Debbie Wasserman Schultz caught lying about lying

No lie. No apology, dupes.

Sometimes I wonder if I ought to make the effort to try to understand your eccentric posts. Thanks for letting me know that I don't need to worry.

No lie?

How in the heck do you justify that position? She was caught on tape.
No lie. No apology, dupes.

Sometimes I wonder if I ought to make the effort to try to understand your eccentric posts. Thanks for letting me know that I don't need to worry.

No lie?

How in the heck do you justify that position? She was caught on tape.

In Franco's world....there are no democratic lies.

If they say something...God will alter the universe to fit it.

Quite a trick...hunh ?
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I think DWS is unhinged. She doesnt live in reality. Even Anderson Cooper agrees with me. She can't even admit that there was division on the God/Jerusalem thing on the floor. Like we can't hear the boos?

I think she needs some serious help.
all politicians lie. not just repubs. not just dems. all of them.

you might want to write that on your hand so you don't forget.

only an idiot would equate lying about being misquoted with some hillbilly biblethumper talking about *legitimate rape*.

here's a hint-one of them is heinous and one of them is just stupid.

as i said, you're a hack and your own words prove it.

yeah accusing people of racism isnt as bad as defending a position on abortion, you really are a kook. Let's take a look at legitimate rape, what would you call the Duke Lacross case? i'd say it was a false accusation of rape, yet no liberals appologized to the kids or condemned the whore who accused them.

what the fuck are you prattling on about now, asshat?

duke lacrosse? wtf does that have to do with anything in this thread?


Because dumbass, you talk about illegitimate rape.....which really means false accusations....something liberals love to do......
So you think that Wasserman will be castigated by Democrat and Republican alike for what she said, with the story running for a week and featured on the coming Sunday talk shows?

Party affiliation matters to the people who determine what needs to be turned into feature stories and what doesn't.

I'm sure you know that. You've just got something up your bonnet. Wonder what it could be.

all politicians lie. not just repubs. not just dems. all of them.

you might want to write that on your hand so you don't forget.

only an idiot would equate lying about being misquoted with some hillbilly biblethumper talking about *legitimate rape*.

here's a hint-one of them is heinous and one of them is just stupid.

as i said, you're a hack and your own words prove it.

I didn't claim that lying was endemic to only one party. My point is about how party affects media treatment.

But thanks for playing.

Akin's statement was heinous. Wasserman Schultz' has international implications. The latter deserves every bit as much press as the former. Will it get it? I doubt it. Why? Because party affiliation matters to people who determine the news cycle for the day.

Hope you feel better soon. Must suck to have your menses in sync with Ravi's.

It's two-fold with del... But Ultimately if you are going after Ravir for her Cowardice and Dishonesty, del will likely go after you...

Curious... It's always been.


only if you're a hack, hack.

So you think that Wasserman will be castigated by Democrat and Republican alike for what she said, with the story running for a week and featured on the coming Sunday talk shows?

Party affiliation matters to the people who determine what needs to be turned into feature stories and what doesn't.

I'm sure you know that. You've just got something up your bonnet. Wonder what it could be.

all politicians lie. not just repubs. not just dems. all of them.

you might want to write that on your hand so you don't forget.

only an idiot would equate lying about being misquoted with some hillbilly biblethumper talking about *legitimate rape*.

here's a hint-one of them is heinous and one of them is just stupid.

as i said, you're a hack and your own words prove it.

In reality, all humans lie. But what she is doing is, as Anderson Cooper said, a detachment from reality. We should be worried the the mental disease of liberalism has done irreparable harm to her. She is sick it is obvious.
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More lying from the party of lies. Or is it just that they do live in an alternate universe?

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change | Mediaite

Reacting to interview, Cooper repeated that Wasserman Schultz said there wasn’t a change of language, there wasn’t any discord, and it was a two-thirds vote. “I mean, that’s an alternate universe,” he said to the panel.

