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Dear Richard Martinez


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Dear Richard Martinez,

I want to start off by showing the video of the press conference you held this past Saturday:

Second, I want to express how sorry I am for your loss. Your son, Christopher, did not deserve to die in the manner he did. I'm sure he went to UC Santa Barbara with the intention of making something of himself in life before he was so brutally killed. The man who killed your son was a coward and killed himself to escape his date with justice. No father should ever endure the loss of his child, not like this, and not ever. I have nothing but pity for you in this regard.

But, that's where I must regrettably come down on you in your time of sorrow and grief. You and others may think me unmerciful or heartless for doing so, but in your words, in your speech to the media; you did something even more atrocious. You used the death of your son to politically attack members of the NRA and politicians in Washington. My question to you is: Why? The blood in your son's veins was barely even cold before you used him as a political tool. You used him to advance a political agenda, gun control. You made known your intent to use your son to attack the constitutional rights of law abiding gun owners. But in this instance, constitutional rights are the least of my concerns as I write.

You let loose a shockingly irreverent display on national television on Saturday. You showed a disturbing lack of respect for your son by engaging in petty politics. You used him to launch your screeds against innocent others outside the scope of the shooting which took your son from you. How can you sir, call yourself a good father, when you use your son as a tool? Why did you, in your time of grief, bring even more grief upon yourself by lashing out at the NRA, politicians, and people who had nothing whatsoever to do with your son dying? Is this all you thought of as your son gave up the ghost?

I hope that the passage time will grant you clarity, sir. I hope that in the days, months and years that pass from that day, that you regret tarnishing the memory of your son with the vitriol you set loose upon the nation that afternoon. Your son did not deserve to be used that way. He deserved a father who cared more about him than an agenda. I'll leave you alone now to mourn. But remember, guns and knives are nothing but inanimate objects. It takes an human being with an evil mind to use them to shed blood. Instead of using your son to blame innocent people for his death, blame the killer.


Someone you will never meet.
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It won't help, the Democrats will use this guy (like they did Cindy Sheehan for Iraq) for their next try at taking away our guns
I, for one, always try to make decisions involving someone's rights by using personal tragedies and emotional outbursts. Who needs to have an intelligent debate on the subject when we can throw some blubbering useful idiot up on screen and fill the airwaves with sound bites and emotional pleas?
TK, your lack of class is duly noted.

He should be mad at the NRA. THe NRA Has fought tooth and nail against background checks, waiting periods or any other kind of sensible gun control that would have kept this clearly disturbed person from buying a gun.
I'll accept "sensible gun control" when the same standards are used for every other right. Background checks to buy books. Three to seven day waiting period before access to legal counsel after an arrest. Limits on how much one can petition to redress grievances.

It's only common sense.
I'll accept "sensible gun control" when the same standards are used for every other right. Background checks to buy books. Three to seven day waiting period before access to legal counsel after an arrest. Limits on how much one can petition to redress grievances.

It's only common sense.

When was the last time a book was used in a mass murder?

There are no "rights", guy.

There are the privileges the rest of society agrees you should have.

Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese-Americans, 1942".
Which books are used in mass murders? Right off the top of my head Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, the Koran, and the Bible come to mind. Now is where you'll say that the books weren't the actual instrument of death while a gun is and I'll retort that the gun is just a tool and unlike those books, the gun doesn't provide any kind of justification for killing, just the ability. Which is worse, the tool or some ideas on paper that tell us why killing a bunch of people is desirable?

And rights are not just a privilege. They are things that no legitimate government can take from a citizen. No just government can take away a man's ability to worship how and what he wants, to be tried by an impartial jury, to have due process, to have a say in his own government, and yes, to have the tools to defend his life. Learn the difference between a right and a privilege.
Which books are used in mass murders? Right off the top of my head Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, the Koran, and the Bible come to mind. Now is where you'll say that the books weren't the actual instrument of death while a gun is and I'll retort that the gun is just a tool and unlike those books, the gun doesn't provide any kind of justification for killing, just the ability. Which is worse, the tool or some ideas on paper that tell us why killing a bunch of people is desirable?

And rights are not just a privilege. They are things that no legitimate government can take from a citizen. No just government can take away a man's ability to worship how and what he wants, to be tried by an impartial jury, to have due process, to have a say in his own government, and yes, to have the tools to defend his life. Learn the difference between a right and a privilege.

Really? Tell me, when was the last time you met a worshiper of Quezacoatl, the Aztec Sun God?

