Debate #3: What's the point?


^ typical of libs. Insisting that a draw is a win.

"Won" is subjective bullshit. The Obamatwerps were DESPERATE for good news after The ONE totally screwed the pooch in the first Debate. Fact.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

If you put it to a vote and 57 percent say that Germany "won" WWII, that doesn't make it true, you idiot.

And despite your desperate urge to toss the President's salad, he has NO CHANCE at all in a debate on foreign policy. He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Now, hurry and put me "back" on ignore, the bastion of pussies like you. :lol::lol: I frankly don't give a shit if you pay attention or not. Talking to a cock-smoker like you is very much like talking to a wall, anyway. You aren't even up to being honest about how much of a flop the incumbent has been in foreign policy. So, you don't matter at all in any genuine debate.

If you engage in a civil conversation, I wouldn't put you on ignore. But let's try to find just the civil parts and discuss them like adults.

He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Let's see now.
Yup. Killed Bin Laden. And dozens of other top Al Qaeda operatives.
Got us out of Iraq- As promised.
Got rid of Khadafy- something Reagan only dreamed of doing.
Repaird our relationship with many of our allies.
Put a new focus on China and bolstering our relationship with Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines.
Cleaned up the pirate problem in teh Gulf of Aden.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

Well, what I saw was a guy in command of fact while Romney gave some truly cringeworthy answers to questions. "Whole binders full of women".... really Mitt? Romney sputtered and tried to bully the moderator and the audience, kind of showing us once again, who he really is, a Bully.
There's no point to another debate. It will be an embarrassing display of a foolish American President.
[ame=]Mitt Romney's Easy Five-Step Approach to Foreign Policy - YouTube[/ame]
Progressives you have to realize by now.....We the american people see that Obama and progressives ideals are failures it is only morons like you that dont.
"Won" is subjective bullshit. The Obamatwerps were DESPERATE for good news after The ONE totally screwed the pooch in the first Debate. Fact.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

If you put it to a vote and 57 percent say that Germany "won" WWII, that doesn't make it true, you idiot.

And despite your desperate urge to toss the President's salad, he has NO CHANCE at all in a debate on foreign policy. He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Now, hurry and put me "back" on ignore, the bastion of pussies like you. :lol::lol: I frankly don't give a shit if you pay attention or not. Talking to a cock-smoker like you is very much like talking to a wall, anyway. You aren't even up to being honest about how much of a flop the incumbent has been in foreign policy. So, you don't matter at all in any genuine debate.

If you engage in a civil conversation, I wouldn't put you on ignore. But let's try to find just the civil parts and discuss them like adults.

He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Let's see now.
Yup. Killed Bin Laden. And dozens of other top Al Qaeda operatives.
Got us out of Iraq- As promised.
Got rid of Khadafy- something Reagan only dreamed of doing.
Repaird our relationship with many of our allies.
Put a new focus on China and bolstering our relationship with Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines.
Cleaned up the pirate problem in teh Gulf of Aden.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

Well, what I saw was a guy in command of fact while Romney gave some truly cringeworthy answers to questions. "Whole binders full of women".... really Mitt? Romney sputtered and tried to bully the moderator and the audience, kind of showing us once again, who he really is, a Bully.

Let's see now.
Yup. Killed Bin Laden. And dozens of other top Al Qaeda operatives. Al Qaeda is strong, well organized, well trained and apparantly well armed.

Got us out of Iraq- As promised. We were kicked out after negotiations fell through.

Got rid of Khadafy- something Reagan only dreamed of doing. The country was more stable under Ghadaffi.

Repaird our relationship with many of our allies. UK won't stop playing tennis to answer his call. Netanyahu has been kicked to the side. Our allies don't believe in the US anymore. We are mocked.

Put a new focus on China and bolstering our relationship with Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines. He's been campaigning and not even at the White House for about a year!

Cleaned up the pirate problem in teh Gulf of Aden. Link????
"Won" is subjective bullshit. The Obamatwerps were DESPERATE for good news after The ONE totally screwed the pooch in the first Debate. Fact.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

If you put it to a vote and 57 percent say that Germany "won" WWII, that doesn't make it true, you idiot.

And despite your desperate urge to toss the President's salad, he has NO CHANCE at all in a debate on foreign policy. He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Now, hurry and put me "back" on ignore, the bastion of pussies like you. :lol::lol: I frankly don't give a shit if you pay attention or not. Talking to a cock-smoker like you is very much like talking to a wall, anyway. You aren't even up to being honest about how much of a flop the incumbent has been in foreign policy. So, you don't matter at all in any genuine debate.

If you engage in a civil conversation, I wouldn't put you on ignore. But let's try to find just the civil parts and discuss them like adults.

