Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

Trump did HORRIBLY. It was one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. He was rambling, all over the place, stumbling over his words, constantly interrupting, it was terrible. Just terrible.
Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

That's because you're a stupid sucker.

No, that's dumb on Trump's part. To want to take the taxes of the everyday citizen to "Make America Great Again," but his money is too important to contribute to that same thing?
If you drop Corporate Taxes and Tariff them if they move makes more sense that what we've been doing since Raygun.
Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary just gave the same speech she gives on the campaign trail, except in small chunks. Trump was trying to wing it, so he suffered. Next time he should practice so he knows exactly what he's going to say in response to anything Hillary says. He has good answers for all of Hillary's bullshit and lies. He just needs to rehearse them.
LOL The only answer that silly ass has is how great Trump is. Really, really poor showing tonight on Trump's part.
Actually I think he did better than the Republican I guess it's just what your prospective is.

Personally, you think he's an nothing he does looks decent to you.
He really took his lumps on why he stiffed so many people.

I stiffed the golf course designer for the beautiful golf course because he did bad work?
He has the right to fire someone for not doing the job you expected of them. Hillary said the place was sort of okay, or something like that.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

Trump did HORRIBLY. It was one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. He was rambling, all over the place, stumbling over his words, constantly interrupting, it was terrible. Just terrible.'re a 10 year old asshole in your mother's basement.

I think both did pretty well.
Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary just gave the same speech she gives on the campaign trail, except in small chunks. Trump was trying to wing it, so he suffered. Next time he should practice so he knows exactly what he's going to say in response to anything Hillary says. He has good answers for all of Hillary's bullshit and lies. He just needs to rehearse them.
LOL The only answer that silly ass has is how great Trump is. Really, really poor showing tonight on Trump's part.
Actually I think he did better than the Republican I guess it's just what your prospective is.

Personally, you think he's an nothing he does looks decent to you.
He really took his lumps on why he stiffed so many people.

I stiffed the golf course designer for the beautiful golf course because he did bad work?
. Well at least the golf course contractor didn't die like Chris Stevens.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"

Breaking the country to lower the taxes of the rich.
The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?

The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.
What I don't understand, when Hillary brought up Trump's sexist remarks, why didn't he bring up Hillary calling Bill's accusers names?

That's what Trump was referring to when he said he was going to say something really nasty. He took the high ground. I think he should had destroyed her by bringing up all the women BJ raped and she helped discredit.

Plenty of time for that....Trump introduced himself to America tonight and did an admirable job at it. Incidentally, Hillary's campaign has pulled out of OHIO in the last 48 hours....She's also pulling up stakes in Pennsylvania. And he believes he can take New York....this is going to be over before the votes are cast.
Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.

She looked like a blinking, doddering grandma nodding herself into a wind-up chattering teeth toy. Like her entire career, she said nothing of value.

Obviously on prop-up drugs.

she looked like a crony a career politician and symbol of the status quo

which in this day and age sickens most people
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So, I take it that this was just what I expected....nothing.

Nobody has posted about any new cool ideas either candidate had.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

Trump did HORRIBLY. It was one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen. He was rambling, all over the place, stumbling over his words, constantly interrupting, it was terrible. Just terrible.'re a 10 year old asshole in your mother's basement.

I think both did pretty well.

Aww, is someone a widdle bit upset? Aww, poor poor Trump supporter.

Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Apparently all he had was one lonely marble rattling around. He was horrible, he lost steam at the end, he is going to get a shit ton of fact checking to last the rest of the week. Not a good night for him, have no idea how/if this changes anything but he looked like a complete hack.
Trump flat stated that he was proud of not paying any federal taxes. As an American that has payed taxes on a middle class income every year of my life, that alone would make me contemptuous of Trump.

That's because you're a stupid sucker.

No, that's dumb on Trump's part. To want to take the taxes of the everyday citizen to "Make America Great Again," but his money is too important to contribute to that same thing?
If you drop Corporate Taxes and Tariff them if they move makes more sense that what we've been doing since Raygun.

Now I agree with the idea of lowering corporate taxes on some things, but so many companies will just take tax breaks, then use them until the expire, and then leave town with nothing but an empty building behind. I also like the idea of more import taxes, especially on items from Asia...BUT from everything I've read, it is unConstitutional with the way the trade agreements are already in place, and even if trump were to become President, he can't just say, "Fuck those trade deals, I want to make new ones."
Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.

She looked like a blinking, doddering grandma nodding herself into a wind-up chattering teeth toy. Like her entire career, she said nothing of value.

Obviously on prop-up drugs.

she looked like a crony a career politician and symbol of the status quo

which in these day and age sickens most people
I agree. She may have done a better job of presenting her case, but she just looked like another slick politician.
Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"

Breaking the country to lower the taxes of the rich.
The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?

The stupid woman can't figure out what the damn c meant on a simple email, it would be impossible for the liar to figure anything else out.

She figured out how to win this debate.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
What's a "tax giveaway?"

Breaking the country to lower the taxes of the rich.
The kind of tax break is for business's
Ya what's going on now is really working :rolleyes:
You're expecting a Liberal to understand Tax Law?
No, I expect all Americans that pay their taxes every year, to appreciate the foolishness of a supposed Billionaire bragging about the fact that he pays no taxes.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.
You're an asshole.
Trump did quite well considering he didn't have a script in the back of his mind.

Apparently all he had was one lonely marble rattling around. He was horrible, he lost steam at the end, he is going to get a shit ton of fact checking to last the rest of the week. Not a good night for him, have no idea how/if this changes anything but he looked like a complete hack.

Yup. Because he IS a hack. And it's about damn time America really saw that, he really put himself on display tonight, that's for sure.
I am as anti-Clinton as one could possibly be. I think she is by far the most dishonest person ever to seek the presidency. I also think her policies are dangerous to this country and to the entire world. However, I watched the entire debate and I think she took Trump to the woodshed.

Gone are the accusations that she is too unhealthy to assume the role as president. She was vibrant, enthusiastic, focused and totally in control. She looked and sounded strong and confident. Unless she collapses during the next debates, her health is no longer an issue.

As far as performance is concerned, she responded to each question with clear, concise answers but Trump was often off topic and rambling. Her superior debating skills – honed over the course of many debates - were obvious. She was also more personable than Trump who looked like an old curmudgeon (did he even smile once?). My personal evaluation on a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being the best): Clinton 9, Trump 5.

I know that the best debater is not always the best candidate and I will still vote for Trump. But there is no way to spin it to make Trump the winner. Of course that is only my own humble opinion.
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