Debt Clock......Frozen????

"Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B -

( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month.

Total federal receipts were $185 billion during August, according to the CBO, while total federal outlays were $331 billion. Thus, the Treasury was forced to engage in $146 billion in deficit spending."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News
That is worisome. From an impartial source, I am sure, Because pc would never use a bat shit crazy con web site. Hmmm. CNS news. Lets see:
Politifact checks out all sorts of statements from the press. For CNS News, they have the following records:True 0%
Mostly True 0%
Half True 0%
Mostly False 0%
False 100%

Cybercast News Service (CNS) is a subsidiary of the conservative news monitoring group, the Media Research Center (MRC). Originally calling itself the "Conservative News Service," CNS changed its name to Cybercast in 2000.
Cybercast News Service - SourceWatch

If you are looking for a far, far right wing bat shit crazy site, CNS News is it. No news, by the way. Journalism has nothing to do with these guys. But right where PC would go for a quote.
I dont expect to have a serious debate with a clown.
That is a problem for delusional people only Fact based people do not debate themselves.

Nice sentence structure, dullard.

Anyway, I've proven my point here. Thanks for the re-enforcement.
Sorry about leaving out a period. I am sure that you could not figure that out. But that is simply because you are stupid, me boy.
You have, as usual proven nothing. Now look, step, I am not blaming you. I realize you are mentally ill. And that is something that you have no control of. Just bad luck for you, step. Not your fault.
"Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B -

( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month.

Total federal receipts were $185 billion during August, according to the CBO, while total federal outlays were $331 billion. Thus, the Treasury was forced to engage in $146 billion in deficit spending."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

Maybe you should actually read the article you cited. The "debt" mentioned is that portion of federal outlays that are restricted by arbitrary Congressional "debt limits." The federal government has other sources it can use in a pinch to pay bills and obligations.

I know it's hard to comprehend, peanut, but the U.S. federal government is VAST. It defines money, and there is no real meaning of "debt" in terms of U.S. money supply.

You'll do anything not to connect the dots, huh.

Bet you were great at 'Twister.'
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.
What you have is bullshit. You can't prove your assertions and I'm not proving a negative. Dipshit.

So says the guy that posts nitwit excerpts from

I don't have to prove anything. When you start arguing about basic accounting identities, I really have a hard time taking you serious.

Do you have any original thoughts of your own? Just curious...

So what you're saying is you can not prove your assertions. Yeah, that's what I said earlier.

The proof, me poor ignorant con tool, is in your posts. That you are too stupid to see it is no one's problem but yours. You just had you ass kicked, figuratively speaking.
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.

She has more IQ in her pinky than you do in your entire being.

Our financial and government accounting systems are highly corrupt. The Fed is playing balance sheet games to obscure and enable the Big Government Spending Binge.

The deficit and debt are also accounting fictions as the government doesn't use proper accrual accounting in their calculations.
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.

Terrible when you forever stand in the shadow of a more reputable family member....and folks see you for the slimy denizen of the muck that you are......, every single day, you wish you were held in the same esteem as your cousin, the silk worm.
I know that it is futile to suggest that you folks find out about what you are outraged about rather than engage in this intellectual circle jerk, but if anyone cares about why the official deficit remains the same,here it is:

Ever wonder what those 'extra-ordinary measures' are?

Available extraordinary measures include:
•The Government Securities Investment Fund (G): $160 billion. The G Fund is part of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan. Treasury may take money in the fund and hold any interest payments to avoid a breach in the debt limit. Once the debt limit is raised, Treasury is required to pay back the full balance and lost interest.
•The Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund (CSRDF): $74 billion. This fund pays benefits to retired and disabled civil service federal employees. Treasury may redeem certain investments in the fund and suspend new investments for a declared period of time and is required to pay back the balance with interest.
•The Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund (PSRHBF): $5 billion. The U.S. Postal Service is required to prefund health benefits for its retirees in the PSRHBF. Treasury may apply the same tools to this fund as to the CSRDF.
•The Exchange Stabilization Fund: $23 billion. This fund, among other uses, buys and sells foreign currency for economic stabilization purposes involving adverse or unwelcome exchange rate movements. For example, it was used in 2011 to help alleviate a surge in the Japanese currency after a major earthquake. Treasury is not authorized to restore lost interest.
•State and local government series Treasury securities. These are securities the federal government may or may not issue to states and local entities to hold any cash proceeds from their issuance of bonds.

Treasury Employs Extraordinary Measures to Spend Beyond Debt Limit | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation

So, the government basically borrows the money from government employees.

I would be a bit nervous about that if I were a government employee.....

Wow. Another con tool posting drivel from a really, really well known bat shit conservative web site. Good for you. No use learning anything. Much easier to believe what you want to believe. And it does not have to tax your little brain.
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.

She has more IQ in her pinky than you do in your entire being.

Our financial and government accounting systems are highly corrupt. The Fed is playing balance sheet games to obscure and enable the Big Government Spending Binge.

The deficit and debt are also accounting fictions as the government doesn't use proper accrual accounting in their calculations.
Thank you so much for your opinion. You know how much I appreciate your opinion. Between you and pc, perhaps you could make up a normal IQ. Cumulatively.
And, perhaps you could equal pc in ability to make an economic argument. But hell, so could a 3rd grader.
That is my opinion.
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.

