Debate #3: What's the point?

They're extremist bigoted progressives. And that's what joe is, so yes, it makes sense.

You're simple and your proud of it. That's why I have nothing but contempt for you.

So do the leaders of the GOP. They just won't say it to your face.
don,t think it right for discourse on either side to call someone extremist. does not help the debate
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.
They're extremist bigoted progressives. And that's what joe is, so yes, it makes sense.
bit harsh to say that. but look if romney wins then well done and in end america i am sure will come together after the election

Don't be silly.

If Romney gets elected, the Democrats will do everything they can to frustrate him and Republicans won't trust him for a moment.

He will be probably the most ineffective president since Herbert Hoover.
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.


Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.
They're extremist bigoted progressives. And that's what joe is, so yes, it makes sense.

You're simple and your proud of it. That's why I have nothing but contempt for you.

So do the leaders of the GOP. They just won't say it to your face.
don,t think it right for discourse on either side to call someone extremist. does not help the debate

Guy, I've been a Republican for 30 years, and frankly, the GOP has become so extreme that even I don't recognize it anymore.

Ronald Reagan (the real one, not the myth they've made up) would have been thrown out as a RINO, just as they drove out Dick Lugar, Olympia Snowe, Arlen Specter and just about anyone else who doesn't endorse the TEA Party craziness.
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.


Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.

Mitt the twit, they call him. He can't even talk to Americans without looking foolish. That on the world stage when it matters? Yikes.
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.


Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.

Mitt the twit, they call him. He can't even talk to Americans without looking foolish. That on the world stage when it matters? Yikes.

Kind of scary. That and he seems to have brought back all the warmongers that got pushed out the door with Bush-43.
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.


Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.

Doesn't look to me like he'll be coming into this debate from any kind of strong postion. He's got no real foreign policy experience himself and his FP advisors all hail from the last Presidential admin.

We all know how popular their policies turned out to be....
obama will have to defend his record and it's going to be fun seeing him try to do that. Bob Schieffer isn't going to give obama the help that Candy Crowley did.


Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.

Doesn't look to me like he'll be coming into this debate from any kind of strong postion. He's got no real foreign policy experience himself and his FP advisors all hail from the last Presidential admin.

We all know how popular their policies turned out to be....

He'll spend every single moment of his time trying to talk up Benghazi. He has zero knowledge on anything else, and the knowledge he has on Benghazi is flawed.

I hope to GOD he brings up "not optimal." I really do.

Schieffer is kind of a big time lib, too.

Romney's biggest problem is, on a personal level, people don't like him. Not even other republicans.

Romney's bigger problem, of course, is that every time he talks about foreign policy, he puts his foot in it. Heck, he managed to antagonize the BRITISH.

Doesn't look to me like he'll be coming into this debate from any kind of strong postion. He's got no real foreign policy experience himself and his FP advisors all hail from the last Presidential admin.

We all know how popular their policies turned out to be....

He'll spend every single moment of his time trying to talk up Benghazi. He has zero knowledge on anything else, and the knowledge he has on Benghazi is flawed.

I hope to GOD he brings up "not optimal." I really do.

I'd love to see the President throw Romney's own quote from Sept. 12 right back in his face and say, "Who the hell do you think you are after you said this shit?"

Btw, has anyone from the Romney campaign actually said anything about this Benghazi issue since Tuesday's debate? There have been a lot of other Cons bashing the Prez over it, but what about Romney or any of his campaign people?
I think the Obama campaign set this up beautifully.

The last debate pits POTUS (who gets a security briefing every day) with Mitt Romney who will get 1 courtesy briefing.

One of the most successful FP presidents in modern history, working with his 'Co-president' Hilary Clinton, is debating a businessman who embarrasses himself every time he leaves the country.

I predict that the President will be pulled away in the middle of the debate to oversee a mission to capture the terrorists responsible for the Benghazi attack.

Mitt will stand there talking to himself. Joe Biden will walk on stage, laugh at him and say, "Please proceed, Governor..."

Well gee whiz, Hazlnut...maybe Barry can explain why when he got all those security briefings every day he didn't do something about the Ambassador to Libya's concerns about imminent attack?

