Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Ignorant


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Constitutionally Ignorant and Politically Tone-Deaf

6/4/12 By Sara Goodman

Although almost no one in South Florida ever knew about the "nationwide controversy," the pre-Facebook and pre-Twitter internet lit up in angry response. Among the more benign comments was a post by "Colorado Doug," who wrote, "Suppose a muslim employee had a greeting card with a crescent moon displayed, would Wasserman Schultz or anyone else be offended? I think the answer would be no." "ZULU" commented, "If Ms. Wasserman ever took the time to visit Normandy, she would see a sight which, no doubt would horrify her -- rows and rows of crosses and stars of David." Someone named "Anonymous" wrote: "To me, your face is offensive and hurtful, but my solution is to avoid looking at it." Most of the comments were so vile and anti-Semitic that neither the Palm Beach Post nor the Sun-Sentinel would reprint them.


Read more: Articles: Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Constitutionally Ignorant and Politically Tone-Deaf


Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) is just another Rabid Partisan Ideologue (RPI), and RPIs from either end of the political spectrum have absolutely No Credibility Whatsoever (NCW) because they are so committed to spewing Intellectually Dishonest Bullshit (IDB) at every opportunity.

She should be all done. Who the Hell would actually go out and vote for her? Scary thought no?


Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "I Have the Skin of an Alligator"

January 21, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


You know, for the first time, I actually believe her.

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz continued to respond to criticism Thursday over the way she has managed the Democratic National Committee, as Bernie Sanders' supporters suggest she has shown favoritism to Hillary Clinton in the presidential primary. "I have to just block that noise out and focus on doing my job. I'm from Florida. I have the skin of an alligator."
Politifact slammed Schultz's claim that the DNC debates, scheduled during times when no one would be watching, were meant for maximum exposure. Meanwhile, losing to Bernie Sanders, Clintonworld is hurriedly pushing for more debates, or since Hillary lost the last one, forums.

Here's a new forum, courtesy of Schultz for her friend Hillary.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz: "I Have the Skin of an Alligator"
May 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Since the Dems seem to be an obstruction of justice kick, here's some actual obstruction of justice. By the former head of their organization. Luke Rosiak has been staying on the story of the Muslim IT staffers in Congress. And the latest twist is nasty.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

The Florida lawmaker used her position on the committee that sets the police force’s budget to press its chief to relinquish the piece of evidence Thursday, in what could be considered using her authority to attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Obstructs Justice in Muslim Congress Hacking by Threatening Police
May 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Since the Dems seem to be an obstruction of justice kick, here's some actual obstruction of justice. By the former head of their organization. Luke Rosiak has been staying on the story of the Muslim IT staffers in Congress. And the latest twist is nasty.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

The Florida lawmaker used her position on the committee that sets the police force’s budget to press its chief to relinquish the piece of evidence Thursday, in what could be considered using her authority to attempt to interfere with a criminal investigation.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz Obstructs Justice in Muslim Congress Hacking by Threatening Police

Either that woman is completely braindead and doesn't understand how evidence must not be compromised or she is brazenly attempting to derail the investigation.
Wasserman Schultz Threatens Cop for Gathering Evidence about Staffer’s Alleged Security Crimes
What's she hiding?


M.J. Randolph


There’s nothing more annoying than seeing politicians abuse their power, and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has done enough of that already. Recently, she threatened Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa, telling him there’d be “consequences” for him trying building a case against one of her staffers who’s been accused of cybersecurity breaches. The Daily Caller has more:


As Twitchy wrote, "Like a good Democrat, she threatened his salary. And they wonder why they lost the election?"

Watch the video below to see just how dumb she can be:

Wasserman Schultz Threatens Cop for Gathering Evidence about Staffer’s Alleged Security Crimes
Wasserman Schultz Threatens Cop for Gathering Evidence about Staffer’s Alleged Security Crimes
What's she hiding?


M.J. Randolph


There’s nothing more annoying than seeing politicians abuse their power, and Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has done enough of that already. Recently, she threatened Police Chief Matthew R. Verderosa, telling him there’d be “consequences” for him trying building a case against one of her staffers who’s been accused of cybersecurity breaches. The Daily Caller has more:


As Twitchy wrote, "Like a good Democrat, she threatened his salary. And they wonder why they lost the election?"

Watch the video below to see just how dumb she can be:

Wasserman Schultz Threatens Cop for Gathering Evidence about Staffer’s Alleged Security Crimes
Shes an embarrassment to women everywhere... if you can even call a woman
IT Intrigue at the DNC
What are Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the Democrats trying to hide?
August 1, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

Debbie Wasserman Schultz made a name for herself last year when the Democrats booted her as Democratic National Committee boss. Now she’s back with a vengeance in a tale centering on her top information technology man, Pakistani-born Imran Awan.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, not limited to issues related to Russia, had been investigating Awan for theft and abuses related to cybersecurity. Awan had been feeling the heat and attempted to flee to Pakistan last week but the FBI arrested him at Dulles airport on a charge of bank fraud.

According to Andrew McCarthy, who prosecuted the “Blind Sheik” Omar Abdel-Rahman, there’s a bit more to the story, even though Awan and his family have indeed been involved in swindles. As McCarthy has it, “this appears to be a real conspiracy, aimed at undermining American national security.”


IT Intrigue at the DNC
If there are actual prosecutions I will have renewed faith that God has not forsaken us.

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