Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
She made your guy look like an ill prepared boob. He took every piece of bait she threw out here to get him on the defensive. He got played like a fiddle.
Hell the witch had no substance. She refused to answer questions and the moderator was shitty to Trump all along and it was damn obvious. Your bitch is a loser.
Hillary resided over Benghazi where her idiocy got Americans killed, and then her and Obama lied like hell about it by saying a (video was at fault), she ran an illegal server, she blankety attacks the rich, but she's not the equivalent of a racist by doing so ???? She attacks women her pervert husband molested or took advantage of, she and Obama destabilized the Middle East far worst than could be imagined, and they created Isis as a result of the vacuum they created. They traded super terrorist for a deserter Bergdal. Obama care is absolutely not for the working class in which includes family members because it's to costly to them, but people who won't work and the prisoners get healthcare free ? Terrorist attacks on this soil because of weakness shown in the Democrat resolve and leadership. Regulations killing jobs, threats to coal miners, global warming unproven, but the attempt to transfer millions for fighting it goes on and on, blacks living or occupying some of the poorest conditions because of government dependency promoted on steroids now, corporations running and controlling the outcomes of our elections and jobs in this nation. Lies getting innocent people killed left and right. Clinton stoking the fires of racism for political gain, and on and on.
Trump will be tending to his lumps tonight, because he got beat over the head!

On "against Iraq!" lies.
On birther lies.
On stiffing the working people.
On his personally beneficial trickle down bullshit.
On refusing to release his tax returns.
On his foreign policy ignorance.
On his comedic claim to superior temperament.
On boasting his stamina...and getting outlasted by the supposedly sick Hillary.

Hillary whooped him, no question, smiled all the while too.
Trump ran off the stage pretty quickly. Did he have to go potty?
He's talking to the press. Where is Hillary? Hiding?
She's speaking with the people.
All except for the homophobes, the xenophobes, and all the rest of the Deplorables she hates.
They were trying to tag-team him a bit and he handled them both.
Like he handled both Putin's balls. Tenderly and with a red face. That's why all the sniffing.
Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary just gave the same speech she gives on the campaign trail, except in small chunks. Trump was trying to wing it, so he suffered. Next time he should practice so he knows exactly what he's going to say in response to anything Hillary says. He has good answers for all of Hillary's bullshit and lies. He just needs to rehearse them.
LOL The only answer that silly ass has is how great Trump is. Really, really poor showing tonight on Trump's part.
Actually I think he did better than the Republican I guess it's just what your prospective is.

Personally, you think he's an nothing he does looks decent to you.
Trump: 4,000 people killed in Chicago alone since Obama took office.

Hillary: The level of violence is fine, lower than 1991.

Trump: 4,000 people killed is fine???

Hillary: Its fine, nothing to see. Now those 2 police shootings...

Trump: 2 vs 4,000???

Hillary: The police are out of control that's the problem, they need training.

Trump: What planet are you living on?

Hillary: And the leading cause of African American deaths is a gun epidemic.

Trump: Bad African Americans who are felons need to be stopped and frisked, their guns taken away.

Hillary: No way, that's not constitutional.

Trump: What, they have killed 4,000 in Chicago alone.

Hillary: Hey PC will be maintained even if it cost 4,000 people their lives.

Trump: Is her brain detached from its brain stem?
Trump will be tending to his lumps tonight, because he got beat over the head!

On "against Iraq!" lies.
On birther lies.
On stiffing the working people.
On his personally beneficial trickle down bullshit.
On refusing to release his tax returns.
On his foreign policy ignorance.
On boasting his stamina...and getting outlasted by the supposedly sick Hillary.

Hillary whooped him, no question.
We knew you would say that before you posted it.
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
She never did. That's why everyone is laughing.

He went on forever about why he was against the war. Ask Sean! Ask Sean!

Lester implied that Trump was FOR that war....Hannity has said time and again he wasn't...but then you leftist trash don't care what's true and what's lies...that's why you're leftists.
What I don't understand, when Hillary brought up Trump's sexist remarks, why didn't he bring up Hillary calling Bill's accusers names?

That's what Trump was referring to when he said he was going to say something really nasty. He took the high ground. I think he should had destroyed her by bringing up all the women BJ raped and she helped discredit.
Stick a fork in Trump. He's done. Medium orange.

That's PRESIDENT TRUMP to you, flea-bag.
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