Debate #1 -- Clinton v Trump --- 2016 -- OFFICIAL THREAD.

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Thirty years of experience being in politics and poor ole' Hillary still does not have much to offer.
Hillary won based on the last half hour, but Trump didn't fatally wound himself.
Bull shit.

So you think it's bullshit that Trump didn't fatally wounded himself?

I disagree.

But he did lose the debate to anyone who isn't waving the Trump pom-poms.
Hillary came out slightly ahead if you find her believable. Unfortunately I know she lied every time she opened her mouth. It's hard for me to know how the average ignorant rube is going to interpret the debate.
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Objectively speaking, Donald displayed the worst debate performance...

Hillary's expertise in lying like a champ came in handy. She can go on auto pilot. Boring as hell, but maybe all those drugs will do that to you.
Hillary won based on the last half hour, but Trump didn't fatally wound himself.
Bull shit.

So you think it's bullshit that Trump didn't fatally wounded himself?

I disagree.

But he did lose the debate to anyone who isn't waving the Trump pom-poms.
Hillary came out slightly ahead if you find her believable. Unfortunately I know when lied every time she opened her mouth. It's hard for me to know how the average ignorant rube is going to interpret the debate.

sure plans on funding a lot of stuff on imaginary money

that cant turn out good
The yapping heads don't comprehend this. Trump threw a one liner here a one liner there got some laughs etc. He realizes this is a marathon NOT a sprint she just threw EVERYTHING she can throw at him out there and she is now out of ammo OR she reuses the same crap she just brought up but its lost its bang now.

I'm sure that's how this played on the Alt Right, but she left him a bloody smear on the stage.
I guess Drudge is the alt right now HAHA....Shillary's supporters getting in on her ITS A RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY!!!!!! ROFL! Enjoy hearing her have NO ammo at the next 2 debates. She used it all.
I would like to thank our baby boom generation for providing likely the worst two candidates in history. Thanks a lot you drug addled idiots.
I think they did about equal, but Trump definitely does a lot of stumbling. He needs to smooth it out. It seemed as if he was almost caught by surprise, and that shouldn't be the case. Clinton stumbled too though, and she has plenty of experience. Both of these candidates are really sub par, but most of the things about Donald are business related. Hillary's mistakes happened while helping to run the country. He totally bagged her with China, NAFTA and ISIS, IMO. I think he should not have gone on the defensive when they brought up Iraq and should have simply said, it was Secretary CLINTON who signed the resolution for the Iraq war.
One of the major courses of being an attorney is public speaking. That is for the lawyers sound good as they lie their asses off in front of juries and judges.
I can't imagine who Hildabeast might have won over with her performance because it was the same old crap that never comes true. Trump gave her a gut-shot about the promises the Rat party has told the black inner-cities to keep them in economic slavery. He also made it clear everything she's touched in her adult life has turned into nightmare for everybody but her and her impeached husband. She's never made a "difference" to anybody but herself and her partner in crime. It's true Trump has been a monster in his business dealings....the kind of monster we need dealing with the lesser monsters of the world. Trump question.
Christ, if you thought the debate was bad, the fucking partisan spin doctors from each campaign are even more sickening.
HRC did better than I ever thought possible. I did not think she was healthy enough? She goes from flopping around on the sidewalk like a steelhead in a boat to standing up for a while.

hmmmmm........I smell a rat?
maybe posters saying "setup, fed the questions in advance" are right.

sniff....sniff. blech!
The yapping heads don't comprehend this. Trump threw a one liner here a one liner there got some laughs etc. He realizes this is a marathon NOT a sprint she just threw EVERYTHING she can throw at him out there and she is now out of ammo OR she reuses the same crap she just brought up but its lost its bang now.

I'm sure that's how this played on the Alt Right, but she left him a bloody smear on the stage.
Hillary closed hard and humiliated him on foreign policy and his past statements
Trump actually played nice and looked somewhat presidential. Had problems with not interrupting
Holt was a zero
Does Trump ever stop lying. Ever? And he's still on the birther thing. There is something mentally loose in there, Jesus.
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