This the same person, Cooper said, who recently attacked Mitt Romney‘s campaign and said “it is the candidate who sets the platform, who designs and writes the platform. It wasn’t true when she was saying it two weeks ago — but now isn’t it fair if she claimed that about the Republican platform to claim that about the Democratic platform?”

Cooper further argued, “From a reality standpoint, you can defend it, as the head of the DNC, but to say flat out there was no discord is just not true.”
yeah accusing people of racism isnt as bad as defending a position on abortion, you really are a kook. Let's take a look at legitimate rape, what would you call the Duke Lacross case? i'd say it was a false accusation of rape, yet no liberals appologized to the kids or condemned the whore who accused them.

what the fuck are you prattling on about now, asshat?

duke lacrosse? wtf does that have to do with anything in this thread?


Because dumbass, you talk about illegitimate rape.....which really means false accusations....something liberals love to do......

are you this stupid in real life? :lol:
all politicians lie. not just repubs. not just dems. all of them.

you might want to write that on your hand so you don't forget.

only an idiot would equate lying about being misquoted with some hillbilly biblethumper talking about *legitimate rape*.

here's a hint-one of them is heinous and one of them is just stupid.

as i said, you're a hack and your own words prove it.

I didn't claim that lying was endemic to only one party. My point is about how party affects media treatment.

But thanks for playing.

Akin's statement was heinous. Wasserman Schultz' has international implications. The latter deserves every bit as much press as the former. Will it get it? I doubt it. Why? Because party affiliation matters to people who determine the news cycle for the day.

Hope you feel better soon. Must suck to have your menses in sync with Ravi's.

It's two-fold with del... But Ultimately if you are going after Ravir for her Cowardice and Dishonesty, del will likely go after you...

Curious... It's always been.



try one of the other 87 keys; you might enjoy it :thup:
More lying from the party of lies. Or is it just that they do live in an alternate universe?

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change | Mediaite

Reacting to interview, Cooper repeated that Wasserman Schultz said there wasn’t a change of language, there wasn’t any discord, and it was a two-thirds vote. “I mean, that’s an alternate universe,” he said to the panel.

This the same person, Cooper said, who recently attacked Mitt Romney‘s campaign and said “it is the candidate who sets the platform, who designs and writes the platform. It wasn’t true when she was saying it two weeks ago — but now isn’t it fair if she claimed that about the Republican platform to claim that about the Democratic platform?”

Cooper further argued, “From a reality standpoint, you can defend it, as the head of the DNC, but to say flat out there was no discord is just not true.”

People like her are literally killing the Democratic party.
Newsflash: politicians lie! I'm guessing they do cause more people than not don't rush to the computer to spend hours researching every little bit of what they say.
More lying from the party of lies. Or is it just that they do live in an alternate universe?

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change

Anderson Cooper Says Wasserman Schultz In ‘Alternate Universe’ About DNC Platform Change | Mediaite

Reacting to interview, Cooper repeated that Wasserman Schultz said there wasn’t a change of language, there wasn’t any discord, and it was a two-thirds vote. “I mean, that’s an alternate universe,” he said to the panel.

This the same person, Cooper said, who recently attacked Mitt Romney‘s campaign and said “it is the candidate who sets the platform, who designs and writes the platform. It wasn’t true when she was saying it two weeks ago — but now isn’t it fair if she claimed that about the Republican platform to claim that about the Democratic platform?”

Cooper further argued, “From a reality standpoint, you can defend it, as the head of the DNC, but to say flat out there was no discord is just not true.”


Silly politicians...gone are the days when you can wag your finger at the camera and deny the truth that is likely to have been captured on some piece of technology for posterity.:D

Can't agree with you. Nobody captured the people spitting on and calling black Dims ****** outside the Capital a while back. Oh, unless of course it never happened and the Dims were lying once again. And even though Breitbart has unfortunately passed away I think the $100,000 offer for the video(s) still stands.

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