Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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I doubt he lost a single Trumpbot, but the few undecided voters left got a good chance to see him cave under pressure. Bring on the fact checkers.
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
Hearing HRC talk about getting tough on Cyber Security? huh?

I'd rather have dinner at Jeffrey Dahmers' house than let her supervise GOVT servers.

cnn is roasting him right now

they have tapes and the woman there....that he misattributed quotes to

theyre going hard @it.

not really a good look, if theyre being even handed.... to be honest. theyre all giggling at how bad a lie it was lol
CNN is shit I know I don't listen to any of their commenters.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.
Trump knocked it out of the park with the "you supported Iraq War" lie. They kept saying he was on the record for being for it, but didn't actually have any quote. He admitted to his "Yea, I guess" response in 2002 Howard Stern, then proved he came out against it in his other interviews before the war and shortly after it started.

Meanwhile Holt gives Hillary a free pass even though she was beating the war drums and voted for it.
I can't imagine who Hildabeast might have won over with her performance because it was the same old crap that never comes true. Trump gave her a gut-shot about the promises the Rat party has told the black inner-cities to keep them in economic slavery. He also made it clear everything she's touched in her adult life has turned into nightmare for everybody but her and her impeached husband. She's never made a "difference" to anybody but herself and her partner in crime. It's true Trump has been a monster in his business dealings....the kind of monster we need dealing with the lesser monsters of the world. Trump question.

I agree. I can't believe there are still undecided voters, unless it's those criminals who were about to be deported and mistakenly were made citizens instead.

Trump has been steadily rising in polls. Hillary is probably celebrating tonight. Not because she did good, but because she made it through without falling down.
Hillary did pretty well except she didn't explain how we can pay for infrastructure and NATO and protecting every nation on earth.

Trump didn't explain that either when he talked about infrastructure and that is with his tax giveaway.
Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary just gave the same speech she gives on the campaign trail, except in small chunks. Trump was trying to wing it, so he suffered. Next time he should practice so he knows exactly what he's going to say in response to anything Hillary says. He has good answers for all of Hillary's bullshit and lies. He just needs to rehearse them.
LOL The only answer that silly ass has is how great Trump is. Really, really poor showing tonight on Trump's part.
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.

Hillary started the birther controversy....nobody with a working brain doubts that. I thought Trump could have made it clearer who Sidney Blumenthal is and why Obama refused to give him a job after showing what racists the Clinturds really are.
She never did. That's why everyone is laughing.

He went on forever about why he was against the war. Ask Sean! Ask Sean!
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