Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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HillaryClinton "we should not go to things that sound good, but don't have the impact we would like"

like gun control?
Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.

Yes he's 1 year and a couple of months older, he looks 10 years younger

Still, too old. Both of them have put their own egos before the country. It's more important to risk the state of the nation by having its leader drop dead in office instead of conceding it's a friggin' hard job that takes 20 years off of someone's life half their age.
Clinton is right about crime. It is way down compared to the past.
It's up since Obama ascended the throne.



actually, i'm just finishing Freakonomics. It's their position that the drop in crime in the 80's was the result of legalized abortion.

just an aside.
They're wrong.

The rate of abortion was not radically changed after Roe v. Wade. It was pretty much legal in the most populous parts of the country, and about a million abortions a year were occurring before the decision.

In states where abortion was only allowed for the "health of the mother", that was interpreted by doctors so loosely that it was basically no ban at all.

Prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion on demand was legal in New York.
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And trump blames....HILLARY

But I want to talk about ISIS
An architect? You know what they designed before it is built...
Then you have to build what they designed....shit architecture sucks....and Trump knows it....

Dude, you have to look at plans and approve them before they are built. Now especially with real expensive jobs they build models to make sure... so if Trump didn't like it AFTER the fact, that's on him for approving the plans in the first place.
A plan is one thing. Execution is another. I can plan to paint the Mona Lisa. Whether I can actually paint it is another.

You don't get it...the architect just designs the building...they don't BUILD it.
They supervise the construction of the building.

Yes, to match the plans... plans that get pre-approved. Any changes, have to get approved. So Trump waited until the whole job was done, without changing architects, and then decided the architect wasn't paid for doing a bad job?
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