You're REALLY calling Barack Obama one of the most successful foreign policy President's in modern history? Wow...I'm trying to think of a single foreign policy issue that he's been successful at and I'm coming up with nothing except the killing of Osama Bin Laden which from all accounts wouldn't have happened without information obtained from the enhanced interrogation policies of George W. Bush that Barry got rid of. What pray tell has been a "success" for Obama on the foreign policy front?
And again joeb131 shows why Obama will lose....Cause Progressives are arrogant idiots and hate anything not from their urban cities....

Us City Folks with our art and our fancy educations and stuff. You know what else we got, Cleetus.

We done got us more people and more votes.

Which is why you are going to lose. Even after sucking the bullet and supporting a Mormon Cultist after screaming about him beign a heretic for years, you still are gonna lose.

And it will be funny.

The sad thing, that despite how liberals denigrate folks in the "fly over"'s places like those that remain solvent while the more 'enlightened' places like California, Illinois and New York have slowly changed into fiscal disasters. Funny how those "fancy educations" don't seem to translate into common sense governance.
And again joeb131 shows why Obama will lose....Cause Progressives are arrogant idiots and hate anything not from their urban cities....

Us City Folks with our art and our fancy educations and stuff. You know what else we got, Cleetus.

We done got us more people and more votes.

Which is why you are going to lose. Even after sucking the bullet and supporting a Mormon Cultist after screaming about him beign a heretic for years, you still are gonna lose.

And it will be funny.

The sad thing, that despite how liberals denigrate folks in the "fly over"'s places like those that remain solvent while the more 'enlightened' places like California, Illinois and New York have slowly changed into fiscal disasters. Funny how those "fancy educations" don't seem to translate into common sense governance.

except that more tax dollars go IN to those "solvent" red states than come out.

Libya won't be the only question asked. If there is any question at all about Israel/Palestine, obama is going to be reduced to a puddle on the floor.
I think the Obama campaign set this up beautifully.

The last debate pits POTUS (who gets a security briefing every day) with Mitt Romney who will get 1 courtesy briefing.

One of the most successful FP presidents in modern history, working with his 'Co-president' Hilary Clinton, is debating a businessman who embarrasses himself every time he leaves the country.

I predict that the President will be pulled away in the middle of the debate to oversee a mission to capture the terrorists responsible for the Benghazi attack.

Mitt will stand there talking to himself. Joe Biden will walk on stage, laugh at him and say, "Please proceed, Governor..."
Successful President?

What color is the sky in your world?
And again joeb131 shows why Obama will lose....Cause Progressives are arrogant idiots and hate anything not from their urban cities....

Us City Folks with our art and our fancy educations and stuff. You know what else we got, Cleetus.

We done got us more people and more votes.

Which is why you are going to lose. Even after sucking the bullet and supporting a Mormon Cultist after screaming about him beign a heretic for years, you still are gonna lose.

And it will be funny.

The sad thing, that despite how liberals denigrate folks in the "fly over"'s places like those that remain solvent while the more 'enlightened' places like California, Illinois and New York have slowly changed into fiscal disasters. Funny how those "fancy educations" don't seem to translate into common sense governance.

Hey, dumbass...

Maybe you should look at this map of recipiant vs. donor states. Which states get more in federal money than they send in vs. which ones get less than they send to Washington.


IL gets back .73 for every dollar we send to Washington. NY gets .79, CA gets .79

Meanwhile, OK gets 1.48, NE gets 1.07, Utah gets 1.12.

It's easy to be "solvent" when someone else is picking up the bill, isn't it.
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Us City Folks with our art and our fancy educations and stuff. You know what else we got, Cleetus.

We done got us more people and more votes.

Which is why you are going to lose. Even after sucking the bullet and supporting a Mormon Cultist after screaming about him beign a heretic for years, you still are gonna lose.

And it will be funny.

The sad thing, that despite how liberals denigrate folks in the "fly over"'s places like those that remain solvent while the more 'enlightened' places like California, Illinois and New York have slowly changed into fiscal disasters. Funny how those "fancy educations" don't seem to translate into common sense governance.

except that more tax dollars go IN to those "solvent" red states than come out.


You progressives keep trotting that statistic out, Cheddar and it always makes me laugh. You really think that the reason California and Illinois are in such awful shape fiscally is because they receive a slightly smaller amount per person back from the Federal Government in benefits than "red" States? The truth of the matter is that California and Illinois are in SUCH bad shape that they're looking for larger and larger bailouts from the Federal Government just to stay solvent and that problem is only getting worse by the day because both States are controlled by liberal legislatures that continue to recklessly spend money they don't have.

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