Debate Changed Nothing Biden's Still The Front Runner!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The media's review of the second night of the First Democrat Presidential debate is pathetic it's all about sensationalism and getting viewers to tune in and not about what it should be a fair critique! The American public is hearing from them things like "Joe Biden had a bad night" "Biden throws campaign into turmoil (with debate performance)", and "time to pass the torch for Joe Biden"; this is jibberish, meritless spin Vice-President Biden had a good night he outlined excellent policies on the major issues, he revealed he is ready to compete against both Democrats and Republican candidates for President and most importantly he presented a candidate that is prepared to successfully take on President Trump for the 2020 election for the Presidency of the United States!

Vice-President Biden is offering the majority of the American people what they want to hear. The majority of the American people don't want to throw out the ACA they want to improve it, they don't want the federal government to take away private insurance and have "Medicare For All" they just want the premiums and deductibles lowered on the health insurance they have. The American people want the Climate Change problem responsibly addressed they don't want extremists policies that will devastate the economy and cause great hardship Vice-President Biden's proposals to have all new passenger vehicles be electric vehicles by 2030 and expand the wind and solar power portion of the electric power industry at a continual measured pace is spot on for addressing the problem. The America people know there is no magical solution to the onerous higher education debt burdening many American families recognizing this Vice-President Biden's policy proposals will dramatically improve the problem those being make community college free or at such extremely low cost that it is essentially affordable to all and freeze student debt payments for people making under $25,000 per year.

The one big lesson that I hope that Vice-President Biden got from this debate on Thursday night was that he was poorly prepared. It is not that he isn't intelligent enough or good at analyzing and responding to things contemporaneously. It is that he hasn't reviewed, researched and thought through and practiced responding to questions on a variety of foreseeable issues that one can anticipate he will be confronted with in a debate. The one the media is beating you over the head with is the school busing issue. I agree with you the Federal government should not be mandating school busing. But the opportunists in our society want to paint people with such views as racists. VP Biden needs to be prepared to stand up better for good on this issue. In my personal opinion and probably for countless other Americans the right thing is that no level of government should be telling any Parent you have to send your child out of your community to another community so that child can get a good education; making such a decision for a Parent is a complicated question if a child is real introverted a parent may want to send that child to the local school so he will more likely develop friends he can play with after school so that child can develop good interpersonal skills he or she will need as an adult, if a child has a sensitive nature a parent may not want to send him to a school outside his community where he could be ridiculed and harassed for being an outsider or different, some kids can be very cruel, that could cause depression and fear in the child which could cause mental health problems for the child. Research on this issue would probably reveal that there is surveys which would indicate even among minority communities there is a difference of opinion on what the right thing to do is furthermore there probably has been lawsuits by minority families rejecting a school mandate of busing for their children for reasons similar and others than ones aforementioned. VP Biden should be presenting these points when he is attacked on this issue where people accuse or imply he is a racist for his views.

Another topic in the debate where VP Biden was bruised up good where he wouldn't have been if he was better prepared was on his vote supporting the Second Iraq War, VP Biden made a mistake like many other Democrats and Republicans at the time who voted for the war because they trusted the intelligence assessments at the time that Saddam Hussein's government had weapons of mass destruction. Everyone has to remember what an extremely "dangerous to the world" character Saddam Hussein was. Saddam Hussein was in the category of a Hitler or Stalin his aim was like theirs to build an empire run by a brutal dictator. Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait with the aim to also conquer Saudi Arabia and with the oil wealth that would have been generated to build a massive Army that would have enabled him to invade Israel and destroy it. Saddam Hussein was a leader that used chemical weapons against his own people Iraqi Kurds and fired multiple Scud missiles at Israel population centers. For ten years after the First Iraq War Saddam Hussein played cat and mouse games with the UN staff charged with monitoring the Iraqi government to see they did not acquire weapons of mass destruction. Iraqi Nuclear scientist were not permitted to be interviewed, possible WMD sites were not permitted to be timely inspected. When U.S. intelligence assessments reported they believed he had or was on the verge of having significant levels of WMD it was responsible and moral to decide that America had to use its military to remove this threat from America and the world. It was not a reckless or unreasonable decision to vote in favor of that war for two earlier Democrat party Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted for it as Senators.

VP Biden can't let the other candidates rip his reputation to threads on the fiscal cliff legislation and the sequestration deal he and President Obama cut with Senator McConnell and the Republican that they cut a bad deal that failed America. People need to know what their talking about on this issue. It was a fiscal cliff issue and the operative word was cliff if the country did not extend the Bush Tax cuts for the Middle Class, the state of the economy was fragile it was still in a need more healing mode from the Great Recession; Banks were going through yearly stress test where some were struggling to pass, many homeowners were still underwater on their home mortgages the Federal Reserve Bank was still in a maximum stimulus stance to help the economy, the stakes here were risking throwing the country into a recession which responsible leaders could not take such risks remember the Obama Whitehouse needed Republican votes to pass legislation extending the Bush Tax cuts. The fiscal cliff deal was a great deal it did not extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy only the middle class and it did a whole myriad of tax cuts fixes helping the middle class like the alternative minimum tax every year had to be revised because it was capturing middle class taxpayer with this deal it was permanently fixed. On the sequestration deal that was a responsible deal, people need to remember that the Republican Party had a crazy wing in Congress the tea party wing that was going to shut down the government and not lift the nation's debt ceiling and because of their numbers they had a bearing on getting such bills passed the sequestration deal neutralized the influence of this cadre of members of Congress and allowed the government to function.

