Debt Apocalypse, our economy will collapse within a decade.What’s your specific solution? Numbers.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
'Entitlements' - Socialist Welfare Programs' - make up the bulk of our debt...and Democrats want to allow ANOTHER 22 million criminal illegals into the country and give them all Middle Class Tax payer / Deficit-funded 'Free' health care, education, housing, etc..... pouring gas on the fire....
Freeze the federal budget with no COLAs until we grow/inflate our way out of deficits. (This may require a Constitutional Amendment to enforce.)

Drastic cuts are unrealistic as they would cause severe economic and political disruption.

I know that no one has the balls to cut spending, but it needs to be done.

It’s only unrealistic because our elected officials want money and power and don’t truly care about the health of the nation.

Then we're fucked either way, aren't we? No modern politician of either party is interested in cutting spending. I have been shouting this from the rooftops forever, and that's usually the end of conversation.
For the first liberal who actually walks through a schedule to get out of debt, PM me and I will send you $10 through Vimeo or pay pal.

You have to actually post numbers and years. You have to be specific.
You LIE, LIE, LIE!!!
Hillary planned a budget SURPLUS as her Husband did to pay down $2 Trillion of Debt in Her term. But you voted for Trump who's plan added over $2 Trillion & he stated he would BANKRUPT the USA!!!
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
It matters when deficits decrease, or at least stay relatively steady, is because the reason we fact a debt debacle is our gnp may not be large enough to pay the interest on the total debt.

us debt to gdp historical chart - Yahoo Image Search Results

It's not totally unlike a mortgage that you don't plan to pay off in your lifetime. So long as your income rises gradually, and your monthly payments of principle+interest stay the same, the actual burden of the mortgage lessens over time.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
You made the WWII comparison, not me. The crisis today is the debt itself, and having the political parties and potus of today and not 1946.
Imagine if college graduates could graduate without any debt. They would be able to start companies become entrepreneurs and buy houses.

College students currently have an outstanding debt of around $1.5 trillion.

Donald Trump and the Republicans figure we have enough money that they could give billionaires and corporations tax cuts of nearly $2 trillion.

A huge gift to billionaires and corporations, the country got nothing out of it Except even more debt.
Debt I haven’t figured out how they’re going to blame on Obama yet.

Imagine if they had taken that 2 trillion tax cut and used it to pay off the 1.5 trillion in student debt.

And that’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats.
This is never getting solved until both sides agree it's a priority and agree on a plan of action.
When the Left is facilitating criminal illegal immigration, aiding, abetting, running federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities, calling for illegally crossing into the US no longer being a crime, calling for ICE to be eliminated, and threatening the lives of federal Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal foreigners....having allowed approx. 22 MILLION illegals to already enter the US and allowing approx 60,000 more per month to enter...and calling for already-burdened Middle Class Tax Payers to pay - along with additional increasing deficit dollars - for those illegals' health care, housing, education, etc.... the hell are you going to get the 2 sides to agree to a plan that will stop the Left's economic sabotage / destruction of the United States?
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
It matters when deficits decrease, or at least stay relatively steady, is because the reason we fact a debt debacle is our gnp may not be large enough to pay the interest on the total debt.

us debt to gdp historical chart - Yahoo Image Search Results

It's not totally unlike a mortgage that you don't plan to pay off in your lifetime. So long as your income rises gradually, and your monthly payments of principle+interest stay the same, the actual burden of the mortgage lessens over time.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
You made the WWII comparison, not me. The crisis today is the debt itself, and having the political parties and potus of today and not 1946.

I didnt accuse of that bendog. Im just saying...a civil war..a world war...I can see the reason for debt. Besides Democrats screaming like lunatics that we are all going to die is there any reason for such debt today?
Imagine if college graduates could graduate without any debt. They would be able to start companies become entrepreneurs and buy houses.
College students currently have an outstanding debt of around $1.5 trillion.
All of which they entered into voluntarily, knowing they had the responsibility to repay.
Where's the problem?
This is never getting solved until both sides agree it's a priority and agree on a plan of action.
When the Left is facilitating criminal illegal immigration, aiding, abetting, running federal law-violating Sanctuary Cities, calling for illegally crossing into the US no longer being a crime, calling for ICE to be eliminated, and threatening the lives of federal Law Enforcement Agents, their families, and even their pets in defense of criminal illegal foreigners....having allowed approx. 22 MILLION illegals to already enter the US and allowing approx 60,000 more per month to enter...and calling for already-burdened Middle Class Tax Payers to pay - along with additional increasing deficit dollars - for those illegals' health care, housing, education, etc.... the hell are you going to get the 2 sides to agree to a plan that will stop the Left's economic sabotage / destruction of the United States?

Can't argue that. For sure.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

This is never getting solved until both sides agree it's a priority and agree on a plan of action. This means candidates can't campaign on giving you tons of free shit or major tax cuts if it doesn't fit the plan agreed on by both sides.There can't be an advantage on the campaign trail by promising something for the sake of votes that puts us further into debt. Right now both sides sit back while the other party is in office and is more than happy to say, "See, they added to the debt". Neither will help the other side and neither wants to be the bad guy taking shit away.
But it's never an issue for the electorate unless the pols make it an issue, and neither the dems nor the gop make a peep, unless the other party is making it an issue.

