

WE won't need UNIONS. :eusa_shhh:

My point went completely over your head, I see.

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