Death penalty for gays: Uganda passes Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023, the harshest law in Africa. President Museveni has called gay people "deviants"

Hurray another leader who likes blood on his hands because he is a Christian.
Why would those Africans want to ban homosexuality? I mean other then the fact that AIDS, Hepatitis C, and Monkeypox all originated in Africa, and have killed more gays than African Christians.

I just thought I'd leave this here.
Maybe our resident queers and their supporters can drape themselves in fag flags like they do those blue and yellow rags, that'll teach those evil Ugandans a thing or two. Just look how effective that strategy has been in Ukraine.
Why would those Africans want to ban homosexuality? I mean other then the fact that AIDS, Hepatitis C, and Monkeypox all originated in Africa, and have killed more gays than African Christians.

I just thought I'd leave this here.
good point

not to mention homosexuality is a serious, mortal sin that sends people to hell and the more there are of homos, the more our children think it's no big deal and... see first part of this sentence

I'm not going to let .00000000000000000001 percent of the population worry me. Gays are no threat to my traditional marriage. I've got more important things to worry about like refuting the crybabies and crazies running around claiming there's some kind of fake labor shortage and stuff like that.
Why would those Africans want to ban homosexuality? I mean other then the fact that AIDS, Hepatitis C, and Monkeypox all originated in Africa, and have killed more gays than African Christians.

I just thought I'd leave this here.

All of those diseases killed straight people in Africa.

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