Debate Between Barr and D'Souza?

Because it is not the crazy train. There is evidence that Barr flatly lies about about. And is it a waste of time to prove the election had integrity? Is that what he and you think? Let him defend his claims.

You people taking swamp rats at their word is just plain stupid.

Debates are rarely about the truth and more about the skill in the art.
Dinesh would clobber Barr. Barr's so-called "investigation" into election fraud was a joke.

Barr did not interview any of the hundreds of election workers and observers who reported witnessing election fraud. He did not explain the damning video evidence from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, in which Democratic election workers are seen pulling out crates of ballots from underneath tables late at night after the GOP observers were sent home. He did not address the devastating forensic audit of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI, ordered (and then suppressed until the last minute) by the 13th Circuit Court. He offered no rational explanation for the gigantic, unprecedented disparity between Biden's alleged vote count and his number of counties won. He offered no explanation for the shockingly low mail-in ballot rejection rates, rates that were lower than any election in history even though a record number of such ballots were cast. And on and on we could go.
This election fraud conflict is not really about the facts. Facts (as well as criminal acts) in any case are routinely dismissed or covered up without a debate. (Russian collusion anybody?) So they divert the election facts, fraud and incongruities with stuff like pointing to “what the courts have done or said so far,” not caring how many or most judges would not even allow the evidence to be presented. (see Judges and prosecutors have proven these last 6 years or more how easily compromised they are, or simply that their political preference trumps justice. (Hillary destroying her congressional subpoenaed server with no legal consequences is a good illustration.)

What this is really about is these lefties know the truth is not on their side, but their egos simply could never allow them to admit it. We will never win with them, all we can do is increase the guilt festering in their consciences.
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The Kentucky Supreme Court recently ruled on a cellphone geo-tracking case. Police used realtime cellphone geo-tracking information to locate an alleged robber. The police then made an arrest based on the information they were able to gather from the suspect’s cellphone.

Police and advertisers use geo-tracking all the time. The FBI used geo-tracking before and after January 6 to identify Trump supporters who were at or near the US Capitol on January 6th.

But last week Bill Barr scoffed at the idea and laughed out loud about this technology used in “2000 Mules” to identify battleground state Democrat ballot traffickers. Either Barr is ill-informed on the use of this technology or he was deliberately misleading the sham January 6 Committee.

Barr talks about the cell phone evidence. Apparently, Bill Barr was not informed about the traffickers. Most of the traffickers were working night hours when the rest of the public was asleep. As you would expect, it is much easier to track phones at a time of day when there is less street traffic.

Bill Barr either had no idea what he was talking about or was deliberately misleading the sham committee.

The gutless media knows all of this. They were and are complicit. The evidence does not lie, they do.
The "2000 Mules for Sister Trump" asshole? :auiqs.jpg:
DeSouza would be like a piece of dog shit that Barr stepped in and was trying to scrape of his shoe.
Simply amazing to watch people who a few years ago would put Barr in jail if they could get by with it suddenly love the guy. Gee, I wonder how that works?
Should be no problem for Barr, correct?

I'll bet now that Bob backs out! Baseless MY ASS. Debunked MY ASS.

The Left/GOP RINOs/J6 Committee/Media have not presented ONE SHRED of evidence in two years that 2020 wasn't stolen, yet they maintain the victory was "obvious."

Odd, usually when things are obvious and clear cut, they should be very simple to prove to doubters!!!
I saw Bob Barr in an interview admit that it was just his OPINION that the election wasn't stolen. Did Bob make that clear when he originally came out with that declaration?
Kind of funny that the AG would only have an opinion. To me that means fraud was never investigated,

Should be no problem for Barr, correct?
It’s a PR stunt smart guy. D’Souza is just milking every dollar he can milk out of his con job of a “movie”. Barr isn’t going to give him the time of day. I wouldn’t get your hopes up
I saw Bob Barr in an interview admit that it was just his OPINION that the election wasn't stolen. Did Bob make that clear when he originally came out with that declaration?
What do you think his opinion was based on?? Reviewing the evidence perhaps? Who do you think has seen more evidence, you or the Ex Attorney General?

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