Debate #3: What's the point?

Oh, go back to your bomb shelter and check to make sure you have enough toilet paper. That's utter bullshit to anyone who isn't drinking the bullshit koolaid. Many progressive nations, no mass exodus, happier way of life, longer lives, less paranoia....

Only redneck dumbfuckery holds America back from being what it could be.
I will always try to hold America from being a Fascist socialist nightmare that you progressives want.

Fascist socialist. two concepts, opposite sides of the political spectrum.

:clap2: Well done.

Really? Hey dumass ever hear of a Nazi?
Well the thread's fallen apart finally without ever really touching on the debate.

The format will be like the first debate - 6 questions will be asked in 15-minute segments.

It's not bloody likely that all 6 questions will deal with Libya. North Korea will certainly come up, as will Israel and the Syria/Turkey conflict. There's a good chance the European economy will come up, absolutely trade and outsourcing with China will. It's possible that opening up to Cuba might be a question, maybe trade with South America, the Mexican drug war, and definitely Iran.

The uninformed and undecided viewers don't concern themselves with hitting messageboards to discuss dead ambassadors. They have little to no idea what happened.

And as been mentioned before, a lot of people will be watching Monday Night Football.
Well the thread's fallen apart finally without ever really touching on the debate.

The format will be like the first debate - 6 questions will be asked in 15-minute segments.

It's not bloody likely that all 6 questions will deal with Libya. North Korea will certainly come up, as will Israel and the Syria/Turkey conflict. There's a good chance the European economy will come up, absolutely trade and outsourcing with China will. It's possible that opening up to Cuba might be a question, maybe trade with South America, the Mexican drug war, and definitely Iran.

The uninformed and undecided viewers don't concern themselves with hitting messageboards to discuss dead ambassadors. They have little to no idea what happened.

And as been mentioned before, a lot of people will be watching Monday Night Football.

Detroit Chicago. Blech.

you are correct, though. Even if Rmoney has the stones to attack Obama on the Libya thing, you'd have to think he's a little gunshy with how the last attempt worked out.
Romney will fold when China comes up. I hope his calling Russia our greatest threat gets discussed, should be good for some lulz.
Romney will fold when China comes up. I hope his calling Russia our greatest threat gets discussed, should be good for some lulz.

Do you think Mitt the Twit in Britain comes up?
it did when he made that gaffe in uk in summer he was slagged in uk plress.

had nightmare time with press when he was here in summer. said he was not sure london was ready for olympics and then called one opoostion leader mr leader rather then his name.

not that important though deep down but still did not go down well here in london
Well the thread's fallen apart finally without ever really touching on the debate.

The format will be like the first debate - 6 questions will be asked in 15-minute segments.

It's not bloody likely that all 6 questions will deal with Libya. North Korea will certainly come up, as will Israel and the Syria/Turkey conflict. There's a good chance the European economy will come up, absolutely trade and outsourcing with China will. It's possible that opening up to Cuba might be a question, maybe trade with South America, the Mexican drug war, and definitely Iran.

The uninformed and undecided viewers don't concern themselves with hitting messageboards to discuss dead ambassadors. They have little to no idea what happened.

And as been mentioned before, a lot of people will be watching Monday Night Football.

Detroit Chicago. Blech.

you are correct, though. Even if Rmoney has the stones to attack Obama on the Libya thing, you'd have to think he's a little gunshy with how the last attempt worked out.
he cocked up in second debate but issue not going away and cnn had report having go at obama admin last night

it be big moment in the debate. how obama responses to it will be massive as romney and his team will be ready to go all out on this.
Well the thread's fallen apart finally without ever really touching on the debate.

The format will be like the first debate - 6 questions will be asked in 15-minute segments.

It's not bloody likely that all 6 questions will deal with Libya. North Korea will certainly come up, as will Israel and the Syria/Turkey conflict. There's a good chance the European economy will come up, absolutely trade and outsourcing with China will. It's possible that opening up to Cuba might be a question, maybe trade with South America, the Mexican drug war, and definitely Iran.