An insightful look at Thursday's debate indicates that left wing Democrat candidates are ganging up against VP Biden to do a take down so they can replace him with one of their own as the front runner for the Democrat Party. Joe should take the high road and not whine about it but put the energy that this unfairness produces for him into focusing on doing a great and as much as possible outstanding job in running the race for the Presidency which means practicing hard for debates. Don't make the mistake and learn the hard lesson that former President Ronald Reagan did during his run for reelection where his preparation was overload and scattershot from an abundance of sources which caused him to appear overwhelmed in his first debate what he had to learn is that what he needed to do is get a few good people together and go off to a place where they would not be distracted and practice addressing questions on foreseeable topics that would arise and the result was President Reagan kicked-butt in the second debate! Vice-President Biden should take the advice of people telling him things like that he is not a superman no one is unfortunately the current occupant of the Oval Office thinks he is and it is causes a huge swath of the American continual anxiety that any day this superman is going to bring on a catastrophe for the nation. Joe you got to be committed to continually work hard until the polls close in November of 2020 for the dangers for your campaign are formidable just consider the obvious ones that America has a media that is like the Circus Maximus of the ancient Roman Empire where human beings are ripped apart for the entertainment of the public and America has a political system that is in fact a formation program for creating extremely selfish elected officials!
The latest betting odds for president. Trump is a 4:1 favorite.
Biden is slipping, the others are jockeying for position.
Looks like Bernie and Beto are toast already, hope Bernie runs 3rd party.

Donald Trump EVEN
Joe Biden +450
Elizabeth Warren +750
Kamala Harris +750
Pete Buttigieg +850
Last edited:
Erm... is that a wall or text that I am looking at? Ouch... Please condense it, walls are for borders.
The media's review of the second night of the First Democrat Presidential debate is pathetic it's all about sensationalism and getting viewers to tune in and not about what it should be a fair critique! The American public is hearing from them things like "Joe Biden had a bad night" "Biden throws campaign into turmoil (with debate performance)", and "time to pass the torch for Joe Biden"; this is jibberish, meritless spin Vice-President Biden had a good night he outlined excellent policies on the major issues, he revealed he is ready to compete against both Democrats and Republican candidates for President and most importantly he presented a candidate that is prepared to successfully take on President Trump for the 2020 election for the Presidency of the United States!

Vice-President Biden is offering the majority of the American people what they want to hear. The majority of the American people don't want to throw out the ACA they want to improve it, they don't want the federal government to take away private insurance and have "Medicare For All" they just want the premiums and deductibles lowered on the health insurance they have. The American people want the Climate Change problem responsibly addressed they don't want extremists policies that will devastate the economy and cause great hardship Vice-President Biden's proposals to have all new passenger vehicles be electric vehicles by 2030 and expand the wind and solar power portion of the electric power industry at a continual measured pace is spot on for addressing the problem. The America people know there is no magical solution to the onerous higher education debt burdening many American families recognizing this Vice-President Biden's policy proposals will dramatically improve the problem those being make community college free or at such extremely low cost that it is essentially affordable to all and freeze student debt payments for people making under $25,000 per year.

The one big lesson that I hope that Vice-President Biden got from this debate on Thursday night was that he was poorly prepared. It is not that he isn't intelligent enough or good at analyzing and responding to things contemporaneously. It is that he hasn't reviewed, researched and thought through and practiced responding to questions on a variety of foreseeable issues that one can anticipate he will be confronted with in a debate. The one the media is beating you over the head with is the school busing issue. I agree with you the Federal government should not be mandating school busing. But the opportunists in our society want to paint people with such views as racists. VP Biden needs to be prepared to stand up better for good on this issue. In my personal opinion and probably for countless other Americans the right thing is that no level of government should be telling any Parent you have to send your child out of your community to another community so that child can get a good education; making such a decision for a Parent is a complicated question if a child is real introverted a parent may want to send that child to the local school so he will more likely develop friends he can play with after school so that child can develop good interpersonal skills he or she will need as an adult, if a child has a sensitive nature a parent may not want to send him to a school outside his community where he could be ridiculed and harassed for being an outsider or different, some kids can be very cruel, that could cause depression and fear in the child which could cause mental health problems for the child. Research on this issue would probably reveal that there is surveys which would indicate even among minority communities there is a difference of opinion on what the right thing to do is furthermore there probably has been lawsuits by minority families rejecting a school mandate of busing for their children for reasons similar and others than ones aforementioned. VP Biden should be presenting these points when he is attacked on this issue where people accuse or imply he is a racist for his views.