He has been a nearly unmitigated disaster. Yeah. We get it. He claims personal credit for the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. That claim only goes so far. But he has NOTHING else to offer. He has been a clusterfuck and he is going to get pummeled by Mitt.

Let's see now.
Yup. Killed Bin Laden. And dozens of other top Al Qaeda operatives.
Got us out of Iraq- As promised.
Got rid of Khadafy- something Reagan only dreamed of doing.
Repaird our relationship with many of our allies.
Put a new focus on China and bolstering our relationship with Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines.
Cleaned up the pirate problem in teh Gulf of Aden.

Therefore, assholes like you, JoeBitch, "saw" his irrational performance in Debate #2 as a "win" even though, in the real world, he lost on facts (that's the fault of his own since he lies compulsively) and AT BEST managed a "draw."

Well, what I saw was a guy in command of fact while Romney gave some truly cringeworthy answers to questions. "Whole binders full of women".... really Mitt? Romney sputtered and tried to bully the moderator and the audience, kind of showing us once again, who he really is, a Bully.

You misunderstand. I don't take stage directions from a dishonest and uncivil shit like you, JoeBitch. Your hypocrisy is amazing, but you are simply irrelevant. I seriously don't care who an asshole like you puts on ignore. Ignore me. Do't ignore me. Either way, you remain completely impervious to logic and honesty and facts.

I have already said (in many posts) that I give the incumbent credit for authorizing the action that yielded the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. On the other hand, he did NOT do it personally and it WAS a fucking pretty obvious call. Still, it took SOME willingness to take the heat (since it did entail the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan, for example). Good call. Credit due. Credit granted.

Likewise, I have said numerous times that I give CREDIT to The ONE for authorizing our guys to engage in the dispatching of several OTHER of our al qaeda enemies.

YOU give undue credit to The ONE for "getting us out of Iraq." Announcing timetables as he is prone to do is quite stupid and dangerous. And if he left Iraq prematurely for political reasons, the net effect could be a disaster.

You give "credit" to Pres. Obama for the death of Kadaffy, but your granting of credit is false and stupid. In point of fact, the idiot vacillated on how we dealt with Libya and his ineffectual "policies" have led to massive problems in the region. He is a clusterfuck.

He has not "repaired" our relationship with our allies. You couldn't support that asinine fraudulent claim if your life depended on it.

Your next baseless claim is both obscure and baseless: WTF does it even mean in your make-believe lexicon when you say shit like "Put a new focus on China and bolstering our relationship with Japan, S. Korea and the Philippines." He hasn't put a new focus on China. He kowtows to them. He hasn't "bolstered" our relationship with Japan, S. Korea or the Philippines. There's not a leader in any such nation who now trusts the US to do as it says it will do. They are largely afloat BECAUSE the imbecile in chief provides no clear direction.

And the President has not "cleared up" any pirate problem anywhere. Support your fraudulent claims. Don't just make bold unsupported (and unsupportable) assertions.

But you won't. That's never been your style.

Your view of the second debate is skewed because you were so desperate for ANYthing better than his first debate performance. It is NOT being in command of facts to lie incessantly, as he did.

Pres. Obama played the role of bully -- aided by that asshole moderator. Yet, despite that fact, the BEST The ONE could pull off was a draw.

Face it. He's in dire re-election peril.

You progressives keep trotting that statistic out, Cheddar and it always makes me laugh. You really think that the reason California and Illinois are in such awful shape fiscally is because they receive a slightly smaller amount per person back from the Federal Government in benefits than "red" States? The truth of the matter is that California and Illinois are in SUCH bad shape that they're looking for larger and larger bailouts from the Federal Government just to stay solvent and that problem is only getting worse by the day because both States are controlled by liberal legislatures that continue to recklessly spend money they don't have.

Actually, they are in bad shape because they have people and have to provide services.

It's easy when all you got are clem and cleetus and you have to treat whatever they caught from the sheep and you have big federal subsidies for doing so.

When you have millions of kids to educate, and roads to maintain, and so on, and the feds take more than they give you, that's soemthing else.

So tell me, it educating the kids and fixing the roads that are bankrupting California and Illinois...or is it having to pay for the benefits and retirement packages that the average public sector employee gets? I'm guessing that is isn't "road repairs" that are breaking the bank in California and Illinois...I'm pretty sure it's having to pay for all the sweetheart deals that Democratic lawmakers have given to the public sector union people who got them elected.