The uninformed and undecided viewers don't concern themselves with hitting messageboards to discuss dead ambassadors. They have little to no idea what happened.

And as been mentioned before, a lot of people will be watching Monday Night Football.
true their all will come up but librya are be amazed if not first question as it the most topical issue at the moment.

romney will be chomping at the bit to go after the president on this. president better be ready
Obama never bothers to attend the security briefing, too busy campaigning or golfing.

Gee, how DID that Benghazi thing happen, anyway?

Gee, how did that 9/11 thing happen, anyway?

How did the president get a breifing entitled "Bin laden determined to strike US" and specifically mentioned airplanes, and he went fishing. (Yes, I know it wasn't that clear cut, but it's about as honest as you jokers are being.)

How did he keep reading "My Pet Goat" when the country was under attack?

How did he divert forces from Afghanistan to Iraq, which had nothing to do with the attack.

As far as fuckups go, I'll take confusion over how much a video played into a planned attack over the repeated serial fuckups that was the War on Terror any day of the week.

And so will most Americans, who aren't looking for another war in the Middle East.
Obama never bothers to attend the security briefing, too busy campaigning or golfing.

Gee, how DID that Benghazi thing happen, anyway?

Gee, how did that 9/11 thing happen, anyway?

How did the president get a breifing entitled "Bin laden determined to strike US" and specifically mentioned airplanes, and he went fishing. (Yes, I know it wasn't that clear cut, but it's about as honest as you jokers are being.)

How did he keep reading "My Pet Goat" when the country was under attack?

How did he divert forces from Afghanistan to Iraq, which had nothing to do with the attack.

As far as fuckups go, I'll take confusion over how much a video played into a planned attack over the repeated serial fuckups that was the War on Terror any day of the week.

And so will most Americans, who aren't looking for another war in the Middle East.
agree with that but obama still not got to let romney dominate hiim over librya.
The final debate is there so President Obama and team lefty can pray for a major screwup by Romney.

The only way Romney loses this debate and the election, is if he busts out with, "When I'm president, the very first day I walk into the Oval Office, I'm declaring war on the world and pushing that little red button."

President Obama really messed up with the whole Lybia murders of 4 Americans. Hell, he messed up running this country.

Just hang it up lefties, it's over. President Obama is done, he won't be back.

Careful what you wish for. Republicans do not represent ordinary Americans. Right now, you can see seniors on motorized wheel chairs with Romney signs. You'd think they'd have those wheelchairs or medicare or social security if Republicans had their way? Or Pell grants which will be cut drastically. Or the cuts to medicaid? All so the very wealthy can pay fewer and fewer taxes and no more inheritance tax. How is this going to grow an economy? IMO anyway.

Yeah, that's why AARP told Obama to stop pretending they support him. That's why Florida looks like it's going to Romney. Cuz the seniors love him so much.

What ridiculous lies you guys tell. This one is almost as funny as hazel's comment that Obama is the 'most successful foreign policy president EVAH"

What lying propagandists you are.
And Republicans do represent ordinary Americans, as anyone who can read a map can see. The big city populations are out of touch with the nation, and out of touch with reality. You think you ARE the nation. And you just aren't.
And Republicans do represent ordinary Americans, as anyone who can read a map can see. The big city populations are out of touch with the nation, and out of touch with reality. You think you ARE the nation. And you just aren't.

Big city populations are where most of the people live...

As opposed to the gun toting rural areas where people's family trees don't fork..

They're extremist bigoted progressives. And that's what joe is, so yes, it makes sense.
They're extremist bigoted progressives. And that's what joe is, so yes, it makes sense.
bit harsh to say that. but look if romney wins then well done and in end america i am sure will come together after the election
And again joeb131 shows why Obama will lose....Cause Progressives are arrogant idiots and hate anything not from their urban cities....

Us City Folks with our art and our fancy educations and stuff. You know what else we got, Cleetus.

We done got us more people and more votes.

Which is why you are going to lose. Even after sucking the bullet and supporting a Mormon Cultist after screaming about him beign a heretic for years, you still are gonna lose.

And it will be funny.

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