Terrible when you forever stand in the shadow of a more reputable family member....and folks see you for the slimy denizen of the muck that you are......, every single day, you wish you were held in the same esteem as your cousin, the silk worm.
Lets see. What did I just say??

Well, I said:
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.
I know. It takes a few minutes more to find the quotes from the bat shit crazy con sites.

Now, PC, it was nice of you to prove my point. But it is really not necessary. We understand your mental challenges. And really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.
"Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B -

( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month.

Total federal receipts were $185 billion during August, according to the CBO, while total federal outlays were $331 billion. Thus, the Treasury was forced to engage in $146 billion in deficit spending."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

Let's put this in perspective, PC.

For example if your credit card is maxed out at $10k you can skip paying your utility bill to pay only the CC interest instead. Then you skip a car payment to pay the utilities and your cable company and buy the groceries. Then you use your next paycheck to make the car payment.

Technically your CC debt is still exactly the same $10k that it was last month since you haven't borrowed any more and you paid off the interest. You just shuffled things around while you are working on extending your credit line.

This is SOP for all businesses. Even Donald Trump has done it in the past while he waits for a new commercial loan on his latest venture.
Another profound post by PC. Clear out at the bitter edge of her ability to discuss economics.
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.

But it is ok. She is a con tool. That is what con tools are capable of. Not her fault. Con tools are delusional. Which is a real medical, mental disorder. Which would indicate it is NOT her fault. Just plain bad luck.

We can not expect more of PC. It just would not be fair.

Terrible when you forever stand in the shadow of a more reputable family member....and folks see you for the slimy denizen of the muck that you are......, every single day, you wish you were held in the same esteem as your cousin, the silk worm.
Lets see. What did I just say??

Well, I said:
Now, she is going to have to fall back on posting insults and copy and paste efforts from more bat shit crazy conservative sites.
I know. It takes a few minutes more to find the quotes from the bat shit crazy con sites.

Now, PC, it was nice of you to prove my point. But it is really not necessary. We understand your mental challenges. And really, it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

It's not an insult, it is a well thought out analysis of one of your many problems.

Certainly you resent a relative who is not met with the revulsion that you are.

True, worm?
Last edited:
"Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B -

( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month.

Total federal receipts were $185 billion during August, according to the CBO, while total federal outlays were $331 billion. Thus, the Treasury was forced to engage in $146 billion in deficit spending."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

Let's put this in perspective, PC.

For example if your credit card is maxed out at $10k you can skip paying your utility bill to pay only the CC interest instead. Then you skip a car payment to pay the utilities and your cable company and buy the groceries. Then you use your next paycheck to make the car payment.

Technically your CC debt is still exactly the same $10k that it was last month since you haven't borrowed any more and you paid off the interest. You just shuffled things around while you are working on extending your credit line.

This is SOP for all businesses. Even Donald Trump has done it in the past while he waits for a new commercial loan on his latest venture.

She doesn't know anything about business, she's on her ass quote mining to fulfill her dire hatred all day long.
"Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B -

( - The federal deficit increased by $146 billion in August, according to a report released today by the Congressional Budget Office. But, at the same time, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal debt did not increase at all during the month.

Total federal receipts were $185 billion during August, according to the CBO, while total federal outlays were $331 billion. Thus, the Treasury was forced to engage in $146 billion in deficit spending."
Treasury: Debt Up $0 in August; CBO: But Deficit Was $146B | CNS News

Let's put this in perspective, PC.

For example if your credit card is maxed out at $10k you can skip paying your utility bill to pay only the CC interest instead. Then you skip a car payment to pay the utilities and your cable company and buy the groceries. Then you use your next paycheck to make the car payment.

Technically your CC debt is still exactly the same $10k that it was last month since you haven't borrowed any more and you paid off the interest. You just shuffled things around while you are working on extending your credit line.

This is SOP for all businesses. Even Donald Trump has done it in the past while he waits for a new commercial loan on his latest venture.

She doesn't know anything about business, she's on her ass quote mining to fulfill her dire hatred all day long.
Yup. PC is simply posting a link to one of the most bat shit crazy con sites out there, that has a reputation among those with rational thought of being continual liars. They simply lie, always with the intent to bash those who do not agree with them. Now, a rational person, of course, would go to a rational site to check out CNS (which started out as the Conservative News Service, but has changed it's name since). For instance, one might go to the CBO.

Now, earlier in this thread, Oldfart posted the following:

I know that it is futile to suggest that you folks find out about what you are outraged about rather than engage in this intellectual circle jerk, but if anyone cares about why the official deficit remains the same,here it is:

This, from post 13 of this thread.

Now, you can either believe something from a conservative tool and her bat shit crazy con web site CNS, or you can believe someone like oldfart who knows a great deal about the subject of economics and the referred source, which happens to be the CBO.

If you have any question about what PC is, this is a perfect example. She spends her time cutting and pasting from bat shit crazy con sites, knows nearly nothing of economics, and simply posts her right wing agenda. So, take your choice. CNS and PC, or the CBO. My money is on the CBO.

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