I'm cynical enough at this point to think voters will not pay attention unless the choice is soc sec and college v. the military, and I'm sure they'll chose their own incomes over the military. I used to think that was horrible. Before Trump, I recall hearing several eu types say something like "well, yes the US is militaristic, but someone needs to keep the peace." We've walked away from nato and even multi-national coalitions for "America first." SK and western Europe are on their own. And we don't believe in intl trade anymore either. Buy American.
Well the government has collapsed and managed to rebound

Years ago that cause some to start jumping out the window now it is just a matter of adjusting ones lifestyle until it rebounds

Still the scary reason why it won't collapse is that the government prints its own money and what is the average joe going to do well just shrug their shoulders and say the government will be good for it and lender feel that they will get paid back

Its either that or jumping out a window

also if the US defaults on loans my god (US) credit rating would take hits but many will still be lining up to offer them loans
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
It matters when deficits decrease, or at least stay relatively steady, is because the reason we fact a debt debacle is our gnp may not be large enough to pay the interest on the total debt.

us debt to gdp historical chart - Yahoo Image Search Results

It's not totally unlike a mortgage that you don't plan to pay off in your lifetime. So long as your income rises gradually, and your monthly payments of principle+interest stay the same, the actual burden of the mortgage lessens over time.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
You made the WWII comparison, not me. The crisis today is the debt itself, and having the political parties and potus of today and not 1946.

I didnt accuse of that bendog. Im just saying...a civil war..a world war...I can see the reason for debt. Besides Democrats screaming like lunatics that we are all going to die is there any reason for such debt today?

Trump's been running up the debt for over 2 years now. So, I'm not putting it on the dems. I am saying that unless one party or the other makes it an issue, it will not be an issue. And I don't see it being an issue in 2020.

But I agree we don't face any crisis that justifies the deficits of a trillion that we're running. Obama had a recession, although I was not a fan of the public works portion of porkulus. But it's undeniable that deficts were declining after the recession ended.

They will go up regardless of anything as the boomers fully retire, btw. That may be the crisis that really makes us decide between soc sec and the military as we've known it since WWII
Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
It matters when deficits decrease, or at least stay relatively steady, is because the reason we fact a debt debacle is our gnp may not be large enough to pay the interest on the total debt.

us debt to gdp historical chart - Yahoo Image Search Results

It's not totally unlike a mortgage that you don't plan to pay off in your lifetime. So long as your income rises gradually, and your monthly payments of principle+interest stay the same, the actual burden of the mortgage lessens over time.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
You made the WWII comparison, not me. The crisis today is the debt itself, and having the political parties and potus of today and not 1946.

I didnt accuse of that bendog. Im just saying...a civil war..a world war...I can see the reason for debt. Besides Democrats screaming like lunatics that we are all going to die is there any reason for such debt today?

Trump's been running up the debt for over 2 years now. So, I'm not putting it on the dems. I am saying that unless one party or the other makes it an issue, it will not be an issue. And I don't see it being an issue in 2020.

But I agree we don't face any crisis that justifies the deficits of a trillion that we're running. Obama had a recession, although I was not a fan of the public works portion of porkulus. But it's undeniable that deficts were declining.

They will go up regardless of anything as the boomers fully retire, btw. That may be the crisis that really makes us decide between soc sec and the military as we've known it since WWII security is paid for by a separate tax isnt it? What has it got to do with the military?
Imagine if college graduates could graduate without any debt. They would be able to start companies become entrepreneurs and buy houses.

College students currently have an outstanding debt of around $1.5 trillion.

Donald Trump and the Republicans figure we have enough money that they could give billionaires and corporations tax cuts of nearly $2 trillion.

A huge gift to billionaires and corporations, the country got nothing out of it Except even more debt.
Debt I haven’t figured out how they’re going to blame on Obama yet.

Imagine if they had taken that 2 trillion tax cut and used it to pay off the 1.5 trillion in student debt.

And that’s the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Imagine if they didn’t spend $200,000 for bullshit degrees.
Im willing to give up social security though. We always knew it would be a failure. We should dump it now...maybe find some way to pay off on a declining basis those poor sods who became government dependents somewhere along the line and are incapable of supporting themselves. But like all socialist programs it has to end in bankruptcy eventually.
Trump's been running up the debt for over 2 years now. So, I'm not putting it on the dems. I am saying that unless one party or the other makes it an issue, it will not be an issue. And I don't see it being an issue in 2020.

Actually..according to the Constitution..all taxing and spending is done by the House of Reps.
Trump's been running up the debt for over 2 years now. So, I'm not putting it on the dems. I am saying that unless one party or the other makes it an issue, it will not be an issue. And I don't see it being an issue in 2020.

Actually..according to the Constitution..all taxing and spending is done by the House of Reps.
Bills for spending and taxes are to begin in the House, but we both know that isn't the way it's been working for at least a hundred years. The senate just takes House Bill, and amends it by stripping out whatever was there, imputing what it wants, passes it, and sends it back to the House. And no spending happens unless both the Senate and House pass a bill and the Potus signs it. And Trump actually moves money from a law to do some other activity that congress never passed a law authorizing. And if THAT wasn't crazy enough, the congress passed a law to let the potus do that reapproriation! And the US Sup Ct said "OK, sounds good to go to us!"

And the next dem potus is gonna run train with this.

And we are fucked unless these yahoos start working together for all of us.

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