Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

That's because you're a stupid sucker.
Hillary closed hard and humiliated him on foreign policy and his past statements
Trump actually played nice and looked somewhat presidential. Had problems with not interrupting
Holt was a zero

You share my analysis exactly.

No one really pointing out how much Donald deflected from every question though. I have never seen that kind of deflection from a participant in any debate before.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"
That's when you're a Democrat and are forced to give our money back to a business over instead of paying it to your rich donor friends.
Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.

She looked like a blinking, doddering grandma nodding herself into a wind-up chattering teeth toy. Like her entire career, she said nothing of value.

Obviously on prop-up drugs.
Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary just gave the same speech she gives on the campaign trail, except in small chunks. Trump was trying to wing it, so he suffered. Next time he should practice so he knows exactly what he's going to say in response to anything Hillary says. He has good answers for all of Hillary's bullshit and lies. He just needs to rehearse them.
LOL The only answer that silly ass has is how great Trump is. Really, really poor showing tonight on Trump's part.
Actually I think he did better than the Republican I guess it's just what your prospective is.

Personally, you think he's an nothing he does looks decent to you.
He really took his lumps on why he stiffed so many people.

I stiffed the golf course designer for the beautiful golf course because he did bad work?
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"

Breaking the country to lower the taxes of the rich.
The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.

That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you, flea-bag.
With his finger on the red button of the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world..
This was a completely lame debate. Perhaps the lamest debate I have ever seen.

For a while there, it resembled the Republican primary debates with all the shouting at each other.

It was a low class show by two low class sleazebags.

Fucking hopeless. We are so screwed.
It comes down to this. Do we want a con man hot head who admitted tonight he pays no federal taxes be the leader of the free world? I want to see those taxes now
Do we want a President who allows 100s of countries to use our services for free?
Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

Smart people use the law to pay no tax. Wake up.
Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

That's because you're a stupid sucker.

No, that's dumb on Trump's part. To want to take the taxes of the everyday citizen to "Make America Great Again," but his money is too important to contribute to that same thing?
This was a completely lame debate. Perhaps the lamest debate I have ever seen.

For a while there, it resembled the Republican primary debates with all the shouting at each other.

It was a low class show by two low class sleazebags.

Fucking hopeless. We are so screwed.
It comes down to this. Do we want a con man hot head who admitted tonight he pays no federal taxes be the leader of the free world? I want to see those taxes now

I'd rather have a lying bitch we can't trust and hides money, is completely ignorant and can't figure out a c means in an email. I want a President who is for the 1%ers and will totally screw over the middle class and poor.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"

Breaking the country to lower the taxes of the rich.
The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?
Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.

She looked like a blinking, doddering grandma nodding herself into a wind-up chattering teeth toy. Like her entire career, she said nothing of value.

Obviously on prop-up drugs.
She cleaned house. And she left a ton out. Nothing on the Trump Foundation. Nothing on the Bribery. Nothing on the 28 Nov Court date for Fraud and Racketeering.
Too bad Gary Johnson did not make the cut...

Tonight debate does nothing for me and I hope Donald John Trump is entertaining at least...
You mean Gary "What's Aleppo?" Johnson? Trump will be entertaining since he's otherwise so poorly informed.

Well here is my opinion:

1. Lester Holt did a great job.

2. You will disagree but Donald John Trump did better to me and I hate the individual!

3. As you insult me for my support of Gary Johnson tell me the type of individual you are and how close minded you are!

Put down the blade and mirror..........mkey?
Hillary closed hard and humiliated him on foreign policy and his past statements
Trump actually played nice and looked somewhat presidential. Had problems with not interrupting
Holt was a zero

You share my analysis exactly.

No one really pointing out how much Donald deflected from every question though. I have never seen that kind of deflection from a participant in any debate before.
All the questions were attacks on Trump. Hillary didn't need to deflect anything because she wasn't asked any hard questions.
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