Debate Between Barr and D'Souza?

The claims are substantiarted by the data that anyone with the money or connections can analyse. Why haven't they done that? You know why? The data will show the same things D'Souza found.
If you’re calling on people to analyze the the “data” then it is obviously not substantiated. You contradicted yourself and exposed your lies. Thank you. That was easy
That is coming out. When it does what will your excuse be then?
It’s coming out?! So it’s not already out yet you’re here claiming that it happened? What an idiot. It comical to see you knock down your house of cards
Nothing had he just said that "In his opinion . . . ," but he presented it as a STATEMENT OF FACT. Go watch the video.
Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
Simply amazing to watch people who a few years ago would put Barr in jail if they could get by with it suddenly love the guy. Gee, I wonder how that works?
LOL. Guess you weren't around when Ruby Ridge went down huh?...or did you just ignore that little bit of history because he was your savior's attack dog? :auiqs.jpg:
Not evidence of a stolen election. Stop lying. SCOTUS wouldnt even hear the case because they couldn’t meet the burnded of proof. Same for dozens of other courts. Y’all just sound like fools
This may be the part that they don't understand, and/or are not told about in their universe. There has to be an ACTUAL CASE. Guesses, hearsay and shallow assumptions don't cut it as "evidence" in a real court with a real judge. So the judge can tell them to go home and come back WHEN THEY ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING.

And that includes judges that were appointed by their orange demigod himself.

I would have sworn that most adults knew this.
Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

That's not what I saw him clearly say on TV recently. Barr made it quite clear now after misleading the nation a year ago that his views expressed about the election then were just his OPINION and not any sort of legal determination based on hard fact or any full, comprehensive investigation.

Saying that to date you haven't seen blah blah blah that could have affected the election means NOTHING! That is like telling a cop you saw no evidence of the burglary across the street to date so far having only looking in your glove compartment up to that point.
Barr made it quite clear now after misleading the nation a year ago that his views expressed about the election then were just his OPINION and not any sort of legal determination based on hard fact or a comprehensive investigation.
Did Barr actually say all that or is that your distorted interpretation of what he said?
Saying that to date you haven't seen blah blah blah that could have affected the election means NOTHING! That is like telling a cop you saw no evidence of the burglary across the street to date so far having only looking in your glove compartment up to that point
But Barr didn’t just look in the glove box. Why are you being dishonest? I posted his statement. He said Us Attorneys and FBI agents were following up on complaints and information.

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
Simply amazing to watch people who a few years ago would put Barr in jail if they could get by with it suddenly love the guy. Gee, I wonder how that works?

2017: You can't believe a word republicans say!
2018: The GOP does nothing but lie and obstruct!
2019: The GOP are destroying democracy!
2020: Trump's minions are a dictatorial coup!
2021: We must arrest and prosecute the entire lying GOP party.
2022: We have Barr, Cheney, Kinzinger and a few past Trump RINO associates willing to go along with us and throw Trump under the bus! You gotta listen to them, their word is gospel!!!
2017: You can't believe a word republicans say!
2018: The GOP does nothing but lie and obstruct!
2019: The GOP are destroying democracy!
2020: Trump's minions are a dictatorial coup!
2021: We must arrest and prosecute the entire lying GOP party.
2022: We have Barr, Cheney, Kinzinger and a few past Trump RINO associates willing to go along with us and throw Trump under the bus! You gotta listen to them, their word is gospel!!!
Yep. Nothing but useful idiots and propaganda parrots.
But Barr didn’t just look in the glove box. Why are you being dishonest? I posted his statement. He said Us Attorneys and FBI agents were following up on complaints and information.

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
There is nothing that anyone can say or do.

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, Trump's White House staff, Trump's White House lawyers, Trump's campaign manager, Trump cybersecurity officials, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, and the GQP's very own handpicked Cyber Ninjas ARE ALL LYING DEEP STATE RINO SWAMP COMMIES.

This is a fuckin' madness. It's a cult.
Did Barr actually say all that or is that your distorted interpretation of what he said?

Barr said it was "only his OPINION."

I'll bet right now Barr DECLINES debating the 2000 Mules material with DeSouza.

Now, if the Mules movie so full of obvious holes and Barr so informed as people trust an
AG is supposed to be, why would be skip an opportunity to shoot him down? In fact, if
the election fraud is so obviously baseless and debunked and this issue is tearing the
country apart then why hasn't anyone with the proof and method of debunking just

See the source image
Barr said it was "only his OPINION."
I asked if Barr said all the extra stuff that you implied he said. By your response im guessing the answer is no. Of course he is stating his opinion based on the evidence he saw and collected. What else would he be expressing?!
But Barr didn’t just look in the glove box. Why are you being dishonest?
Why is a metaphor "dishonest?" Did Barr ever say where or how he looked? No.

I posted his statement. He said Us Attorneys and FBI agents were following up on complaints and information.
That can mean anything. People have been digging into this for TWO YEARS still uncovering stuff; how did Barr and the DOJ do a comprehensive analysis of all suspect activity and claims in six states in just a few days or weeks?

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”
Right, which can mean anything. To date implies that the investigation is ongoing and incomplete, but HOW incomplete? How did Barr and the DOJ study the mules video evidence two years ago when DeSouza is only coming out with it last month?

How is it that I can find so much circumstantial evidence of fraud, tamping and mischief to knock an elephant over here in my house yet these giant government agencies find nothing?
I'll bet right now Barr DECLINES debating the 2000 Mules material with DeSouza
Of course he won’t debate the conspiracy kook who’s just trying to make a buck. He has nothing to gain from that debate. The whole thing is a PR stunt.
Now, if the Mules movie so full of obvious holes and Barr so informed as people trust an
AG is supposed to be, why would be skip an opportunity to shoot him down? In fact, if
the election fraud is so obviously baseless and debunked and this issue is tearing the
country apart then why hasn't anyone with the proof and method of debunking just
Barr has nothing to gain by engaging with deranged conspiracy nuts which in his own party. Nothing he could say will influence themes they just call him deep state if he doesn’t support their narrative.

This movie has been debunked since it came out. It’s a joke
I asked if Barr said all the extra stuff that you implied he said. By your response im guessing the answer is no.
You keep guessing.

Of course he is stating his opinion based on the evidence he saw and collected. What else would he be expressing?!
He never said then that it was only an opinion. When an AG or a court says they've found no evidence, that os an official , legal declaration that means there is no evidence, people are not convicted like Trump was on OPINIONS.
Why is a metaphor "dishonest?" Did Barr ever say where or how he looked? No.
Yes, I’ve posted it three times now. He said the US attorneys and FBI agents were looking into complaints and information that’s come in. Your metaphor is dishonest because it is a false comparison.

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