Paying for road repairs might make sense IF we had road repairs but we don't. We pay enormous salaries to workers who are paid to fill potholes with asphalt, but can't afford the asphalt.
You misunderstand. I don't take stage directions from a dishonest and uncivil shit like you, JoeBitch. Your hypocrisy is amazing, but you are simply irrelevant. I seriously don't care who an asshole like you puts on ignore. Ignore me. Do't ignore me. Either way, you remain completely impervious to logic and honesty and facts.

And if you came to me with reasoned arguments, I'd treat you civilly... I'm trying to treat you civilly now. I haevn't called you one name here.

I have already said (in many posts) that I give the incumbent credit for authorizing the action that yielded the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. On the other hand, he did NOT do it personally and it WAS a fucking pretty obvious call. Still, it took SOME willingness to take the heat (since it did entail the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan, for example). Good call. Credit due. Credit granted.

Likewise, I have said numerous times that I give CREDIT to The ONE for authorizing our guys to engage in the dispatching of several OTHER of our al qaeda enemies.

But Bush didn't get this done in 8 years. That's the point. We got distracted with a lot of other things, like Bush settling his Pappy's score with Saddam Hussein.

YOU give undue credit to The ONE for "getting us out of Iraq." Announcing timetables as he is prone to do is quite stupid and dangerous. And if he left Iraq prematurely for political reasons, the net effect could be a disaster.

It was pretty obvious to everyone that Iraq was a horrible idea by about 2005. It shouldn't have taken another 5 years to get out. It isn't a matter of getting out "prematurely"... it's a matter of correcting the initial mistake.

You give "credit" to Pres. Obama for the death of Kadaffy, but your granting of credit is false and stupid. In point of fact, the idiot vacillated on how we dealt with Libya and his ineffectual "policies" have led to massive problems in the region. He is a clusterfuck.

Khadafy was a monster, and the world is better off without him. And unlike Saddam, we didn't lose 5000 troops in the process.

He has not "repaired" our relationship with our allies. You couldn't support that asinine fraudulent claim if your life depended on it.

Well, hows this. Bush was unable to get French or German support to take out Saddam, but Obama was able to get their support to take out Khadafy... we could start there. He didn't go around talking about "Old Europe" like the Bushies did. He was also able to get the Allies to go along with Sanctions against Iran. You think they'd have done that with Bush? Hell, no!

Your view of the second debate is skewed because you were so desperate for ANYthing better than his first debate performance. It is NOT being in command of facts to lie incessantly, as he did.

Pres. Obama played the role of bully -- aided by that asshole moderator. Yet, despite that fact, the BEST The ONE could pull off was a draw.

Hardly a draw, since most people gave Obama the debate.

I think you miss the points of debates altogether. It isn't an acedemic decatholon. It is about connecting with your audience. Obama came off as cool, collected and connected. Romney came off as an entited rich douchebag who isn't used to people talking back to him.

Face it. He's in dire re-election peril.


He's in dire peril for re-election because the wealthy are throwing everything they have at him rather than pay their fair share and man up.

This election is whether we will be a democracy or a plutocracy in years to come.
You misunderstand. I don't take stage directions from a dishonest and uncivil shit like you, JoeBitch. Your hypocrisy is amazing, but you are simply irrelevant. I seriously don't care who an asshole like you puts on ignore. Ignore me. Do't ignore me. Either way, you remain completely impervious to logic and honesty and facts.

And if you came to me with reasoned arguments, I'd treat you civilly... I'm trying to treat you civilly now. I haevn't called you one name here.

I also don't care HOW you "treat" me. You seem to imagine you have any value. You don't. You have a history here of marked incivility. You think a style change now convinces anybody that you are not what you are? :cuckoo:

I have already said (in many posts) that I give the incumbent credit for authorizing the action that yielded the dispatching of Osama bin Laden. On the other hand, he did NOT do it personally and it WAS a fucking pretty obvious call. Still, it took SOME willingness to take the heat (since it did entail the violation of the sovereignty of Pakistan, for example). Good call. Credit due. Credit granted.

Likewise, I have said numerous times that I give CREDIT to The ONE for authorizing our guys to engage in the dispatching of several OTHER of our al qaeda enemies.

But Bush didn't get this done in 8 years. That's the point. We got distracted with a lot of other things, like Bush settling his Pappy's score with Saddam Hussein.

No. That's NOT "the" point. It isn't even A point. It is a lie. Bin Laden would not have even been FOUND without the intelligence obtained because of programs instituted under W. Programs which The ONE objected to and promised to cancel. If Pres. Obama had any integrity, he would have made a huge public show of thanking Pres. Bush. Instead, Pres. Obama (and his fluffers, like you) claim that HE deserves all the credit.

