Debate Between Barr and D'Souza?

And Barr keeps lying. If he is not he should debate, right?
Debates don't have to be truthful. Remember how much Righties complained when Trump got factchecked...

Barr won't bother his head debating a person about voter fraud who has been convicted of voter fraud...
Dinesh would clobber Barr. Barr's so-called "investigation" into election fraud was a joke.

Barr did not interview any of the hundreds of election workers and observers who reported witnessing election fraud. He did not explain the damning video evidence from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, in which Democratic election workers are seen pulling out crates of ballots from underneath tables late at night after the GOP observers were sent home. He did not address the devastating forensic audit of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI, ordered (and then suppressed until the last minute) by the 13th Circuit Court. He offered no rational explanation for the gigantic, unprecedented disparity between Biden's alleged vote count and his number of counties won. He offered no explanation for the shockingly low mail-in ballot rejection rates, rates that were lower than any election in history even though a record number of such ballots were cast. And on and on we could go.
What reason does Barr have to defend his (sworn) testimony to an alt-right wannabe media figure who has already been shown to be a lying hack?
Answer, he has none. So DeSouza will #Sand. Just like he did with his "documentary" on election fraud. :auiqs.jpg:
list one lie of DSouza
Dinesh would clobber Barr. Barr's so-called "investigation" into election fraud was a joke.

Barr did not interview any of the hundreds of election workers and observers who reported witnessing election fraud. He did not explain the damning video evidence from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, in which Democratic election workers are seen pulling out crates of ballots from underneath tables late at night after the GOP observers were sent home. He did not address the devastating forensic audit of the Dominion voting system in Antrim County, MI, ordered (and then suppressed until the last minute) by the 13th Circuit Court. He offered no rational explanation for the gigantic, unprecedented disparity between Biden's alleged vote count and his number of counties won. He offered no explanation for the shockingly low mail-in ballot rejection rates, rates that were lower than any election in history even though a record number of such ballots were cast. And on and on we could go.
he probably didn't want to expend the energy.. you can tell he is not overly active physically...

Oh, I guess I should get down to GA and check things out...

Nah... Maybe the new Establishment will give me a great job if I turn on Trump... Where's my beer and the remote?
Barr can't stoop that low. Sousa is a schill sucking money off Da noobs. Barr is of the class that runs the country.
Why doesn't D'Souza bring his claims to an actual court...e...

Barr has gone under oath, let D'Souza do the same... Trumpers are all full of spit and vinger until their hands hit a bible...
Because corrupt prosecutors will not bring it. The states have the evidence and their thumbs in their ass.
It would be like Fred Flintstone debating George Jetson. Both of these yutzes are cartoon characters. There is zero evidence of widespread voter fraud as was proven by the zero arrests for widespread voter fraud, zero court cases, countless inquiries that only confirmed Biden's historic win, etc.... None of that matters to conspiracy kooks.
There is one part that is wrong, a few Republicans have been arrested for Voter Fraud.
D'Souza is not telling a fairy tale. The people trying to debunk him are. Digital and video evidence.
EVERY top official has stated there was no Voter Fraud. I am talking about Governors, Secretary of State, Board of Elections, US AG, FBI, etc. and yet fools like you keep listening to a fool who makes pillows and another clown who sticks his finger up his ass to see which way the wind is blowing.
D'Souza is not telling a fairy tale. The people trying to debunk him are. Digital and video evidence.
evidence doesn't lie... just liberals do


when are the so called Rs going to stand up to them... i mean in an effective way? Again, the adults in the room aren't disciplining the brats
EVERY top official has stated there was no Voter Fraud. I am talking about Governors, Secretary of State, Board of Elections, US AG, FBI, etc. and yet fools like you keep listening to a fool who makes pillows and another clown who sticks his finger up his ass to see which way the wind is blowing.

Our government has 0 credibility.
Because corrupt prosecutors will not bring it. The states have the evidence and their thumbs in their ass.
Why would Barr waste his time riding the crazy train?
Because it is not the crazy train. There is evidence that Barr flatly lies about about. And is it a waste of time to prove the election had integrity? Is that what he and you think? Let him defend his claims. D'Souza should also be heard.

You people taking swamp rats at their word is just plain stupid.

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