Another topic in the debate where VP Biden was bruised up good where he wouldn't have been if he was better prepared was on his vote supporting the Second Iraq War, VP Biden made a mistake like many other Democrats and Republicans at the time who voted for the war because they trusted the intelligence assessments at the time that Saddam Hussein's government had weapons of mass destruction. Everyone has to remember what an extremely "dangerous to the world" character Saddam Hussein was. Saddam Hussein was in the category of a Hitler or Stalin his aim was like theirs to build an empire run by a brutal dictator. Saddam Hussein had invaded Kuwait with the aim to also conquer Saudi Arabia and with the oil wealth that would have been generated to build a massive Army that would have enabled him to invade Israel and destroy it. Saddam Hussein was a leader that used chemical weapons against his own people Iraqi Kurds and fired multiple Scud missiles at Israel population centers. For ten years after the First Iraq War Saddam Hussein played cat and mouse games with the UN staff charged with monitoring the Iraqi government to see they did not acquire weapons of mass destruction. Iraqi Nuclear scientist were not permitted to be interviewed, possible WMD sites were not permitted to be timely inspected. When U.S. intelligence assessments reported they believed he had or was on the verge of having significant levels of WMD it was responsible and moral to decide that America had to use its military to remove this threat from America and the world. It was not a reckless or unreasonable decision to vote in favor of that war for two earlier Democrat party Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and John Kerry voted for it as Senators.

VP Biden can't let the other candidates rip his reputation to threads on the fiscal cliff legislation and the sequestration deal he and President Obama cut with Senator McConnell and the Republican that they cut a bad deal that failed America. People need to know what their talking about on this issue. It was a fiscal cliff issue and the operative word was cliff if the country did not extend the Bush Tax cuts for the Middle Class, the state of the economy was fragile it was still in a need more healing mode from the Great Recession; Banks were going through yearly stress test where some were struggling to pass, many homeowners were still underwater on their home mortgages the Federal Reserve Bank was still in a maximum stimulus stance to help the economy, the stakes here were risking throwing the country into a recession which responsible leaders could not take such risks remember the Obama Whitehouse needed Republican votes to pass legislation extending the Bush Tax cuts. The fiscal cliff deal was a great deal it did not extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy only the middle class and it did a whole myriad of tax cuts fixes helping the middle class like the alternative minimum tax every year had to be revised because it was capturing middle class taxpayer with this deal it was permanently fixed. On the sequestration deal that was a responsible deal, people need to remember that the Republican Party had a crazy wing in Congress the tea party wing that was going to shut down the government and not lift the nation's debt ceiling and because of their numbers they had a bearing on getting such bills passed the sequestration deal neutralized the influence of this cadre of members of Congress and allowed the government to function.

An insightful look at Thursday's debate indicates that left wing Democrat candidates are ganging up against VP Biden to do a take down so they can replace him with one of their own as the front runner for the Democrat Party. Joe should take the high road and not whine about it but put the energy that this unfairness produces for him into focusing on doing a great and as much as possible outstanding job in running the race for the Presidency which means practicing hard for debates. Don't make the mistake and learn the hard lesson that former President Ronald Reagan did during his run for reelection where his preparation was overload and scattershot from an abundance of sources which caused him to appear overwhelmed in his first debate what he had to learn is that what he needed to do is get a few good people together and go off to a place where they would not be distracted and practice addressing questions on foreseeable topics that would arise and the result was President Reagan kicked-butt in the second debate! Vice-President Biden should take the advice of people telling him things like that he is not a superman no one is unfortunately the current occupant of the Oval Office thinks he is and it is causes a huge swath of the American continual anxiety that any day this superman is going to bring on a catastrophe for the nation. Joe you got to be committed to continually work hard until the polls close in November of 2020 for the dangers for your campaign are formidable just consider the obvious ones that America has a media that is like the Circus Maximus of the ancient Roman Empire where human beings are ripped apart for the entertainment of the public and America has a political system that is in fact a formation program for creating extremely selfish elected officials!

Well that was a mouthful!

While I don't think that the debate was a devastating to Biden as the MSM claims, I can't support Biden for 2 reasons:

1. He's a horse trader and a compromiser. Usually that would be a good thing, but since the Republicans have gone completely off the deep end in recent years. I DO NOT want a compromiser. I want someone that will fight the Republicans.

2. The question of our entry into the Iraq war was sort of an IQ test. I'm no dove, but I do know smart from stupid. The invasion of Iraq was just plain stupid. 23% of Americans were against the Iraq war. This nation would do well if the other 77% just stayed the hell out of politics. One rule of thumb - if the Canadians are not on board we should not go to war.
There is no way biden makes it to the finish line....

He has lost it mentally which actually describes all Tards,

But biden can’t open his mouth without putting his foot in it....

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