Sorry, but you have ZERO cred, and you remain just a hack.
So tell me, it educating the kids and fixing the roads that are bankrupting California and Illinois...or is it having to pay for the benefits and retirement packages that the average public sector employee gets? I'm guessing that is isn't "road repairs" that are breaking the bank in California and Illinois...I'm pretty sure it's having to pay for all the sweetheart deals that Democratic lawmakers have given to the public sector union people who got them elected.

You mean actually giving them decent salaries is a "Sweetheart deal".

Here's what the average salaries are for State of IL workers.

SJ-R.COM - State of Illinois

it ranges from $42,812.66 for an employee of the Sec. of State's office to $84,486.10 to a member of the state police. Again, better than the private sector gets these days, to be sure, but that's really the fault of the private sector for letting the wealthy get away with it.

The ironic thing is, we used to have that "sweetheart deal" in the private sector. Until the assholes decided they didn't have enough Dressage Ponies and they moved all the good paying jobs to shitholes like China.

And dumb clunks like you, watching your good salaries go to China, or get driven down to to "right to work" or some such shit, don't get angry at the millionaires and billionaires who made that happen.

You get made at the guys who didn't go along with it and used their political power to fight back.

You are like the guy who gets his house burned down by an arsonist, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house.

Dude, that is like totally messed up.

You state that government salaries are "better" than the private sector, Joe but you totally ignored what is REALLY killing States and local governments and that is the "benefit packages" that public sector employees have gotten for themselves by electing pro-union Democrats. THOSE are the sweetheart deals I'm referring to and if you're going to tell me that those are the same as we're getting in the Private Sector than I'm going to laugh in your face.

As for your analogy? I'm actually like the guy who sees the arsonist throwing gasoline on my house and tries to make him're the guy who tells him to go throw gas on the neighbors house as soon as he's done with mine.

And if you think that the Public Sector union bosses are fighting for anyone in the Private Sector, you're smoking crack. Those sweetheart deals are PAID FOR by the poor Private Sector schmuck who get none of the benefits and bear most of the costs. Those union bosses don't care about what's good for the country...they care about themselves.
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No. That's NOT "the" point. It isn't even A point. It is a lie. Bin Laden would not have even been FOUND without the intelligence obtained because of programs instituted under W. Programs which The ONE objected to and promised to cancel. If Pres. Obama had any integrity, he would have made a huge public show of thanking Pres. Bush. Instead, Pres. Obama (and his fluffers, like you) claim that HE deserves all the credit.

Sorry, but you have ZERO cred, and you remain just a hack.

But that's not true, either.

In fact, most of what Bush did probably hampered the effort to get Bin Laden.

For instance, Sheik Khalid Mohammed was waterboarded not once like Bush said, but 186 times. Yet his interrogations actually said that the courier who led us to Bin Laden wasn't anyone important.

Even John McCain admitted as much.

Torture didn't lead to bin Laden: John McCain | Reuters

McCain said none of the three detainees who were waterboarded provided the real name of bin Laden's courier and Mohammed gave false information about the courier's whereabouts and role.

The best intelligence about bin Laden's courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, was obtained through "standard, noncoercive means," said McCain.

More to the point, we torture prisoners, in violation of treaties we've signed, we lose the moral high ground.

This goes back to the whole "repairing relations with allies" thing I was talking about.
No. That's NOT "the" point. It isn't even A point. It is a lie. Bin Laden would not have even been FOUND without the intelligence obtained because of programs instituted under W. Programs which The ONE objected to and promised to cancel. If Pres. Obama had any integrity, he would have made a huge public show of thanking Pres. Bush. Instead, Pres. Obama (and his fluffers, like you) claim that HE deserves all the credit.

Sorry, but you have ZERO cred, and you remain just a hack.

But that's not true, either.

In fact, most of what Bush did probably hampered the effort to get Bin Laden.

* * * *

You are JoeBitch for a reason; and lying as you just did is one such reason. You have all the credibility of Fakey and TderpM combined. 0 + 0 = 0.

And your lie is pathetic, too.

Even Panetta acknowledged that the BUSH programs led to the locating of bin Laden. You are valueless as a participating member at USMB. You are here just for the laffs. And many of us do laugh at you and your empty twit posts all the time.
I noticed that you skipped the part where John McCain, a man who ACTUALLY WAS TORTURED said that Panetta assure dhim the torture didn't help and probably hindered the effort to find Bin Laden.

That's okay, I can always tell when you lose an argument... you start screaming.
I noticed that you skipped the part where John McCain, a man who ACTUALLY WAS TORTURED said that Panetta assure dhim the torture didn't help and probably hindered the effort to find Bin Laden.

That's okay, I can always tell when you lose an argument... you start screaming.

I rarely read most of your verbose blather. But despite what McCain may have heard from Panetta, we all heard from Panetta.

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