Sorry, guys, there are no rights. There are privileges the rest of us let you have.
So you can tell me I can't worship an Aztec Sun God and use the force of law to make me not worship Him just because the majority doesn't want me to? Where does that authority derive from again?
Which books are used in mass murders? Right off the top of my head Das Kapital, Mein Kampf, the Koran, and the Bible come to mind. Now is where you'll say that the books weren't the actual instrument of death while a gun is and I'll retort that the gun is just a tool and unlike those books, the gun doesn't provide any kind of justification for killing, just the ability. Which is worse, the tool or some ideas on paper that tell us why killing a bunch of people is desirable?

And rights are not just a privilege. They are things that no legitimate government can take from a citizen. No just government can take away a man's ability to worship how and what he wants, to be tried by an impartial jury, to have due process, to have a say in his own government, and yes, to have the tools to defend his life. Learn the difference between a right and a privilege.

Really? Tell me, when was the last time you met a worshiper of Quezacoatl, the Aztec Sun God?

Sorry, guys, there are no rights. There are privileges the rest of us let you have.

Funny the law of the land says we have rights and not just rights but unalienable rights meaning that mere existence of people is all that is needed for these rights to be manifest.

So feel free to change the constitution and rename the Bill of Rights to the Bill of Privileges.
The immutable truth here is that people kill people they always have and they always will.

It is the human condition.

and there is nothing you can do about it.
TK, your lack of class is duly noted.

He should be mad at the NRA. THe NRA Has fought tooth and nail against background checks, waiting periods or any other kind of sensible gun control that would have kept this clearly disturbed person from buying a gun.
California has waiting periods.

How did that work out for the shopkeepers in Koreatown who had their businesses sacked, during the 1992 L.A. riots?
I don't watch TV live streaming so I can skip over stupid stuff like this. I did hear him before I hit the button and he was blubbering that he was 61 and wouldn't have any more kids. What a turd. It's all about him. Almost all of these shooters are liberal, if not all. There's your problem, not the NRA.
Lots of class here. None of you can see past the end of your phallic inadequacy compensation devices. Leave the poor guy alone, he is as much a threat to your gun ownership as gay people getting married are a threat to your marriage.
Damn right it's a phallic substitution. If my dick could kill a mugger or remove tyranny I wouldn't need a gun. So until I evolve the ability to shoot armor piercing money shots, I'm just going to need to keep a gun or two.
Damn right it's a phallic substitution. If my dick could kill a mugger or remove tyranny I wouldn't need a gun. So until I evolve the ability to shoot armor piercing money shots, I'm just going to need to keep a gun or two.

LOL I find that humorous for some reason, perhaps it's because the entire "Obama's gonna take my guns" scare is the biggest joke the gun lobby ever played, and the most profitable.
The man is entitled to his grief. He just lost his only son. Remember the Chinese woman's emotional outburst because her only son was on the Malaysian plane that disappeared? There were over 200 students killed on the boat that sank. There is no doubt that those parents suffered the same sense of grief. No one proposes to ban boats.

We just don't make decisions based on one individual's grief. If someone in a position to stop this madman had a gun, this tragedy would not have happened.
I'll accept "sensible gun control" when the same standards are used for every other right. Background checks to buy books. Three to seven day waiting period before access to legal counsel after an arrest. Limits on how much one can petition to redress grievances.

It's only common sense.

Common sense to most sane people is knowing the difference between a machine gun and 'The Old Man and the Sea'.
TK, your lack of class is duly noted.

He should be mad at the NRA. THe NRA Has fought tooth and nail against background checks, waiting periods or any other kind of sensible gun control that would have kept this clearly disturbed person from buying a gun.

"sensible gun control"

we already have sensible gun control, it is called The Second Amendment :up:

did you know the libertwerp bought those guns legally ? then used them in an illegal act of terrorism.

most mass murders caused by liberals, check it out:

The five worst mass killings, where a firearm was used, have a common thread. Hint #1: They didn’t belong to the NRA. They don’t fit the stereotype of the “red-neck” gun owner.

Check it out …

Ft Hood: Registered Democrat/Muslim.

Columbine: Too young to vote; both families were registered Democrats and progressive liberals.

Virginia Tech: Wrote hate mail to President Bush and to his staff.

Colorado Theater: Registered Democrat; staff worker on the Obama campaign;
Occupy Wall Street participant; progressive liberal.

Connecticut School Shooter: Registered Democrat; hated Christians.

Common thread is that all of these shooters were progressive liberal Democrats.

Also, of the worst killings in the last several decades, only one was a female, all the rest were boys, barely men. Their role models were rappers, action movies, comics and violent video games. <--------<<<< why is this, "games", highlighted in RED, i did not do it..., so WHY ?? hummmm.., each time i preview it changes, something weird going on :up:

Our problem isn’t weapons, it’s boys without boundaries. Who live in ‘progressive’ households.

Read more at The 5 Worst/Recent Mass Murders in the USA (with a Firearm) Came from Democrats | Clash Daily

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